This vast existence which is part and parcel of yourself. You are that self. Here you are on the path to unite with infinity
*Chapter 2 - Opening Yourself To The Unknown* *Day 5* Let me have no time to reject the infinity, the Brahman. This is so beautiful. Don't get into your small hole, your shell and say to the world that infinity does not exist. The atheists do this. Anything that they don't know doesn't exist. Like a frog in the well thinks this is the world. So, you have rejected the infinity, this vast existence which is part and parcel of yourself. You are that self. So the prayer is :" At no time in life may I reject the truth, this reality, this infinity. At no time I become an atheist and say, "I know all that exists and whatever I know, only that exists. At no time in life may I shift myself down, and let the infinity also not reject me". It has many meanings and there are many levels of interpretation for this. It also says let the student not reject the teacher and let the teacher not reject the student. Let student not reject the knowledge and let the ...