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Showing posts from September 5, 2022

Indian Cadaba Cadaba fruticosa Capparaceae Bhigwan (Maharashtra)

Indian Cadaba Cadaba fruticosa Capparaceae Bhigwan (Maharashtra) - Sadhana Deshmukh

The lazy have all the time, the unintelligent have no time and the intelligent will make time. It is the restlessness in us that makes us feel that we are short of time. If you are relaxed and if you are intuitive, then you'll find that you can make time.~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Do you agree?

This world is varied beyond our imagination. There is always something to share, learn and teach. We need to attract as many people as we can, with our ability to communicate with them.

Chapter 4 - Methods Of Developing Leadership Skills  Day 6 7. Having Trust In Human Values - The basis of science is trust in mathematics. If there is no trust in mathematics, then science cannot move forward at all.  Likewise, business cannot progress if the industry shows no trust in customers and customers in their creditors. Human values are about trusting the good nature we all are inherently endowed with. Half our health is spent in gaining wealth and then half that wealth is spent in gaining back the health we have lost in the process. I don't think that is good economics.  We do not need to cultivate human values. It is our very nature. What really obstructs human values is stress and tension. If a person is under strain, then his perception, observation and expression suffer. And there are only two ways to get rid of strain - either the work load needs to be lessened or energy levels need to improve. In today's world, it is not possible to lessen the ...

The key to success for anyone in this world is effective communication conveying the intended meaning, timely two-way communication

Chapter 4 - Methods Of Developing Leadership Skills  Day 5 The key to success for anyone in this world is effective communication conveying the intended meaning, timely two-way communication. Do not just say whatever you feel is right and walk away.  Make sure that the person has received and digested your message and responded to it. It is your ability to evoke a reciprocal response from whoever you are communicating with. And this will not happen unless you are truly integrated in your own life. So I would say that it is every individual's birthright to have a disease-free body, a quiver-free breath, a confusion-free mind.  An inhibition-free intellect, a trauma-free memory and an ego which is not constrained but which encompasses everyone. And I would give the term spirituality to anything that provides all these.  I see it as a force which does not allow anything or anyone to take the smile away from you. We need to be able to smile through any advers...

How to not let mistakes happen through us in Life?

You have to burn yourself,to get the best version of yourself.

Hemigraphis latebrosa (Roth) Nees Family : Acanthaceae Common name : Shade Loving Hemigraphis Habit - Annual herb Habitat - Moist deciduous forests

Hemigraphis latebrosa (Roth) Nees Family : Acanthaceae  Common name : Shade Loving Hemigraphis Habit - Annual herb Habitat - Moist deciduous forests Medicinal Uses : 🍀Used against Malaria. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversiry & Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.)

There should be no thought in the mind, there should be no subject ... This is meditation.When an atom explodes, it has an effect millions of times ... the mind is a thousand times more subtle than that atom ... and when that mind is calm then there is a lot of strength in it.

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_6.6)_ ध्यानं निर्विषये मनः... मन में कोई विचार ना हो, कोई विषय ना हो...यही ध्यान है। पाँच विषय होते है... रूप, रस, गंध, स्पर्श, शब्द। मन किसी ना किसी विषय पर उलझ रहता है। ध्यान के शुरू य्या अंत मे सूक्ष्म रूप से आपको कुछ सुनाई देगा, कुछ गंध आ सकता है, कुछ प्रकाश दिखाई दे सकता है....यह ध्यान की शुरू की या आखिरी अवस्था है...ध्यान इस सबसे परे है। ये मन को बिठाने का बड़ा कोमल तरीका है। ऐसा ध्यान करने बाद ही शांत मन से मंत्र जाप करते है....तब उसके सामर्थ्य का अनुभव होता है। एक एक मंत्र में कुछ ताकद है शक्ति है। एक परमाणु का स्फोट होता है तब लाखों मिल उसका असर होता है....मन उस परमाणु से हजार गुणा सूक्ष्म है...और वह मन जब शांत होता तब उसमें बहोत ताकद होता है। उस मन को जब बार अपने भीतर एक तरीके से घुमाते है उसे ही मंत्र कहते है....मन की शक्ति ही मंत्र है। शांत मन की शक्ति ऐसा मंत्र बनता है। वही ओम नमःशिवाय होगा...पर जिस तरीके से वो लेते है, परंपरा से लेते है, गुरु से लेते है....तब वह मंत्र बनता है। सोहम का भी ऐसा ही है... जब आप उसे ढंग से करते है....तब उसका...

This is called Anganyas, Karyanas… feel every part of your body, place God in every part of the body. Feel the vastness in your body, feel infinite power.

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_6.5)_ अगला सूत्र है... महाह्रदानुसन्धानान्मन्त्रवीर्यानुभवः। हर कोई मंत्र की महिमा और शक्ति नहीं जानते। मंत्रों का अनुभव उन्हीं को होता है जो जागे हुए है। ध्यान और सुदर्शन क्रिया करने से पहले सत्संग का आनंद इतना नहीं आता था जितना ध्यान और क्रिया करने के बाद आता है। जब भाव बढ़ा, महतत्व का अनुभव हुवा....मैं कौन हूँ यह अपने आप से पूछने लगें तो जागरण होने लगा। वेदों में एक श्लोक है.... जो जागा हुवा है उनके तरफ ऋचाएं, मंत्र दौड़ने लगते है। एक एक मंत्र, शब्द मे शक्ति है, तरंग है ...जब तुम ध्यान करते हो, अंतर्मुख होते हो, आत्मतत्व को जानने लगते हो... तभी तुम तरंग का अनुभव कर सकते हो, मंत्रों।मे जो ताकद है, वीर्य शक्ति है उसे महसूस कर पाते हो। इसीलिए कोई भी मंत्र जाप करना हो तो ध्यान करो ऐसे बोलते हैं। इसे अंगन्यास, करंन्यास कहते है...अपने अंग के हरएक भाग के ऊपर ध्यान ले जाओ, शरीर के हर एक अंग मे भगवान को।बिठाओ। आंचमन करके अपने शरीर मे विशालता का अनुभव करो, अनंत शक्ति का अनुभव करो। अच्युत, आनंद औऱ गोविंद के नाम से आंचमन करते है, ऐसा समझते है ये सब मेरे भीतर ...

It is a indication of pure intellect by looking at the situation in many ways and making decisions with calm intelligence.

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_6.4)_ जब कोई भी भावुक व्यक्ति किसी परिस्थिति को समझता है.... उसे लगता है जैसे मैं देखता हूँ, जैसे मैं समझता हूँ ...वह वैसा ही है। तो इससे कैसे बाहर आए? मुल्ला नसरुद्दीनकी कहानी....उसे लगता था कि वह मर गया है। सत्य को कई तरह से, अनेक कोन से देखके पता करना चाहिए, समग्र दृष्टि मिलेगी। शुद्ध बुद्धि हमेशा किसी भी परिस्थिति को कई ढंग से देखती है। किसी भी एक तरह के विचारों को लेके उसपर कोई निर्णय नही लेना यह शुद्ध बुद्धि है....कई तरह से परिस्थिति को देखकर, शांत बुद्धि से निर्णय लेने का ...यह शुद्ध बुद्धि का लक्षण है। _ Shiv Sutra_6.4_ When any emotional person understands a situation .... it feels like I see, like I understand ... that's what it is. So how come out of this? The story of Mulla Nasruddin .... He thought he had died. You should know the truth in many ways by looking at many angles, you will get a holistic view. Pure intelligence always looks at any situation in many ways. It is pure intelligence to take any kind of thoughts and not take ...

A person with low intelligence remains unhappy. Grief, anger, greed comes from lack of intelligence. It is the wisdom of life to see life from a vast perspective, what is my beginning? What is the end? To think upon this.

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_6.3)_ शुद्धविद्योदयाच्चक्रेशत्व सिद्धिः। शुद्ध का मतलब है एक दूसरे मे मिला हुवा। परायापन का अर्थ है अशुद्धि। परायापन जब मिट जाता है शुध्द चक्र के अनुसंधान से दुनिया बना है, बुद्धि तेज होता है। मंद बुद्धि वाला व्यक्ति दुःखी रहता है। दुःख, क्रोध, लोभ बुद्धि की कमी से होता है। बुद्धि का यही है कि जीवन को विशाल दृष्टिकोण से देखे, मेरा आदि क्या है ? अंत क्या है? इसपर विचार करना । मनुष्य और पशु पक्षी मे यही फर्क है...मनुष्य मे बुद्धि का विकास हुवा है, पशू पक्षी मे नही हुवा है। अशुद्ध बुद्धि का अर्थ है जो पूर्वाग्रह से वर्तमान को देखने लगे तो वह है अशुद्ध बुध्दि, जो जैसा है उसे वैसा नहीं देखने का अर्हता रखता है वह है अशुद्ध बुध्दि। शुद्ध बुध्दि का अर्थ है जो वर्तमान मे एक विशाल दृष्टिकोण के साथ सत्य को देखने की क्षमता रखता है वह है शुद्ध बुध्दि। शुद्ध बुद्धि जानती है कि क्या तर्क है, क्या वितर्क है और क्या कुतर्क है। शुद्ध बुद्धि भावुक होके परिस्थिति को नहीं परखती है पर वास्तव क्या है इसपर नजर डालती है। जब भावुक होके हम किसी भी व्यक्ति, वस्तु, परिस्थिति क...

Punica granatum L. Family : Lythraceae Common name : Pomegranate Habit : Shrub Habitat : Grows in well-drained soils in sheltered positions with full sun.

Punica granatum L. Family : Lythraceae Common name : Pomegranate Habit : Shrub Habitat : Grows in well-drained soils in sheltered positions with full sun. Medicinal uses : 🌼The rind of the fruit and the bark of the pomegranate tree is used as a traditional remedy against diarrhea, dysentery and intestinal parasites.   🌼 The seeds and juice are considered a tonic for the stopping nose bleeds, gum bleeds, and treating hemorrhoids, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, diarrhoea. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Piper longum L. Family : Piperaceae Common name : Pipla Habit : Climbing shrub Habitat : Occurs along streams and among bushes

Piper longum L. Family : Piperaceae Common name : Pipla Habit : Climbing shrub Habitat : Occurs along streams and among bushes Medicinal uses -  🍁Internally it is taken as a treatment of stomach chills, vomiting, headache and cold. 🍁Externally, the fruit is used to treat toothache. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Casuarina equisetifolia L. Family : Casuarinaceae Common name : Whistling Pine, jhaun(Odia) Habit : Tree Habitat : Found on sand dunes, in sands alongside estuaries and behind fore-dunes and gentle slopes near the sea

Casuarina equisetifolia L. Family : Casuarinaceae Common name : Whistling Pine, jhaun(Odia) Habit : Tree Habitat : Found on sand dunes, in sands alongside estuaries and behind fore-dunes and gentle slopes near the sea Medicinal uses -  🍀A decoction of the twigs is used for treating swelling. 🍀A decoction of the bark, combined with the bark of _Terminalia catappa_ , is taken as a treatment for asthma and shortness of breath. 🍀Root extracts are used for the treatment of dysentery, diarrhoea and stomach-ache. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl Family : Verbenaceae Common name : Blue porterweed, Jalajali (Odia). Habit : Shrub Habitat : Usually on sea beaches and damp areas.

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl Family : Verbenaceae Common name : Blue porterweed, Jalajali (Odia). Habit : Shrub Habitat : Usually on sea beaches and damp areas. Medicinal uses -  🍁An infusion of leaf is used to treat high blood pressure. 🍁The juice of the leaves is used for treating colic, pain of dysentery and earache. 🍁The leaves are used externally as a resolutive cataplasm and for treating skins burns. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Ludwigia adscendens (L.) H.Hara Family : Onagraceae Common name : Water Primrose Habit : Herb Habitat : Moist areas

Ludwigia adscendens (L.) H.Hara Family : Onagraceae Common name : Water Primrose Habit : Herb Habitat : Moist areas Medicinal uses -  🌺A decoction of the aerial parts are used as a treatment for dysentery, fever, and cough. 🌺The aerial parts are used to make poultices for treating skin complaints such as boils, and ulcers.  Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Family : Rubiaceae Common name : Diamond Flower Habit : Herb Habitat : Moist areas

Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Family : Rubiaceae Common name : Diamond Flower Habit : Herb Habitat : Moist areas Medicinal uses -  🌼The leaves are pounded, soaked in warm water and the liquid drunk to treat stomach disorders. 🌼Externally it is used as poultice to treat sores eyes. 🌼The juice of the plant is applied to the hands and feet to cool them when the patient has a fever. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Senna alata (L.) Roxb. Family : Fabaceae Common name : Candle Bush, dadmari(Odia). Habit : Deciduous Shrub Habitat. : Roadsides, river banks, rain forest edges, lake shores, pond and ditch margins.

Senna alata (L.) Roxb. Family : Fabaceae Common name : Candle Bush, dadmari(Odia). Habit : Deciduous Shrub Habitat. : Roadsides, river banks, rain forest edges, lake shores, pond and ditch margins. Medicinal uses : 🍁Stem, leaf, and root decoctions is used in treatment of wound, skin and respiratory tract infection, burns, diarrhoea, and constipation. 🍁Leaf decoction serves as an antidote to body and abdominal pain, stress, and toothache. 🍁Stem, bark, and leaves were reported to be used as a remedy for gastroenteritis, hepatitis, ringworm, and dermal infections. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Cestrum nocturnum L. Family : Solanaceae Common name : Lady of the night, raat ki rani. Cestrum nocturnum flowers are presented as offerings to Shiva and Ganesh in Kathmandu.

Cestrum nocturnum L. Family : Solanaceae Common name : Lady of the night, raat ki rani. Cestrum nocturnum flowers are presented as offerings to Shiva and Ganesh in Kathmandu. Medicinal uses : 💫 In traditional medicine, leaves of Cestrum nocturnum have been used for their pharmacological significance in burns and swellings. 💫It is also used for treating epilepsy. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Crotalaria verrucosa L. Family : Fabaceae Common name : Blue Rattlepod

Crotalaria verrucosa L. Family : Fabaceae Common name : Blue Rattlepod Medicinal uses : 🍀The roots are used as a treatment against fever and stomach pains. 🍀It is also used as skin disease. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Melochia corchorifolia L. Family : Malvaceae Common name : Wire bush, phuli jhar. Habit : Shurb Habitat : Mostly river banks, lake shores and damp areas.

Melochia corchorifolia L. Family : Malvaceae  Common name : Wire bush, phuli jhar. Habit : Shurb Habitat : Mostly river banks, lake shores and damp areas. Medicinal uses : 🌾A decoction of the leaves and roots is used internally to treat dysentery, and a decoction of the leaves to stop vomiting. 🌾Leaves and roots are used for smallpox. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Boerhavia diffusa L. Family : Nyctaginaceae Common name : Red hogweed Habit : Herb Habitat : Open places near the sea, along roadside, dry areas and river valleys.

Boerhavia diffusa L. Family : Nyctaginaceae Common name : Red hogweed Habit : Herb Habitat : Open places near the sea, along roadside, dry areas and river valleys. Medicinal uses -  🍀Paste made out of the roots of this plant, is applied externally on the skin, it forms a  beneficial dressing for ulcers and skin diseases. 🍀The roots of the plant help in killing intestinal worms. 🍀A decoction of the leaves is used to treat jaundice. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Cyanotis axillaris (L.) D.Don ex Sweet Family - Commelinaceae Common name - Godhuli (Odia) Habit - Herb Habitat - Abundant in wet places, rice fields, along ponds, lakes & canals.

Cyanotis axillaris (L.) D.Don ex Sweet Family - Commelinaceae Common name - Godhuli (Odia) Habit - Herb Habitat - Abundant in wet places, rice fields, along ponds, lakes & canals. Medicinal uses -  🍁 In India, roots and tubers used for fever and worms. Warm leaf juice used as ear drops to relieve eardrum inflammation. 🍁It is used to treat abscesses, fever, worms and ear drum infection. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)

Tradescantia pallida (Rose) D.R.Hunt Family - Commelinaceae Common name - Purple queen Habit - Perennial herb. Habitat - Roadside areas

Tradescantia pallida (Rose) D.R.Hunt Family - Commelinaceae  Common name - Purple queen Habit - Perennial herb. Habitat - Roadside areas As a house plant, considered effective at improving air quality by filtering out VOCs (volatile organic compounds) – Phytoremediation. Medicinal uses -  🌾It is traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory & anti-toxic supplement, and to improve blood circulation. Sugimani Marndi *(Biodiversity and Conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha)*

Butomopsis latifolia Kunth. Family - Butomaceae Common name - Karchhul Saag Habit - Aquatic herb Habitat - swamps or in moist sandy or loamy soils and mud around the margins.

Butomopsis latifolia Kunth. Family - Butomaceae Common name - Karchhul Saag Habit - Aquatic herb Habitat - swamps or in moist sandy or loamy soils and mud around the margins. Leaves are boiled, then water is squeezed out and then cooked as pot- herb. Medicinal uses - 🍁 It is reported that leaves and flowers possess Antitussive activity (to prevent or relieve a cough). Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Pentanema indicum (L.) Family - Asteraceae Common name - Sonkadi Habit - Herb Habitat - dry and moist area.

Pentanema indicum (L.) Family - Asteraceae Common name - Sonkadi Habit - Herb Habitat - dry and moist area. Medicinal uses - 🍁Paste of _Pentanema Indicum_ is used to treat bone fractures among the Paharia in southern Bihar. 🍁The decoction of root is used to treat fever in Childern. 🍁 The inflorescence is used for treating throat disorders.  Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Cuttack, Odisha)

Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Family - Fabaceae Common name - Coffee senna Habit - Shrub Habitat - dry and moist area.

Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Family - Fabaceae Common name - Coffee senna Habit - Shrub Habitat - dry and moist area. Medicinal uses - 🌼 A tea made from roots & dried flowers is used as a treatment for colds & upset stomach. 🌼An ointment prepared from the leaves is applied as a remedy for ringworm & other affections of the skin. 🌼Applied extremely, it is pounded & mixed with wood-ash and rubbed on the areas of leishmaniasis & eczema. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, India.)

Firmiana colorata (Roxb.) R.Br. Family - Malvaceae Common name - Scarlet Sterculia Habit - Tree Habitat - moist areas, ponds, lakes, marshes.

Firmiana colorata (Roxb.) R.Br. Family - Malvaceae Common name - Scarlet Sterculia Habit - Tree Habitat - moist areas, ponds, lakes, marshes. 🍀The bark yeils fibre which used for making ropes  Medicinal uses - 🍁Bark decoction is used to treat urine infection and stomach pain. 🍁Bark and root juice in jaundice. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Cuttack, Odisha)

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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