After using all the means, you have faced defeat in life, and Guru is the last means. When Guru becomes the means, then there is no defeat in life. Your perspective in life shifts.
Chapter 6 - Guru Is The Way Day 42 We need to be a little awake to judge whether our efforts have been made to the full extent possible. Rest and sleep can wait till after death. While we still breathe, let us not waste our time sleeping in bed. Put in effort. Put in 100% effort. If a sadhak feels that he and his efforts are separate then he gets tired, and if he gets tired working, there is a possibility that he will quit his efforts. If he works for someone else, he will get even more tired. But when he works enthusiastically for himself, he will not get tired. When your son or daughter's wedding draws near, you are busy with preparations. You work day in and day out, but still you are not tired, but you cannot even work for half an hour for someone else. If you had to do eight hours of work, you can only imagine what would happen. When you are forced to work for others or do not want to work, you get tired after just three hours. If you are p...