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Showing posts from September 17, 2022

*New Dhyan Mandir at Bangalore Ashram*

*New Dhyan Mandir at Bangalore Ashram*  _*Watch an amazing walkthrough:*_ *English:* *Hindi:* 🔯 State of the art structure with 196 feet of clear column less space with seating capacity of over 20000. 🔯 1.00 lac square feet of a breath-taking terrace lawn. 🔯 65,000 square feet of roof plaza. 🔯 Beautiful gazebos accessing the roof garden. _A home is built brick by brick and each brick is important, so is your contribution in making this a reality._ *Let us contribute and build a sacred space for thousands to embark on their inner journey*                 *To contribute visit:* *Watch this video on how to contribute:*_ ** *For any queries:* *Call:* 08067612344 ☎️ *Email:* 📧

If there is one thing, we should bring with us out into the world, what should that be?

Last question in Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's conversation in Folketeatret: If there is one thing, we should bring with us out into the world, what should that be? (shortened) Keep your smile 🙂 And in tough times, if you could keep your smile, you have won the race of life. When everything is ok, everyone can smile. When things are falling apart, if you could smile, then you have achieved something in your life. So let that be your goal. Meditate a few minutes every day and see how much peace it brings to you. #Istandforpeace Copenhagen Denmark 😊❣️

Jatropha podagrica Hook. Family : Euphorbiaceae Common name : Gout plant, Buddha belly plant.

Jatropha podagrica Hook. Family : Euphorbiaceae Common name : Gout plant, Buddha belly plant. Medicinal uses : 🍀It is used for pain relief, reduction of swelling, jaundice, gonorrhea. 🍀Root is used for parasitic skin infection. 🍀Leaf juice applied to hemorrhoids. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Persicaria glabra (Willd.) M.Gómez Family : Polygonaceae Common name : Denseflower Knotweed

Persicaria glabra (Willd.) M.Gómez Family : Polygonaceae Common name : Denseflower Knotweed Medicinal uses : 🌺 Plant juice and rootstock are used in pneumonia, jaundice, fevers. 🌺 Leaf are used for antispasmodic. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult. & Schult.f. Family : Asparagaceae Common name : Bowstring Hemp

Sansevieria roxburghiana Schult. & Schult.f. Family : Asparagaceae Common name : Bowstring Hemp Medicinal uses : 💫It possess antibacterial, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Plumbago indica L. Family : Plumbaginaceae Common name : Lal chitrak

Plumbago indica L. Family : Plumbaginaceae Common name : Lal chitrak  Medicinal uses : 🍀A poultice of the roots is used as a remedy for leprosy, rheumatism, paralysis, headaches, toothache, and haemorrhoids. 🍀The leaves are used as a poultice in the treatment of rheumatism and headache Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Ziziphus oenopolia (L.) Mill. Common name - Jackal jujube, kantayikoli (Odia). Family - Rhamnaceae

Ziziphus oenopolia (L.) Mill. Common name - Jackal jujube, kantayikoli (Odia). Family - Rhamnaceae Medicinal uses - 🌺The roots are astringent bitter anthelmintic, digestive & antiseptic. 🌺The bark contain tannin which is used for healing wounds & stomachache. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Memecylon umbellatum Burm.f. Family - Melastomataceae Common name - Ironwood tree, Neymaru (Odia).

Memecylon umbellatum Burm.f. Family - Melastomataceae Common name - Ironwood tree, Neymaru (Odia).  Medicinal uses - 🍀Externally, the leaves make a cooling astringent wash and a lotion for treating conjuctivitis. 🍀An infusion of the flowers is used to treat inflammation. 🍀The bark is used to treat bruises. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Muntingia calabura L. Family - Muntingiaceae Common name - Singapore Cherry

Muntingia calabura L. Family - Muntingiaceae Common name - Singapore Cherry Medicinal uses - 🌺The flowers are said to possess antiseptic properties. 🌺An infusion of the flowers is valued as an antispasmodic. (Antispasmodic - A medication used to relieve spasm of involuntary muscle.) Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Calliandra haematocephala Hassk. Family - Mimosaceae Common name - Red Powder Puff

Calliandra haematocephala Hassk. Family - Mimosaceae  Common name - Red Powder Puff Medicinal uses - 🌾It is traditionally used as anti-oxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Elephantopus scaber L. Family - Asteraceae Common name - Elephant Foot, Mayurachandrika (Odia).

Elephantopus scaber L. Family - Asteraceae Common name - Elephant Foot, Mayurachandrika (Odia). Medicinal uses - 🍀Roots and leaves are used as emollient for dysuria, diarrhoea, dysentery, swellings and stomach pain. 🍀Root is prescribed to prevent vomiting.  🍀Powdered with pepper it is applied for tooth-ache. 🍀Leaves are used in applications for eczema and ulcers. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. Family - Oleaceae Common name - Coral Jasmine, gangasiuli (Odia).

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. Family - Oleaceae  Common name - Coral Jasmine, gangasiuli (Odia). Medicinal uses - 🍁The inflorescence is used to treat scabies, skin diseases, mouth ulcers and in the treatment of gout. 🍁A decoction of the leaves is broadly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat arthritis, malaria, dry cough and used for fungal skin infection. 🍁Paste of leaves is given with honey for the treatment of fever, high blood pressure and diebaties. 🍁 The paste on mixing with Arjuna bark is rubbed on the body to treat for joint broken bones. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Gloriosa superba L. Family - Liliaceae Common name - Glory Lily, Agnisikha (Odia).

Gloriosa superba L. Family - Liliaceae  Common name - Glory Lily, Agnisikha (Odia). Medicinal uses - 🌺 The macerated tuber is taken against smallpox, leprosy, eczema, itch, and ringworm. 🌺The juice of the tuber is used as ear drops to treat earache, and is also applied to the gums to treat painful teeth. 🌺The seeds contain colchicine and it is used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.  Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth. Family - Fabaceae Common name - Ear-Pod Wattle

Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth. Family - Fabaceae Common name - Ear-Pod Wattle Medicinal uses - 🍀A decoction of the root is used to treat aches and pains and sore eyes. 🍀An infusion of the bark has been used to treat rheumatism. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Hugonia mystax L. Family - Linaceae Common name - Climbing Flax

Hugonia mystax L. Family - Linaceae  Common name - Climbing Flax Medicinal uses - 🍀The stem bark is used for stomach pain, vomiting, indigestion. 🍀The root is powdered and used internally as a febrifuge and in the treatment of intestinal worms. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir. Family - Asteraceae Common name - Madras carpet

Grangea maderaspatana (L.) Poir. Family - Asteraceae Common name - Madras carpet Medicinal uses - 🍀The juice of the leaves are used for earache and for irregular menses. 🍀The root is an appetizer; astringent to the bowels, diuretic, anthelmintic, headache, rheumatism in the knee joint, piles, pain in the muscles, diseases of the spleen and the liver. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Phyllanthus emblica,आवळा, Pune Maharashtra India

- Shubada Patwardhan 

Curcuma pseudomontana, रानहळद, Thane Maharashtra India

- Shubdha Patwardhan 

Terminalia arjuna,अर्जुन, Badalapur Maharashtra India

- Shubdha Patwardhan 

Pimpinella tomentosa, Hairy Hogweed, रानजिरे, Satara Maharashtra India

- Shubdha Patwardhan 

Datura innoxia, Pricklyburr, धोतरा, Pune Maharashtra India

- Shubdha Patwardhan 

It is this breath which gives you life. When we came into the world, the first act of our life was to take a breath, and then we cried. The last act of our life will be to breathe out and make others cry.

Chapter 10 - Management & Meditation Day 19 For a good manager, it is important to be in the present moment with patience and poise. If you are intelligent, you may not be able to bear the lack of intelligence in others.  The management profession requires dealing with diverse situations and people. To be able to deal with them justly requires a sharp intellect, patience, endurance and presence of mind. How can we develop patience? We have never been taught how to handle our mind. The tendency of the mind to be in the present moment needs to be cultivated and nurtured, so that one can develop patience and sharpness.  This can be done by attending to one's breath and by meditating. Breathing exercises help in improving our perception, observation and expression and this is vital for good management. Every time you expect some perfection in other’s speech or action, you should take care not to lose the balance or perfection of your own mind and to pay close atte...

On 17th September 1981, the Sudarshan Kriya Yoga or SKY Breathing was revealed to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji on the banks of the Bhadra river in Shimoga district in Karnataka, India

On 17th September 1981, the Sudarshan Kriya Yoga or SKY Breathing was revealed to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji on the banks of the Bhadra river in Shimoga district in Karnataka, India 😇 41 years to Sudarshan Kriya 🌸


My daughter (Sanaya) and I were going through a terrible phase as death of my dear mother had devastated me. The health of my uncle (the only father figure at home) was deteriorating day by day. He felt he was a liability for us and his illness was hindering our lives. Meanwhile, Sanaya had been in hospitality industry working with Shangri-La as a GRE. She also had the privilege to be with Gurudev at the hotel on his recent visit to Mumbai in February 2013. Sanaya was happy with her job but her timings were very erratic as she had to work for long hours and even late nights (sometimes even till 2 AM). Due to this I used to be stressed frequently and my mind was never at peace. On the day of Holi (a colorful Indian festival celebrated in March) evening, when everyone was resting having celebrated this day of colors, a disaster occurred in our lives. My uncle had committed suicide. This incident had broken me down completely. I had planned to go for Sangeeta Jani’s (a senior ...

Usually, we hurry the mind but we’re slow in our action. The right formula for success is patience in the mind and dynamism in action.~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev, Do you think world citizens are moving closer or further from the virtues of trust and compassion with the advent of modern technology and entertainment?

Question - Gurudev, Do you think world citizens are moving closer or further from the virtues of trust and compassion with the advent of modern technology and entertainment? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - You must know that there are a lot of people in the world who have not even seen a cell phone, or a television, so you can’t generalize this. As I said, if you move around the world you will find different types of people. There are people who are living in the 17th century even now. But one thing is common with everybody, love, compassion and a sense of belongingness. In fact, it is much more in the rural areas, in those remote areas of the planet where they don’t have any access to media. They have that humanism, they have the human values. They connect with people, there is sincerity in them.

Gurudev, how do I increase my self-worth and self-esteem?

Question - Gurudev, how do I increase my self-worth and self-esteem? Gurudev Sri Sri - There is no way on the planet Earth. You cannot increase your self-esteem even if the Sun rises in the West and sets in the East. Even if that is possible, it is impossible to increase your self-esteem. Just accept it. My dear, if you think you don't have it and you try to have it, it is not going to work. You simply have to recognise that it is already there.

असंभव का स्वप्न देखें। जान लें कि आपने इस दुनिया में कुछ अद्भुत और अपूर्व करने के लिए जन्म लिया है।

Dream the impossible. Know that you are born in this world to do something wonderful and unique.

नित्य प्रातः जब आप उठें तो दर्पण में देखें और अपने आप को एक बड़ी मुस्कान दें। मुस्कान जीवन का एक पवित्र उपहार है।

When you wake up every morning, look in the mirror and give yourself a big smile. The smile is a sacred gift of life.

दूसरों को सुविधा का ध्यान रखो और तुम देखोगे की प्रकृति तुम्हारी सुविधा का ख्याल रखेगी।- गुरुदेव श्री श्री रविशंकर

Make other comfortable and you will see that nature will take care of your comfort.- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

अपनी वाणी से किसी को ठेस ना पहुंचाओ, क्योंकि परमात्मा हर हृदय में वास करते हैं।

Love is seeing God in the person next to us, and meditation is seeing God within us.- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

मन में धैर्य और कर्म में तत्परता ही सही सूत्र है।- गुरुदेव श्री श्री रविशंकर

Do not hurt anyone with your speech, for the Divine dwells in every heart.- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Patience in the mind and dynamism in action is the right formula.- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

अहंकार में जीत भी जाओ तो हार है। प्रेम में हार भी जाओ तो जीत है।- गुरुदेव श्री श्री रविशंकर

अपने पास खड़े व्यक्ति में ईश्वर को देखना प्रेम है और अपने अंदर ईश्वर को देखना ध्यान है।- गुरुदेव श्री श्री रविशंकर

सेवा से योग्यता आती है; योग्यता आपको ध्यान में गहराई तक जाने की अनुमति देती है, ध्यान आपकी मुस्कान को वापस लाता है।- गुरुदेव श्री श्री रविशंकर

Even if you win in ego it is a loss. Even if you lose in love it is a victory.- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Seva brings merit; Merit allows you to go deeper in meditation, Meditation brings back your smile. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Satsang is your shelter from the harsh and changing influences on your life. Satsang is the nest in which you can rest. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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