When you are in so much devotion you feel that you do not want anything; that you have no desires, that you are ready to dissolve and disappear into your object of devotion. This is what arises from within you. The 'I' dissolves and the ego dissolves. The 'I want' dissolves and because when the 'I' dissolves, how can the 'I want' remain? The want is always hanging onto the 'I'. When the 'I' itself dissolves, the want also dissolves and disappears. And the mind comes to a state of निःसंकल्पः , or thoughtlessness, the joyful state. Be in that happiness. सुखी भव । You are that happiness. So be that happiness.
💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺 🌿Chapter - 27🌿 ~ I Am In All These Forms ~ 🌱 Day - 155 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 All these thoughts are just concepts. What have you done? You have made many divisions. विभागमिति सन्त्यज । Drop all such divisions altogether. This is what is holding you back from enlightenment. This is what's holding you back from your very nature. Drop them right away. सर्वमात्मेति निश्चित्य निःसंकल्पः । All is my Self, all is the Self. You may know this, but become निश्चित्य, be very sure. This is what a Master does. He reassures you. You have an experience, but you're not sure. You know all is the Self, maybe you may have had a glimpse, but you are not sure, because there is no way you can be sure. Ashtavakra says that be sure of it. Be sure that what you are experiencing ...