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Showing posts from August 31, 2022

Averrhoa carambola, Eryngium foetidum , Oxalis corniculta , Cheilocostus speciosus , Oroxylum indicum , Mazus pumilus , Cissampelos pareira

Some common medicinal plants of Bonai Forest Division. 1. Averrhoa carambola Family - Oxalidaceae  Medicinal uses - Ripened fruit is used to treat in bleeding hemorrhoids. 2. Eryngium foetidum Family - Apiaceae Medicinal uses - Volatile oil from leaf is used as anti-inflammation. 3. Oxalis corniculta Family - Oxalidaceae Medicinal uses - It is used to treat scurvy. 4. Cheilocostus speciosus Family - Costaceae Medicinal uses - Decoction of leaves is used in diabetes. 5. Oroxylum indicum Family - Bignoniaceae Medicinal uses - Bark is used in jaundice. 6. Mazus pumilus Family - Mazaceae Medicinal uses - The juice of the whole plant is used to treat typhoid. 7. Cissampelos pareira Family - Menispermaceae Medicinal uses - The root decoction is used in malaria. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Cuttack,Odisha)

Oldenlandia ovatifolia , Knoxia sumatrensis, Ludwigia octovalvis , Elephantopus scaber , Justicia betonica , Pogostemon quadrifolius

Some common medicinal plants of Bonai Forest Division 1. Oldenlandia ovatifolia  Family - Rubiaceae 2. Knoxia sumatrensis Family - Rubiaceae  Medicinal uses - Leaf paste is applied to wound for healing. 3. Ludwigia octovalvis Family - Onagraceae  Medicinal uses - Decoction of whole plant is used as rheumatic pains. 4. Elephantopus scaber Family - Asteraceae Medicinal uses - Extract of the leaves is applied externally to treat eczema. 5. Justicia betonica Family - Acanthaceae  Medicinal uses - Crushed leaves used against pain and swelling.  6. Pogostemon quadrifolius Family - Lamiaceae Medicinal uses - The plant extract with salt is given for diarrhoea. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and conservation lab., Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Cuttack,Odisha)

Citharexylum spinosum L. Family : Verbenaceae Habit : Tree Habitat : Drier area, moist foothills Common name : Fiddlewood

Citharexylum spinosum L. Family : Verbenaceae Habit : Tree Habitat : Drier area, moist foothills Common name : Fiddlewood Note - Tree timber is used to make sounding boards for musical instruments. Medicinal Uses : 📌A decoction of the bark is used as a treatment for colds. Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.  Ambika Prasad Research Foundation  Cuttack, Odisha India

Osbeckia stellata Buch .-Ham. ex D.Don , Family : Melastomataceae Habit : Shrub Habitat : moist area, near streams.

Osbeckia stellata Buch .-Ham. ex D.Don Family : Melastomataceae Habit : Shrub Habitat : moist area, near streams. Medicinal Uses : 📌Apatani tribe which was located in northeastern India traditionally use the leaves of O. stellata to treat toothache.  Sugimani Marndi (Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.  Ambika Prasad Research Foundation  Cuttack, Odisha India

Utricularia stellaris Family : Lentibulariaceae Habitat - large sized herb

Utricularia stellaris Family : Lentibulariaceae Habitat - large sized herb Habit - free floating (Aquatic canivorous plant)  Medicinal uses - It is used to treat kidney stone. Sugimani Marndi Biodiversity and conservation lab.,  Ambika Prasad Research Foundation,  Cuttack, Odisha.India

Dopatrium junceum Family : Plantaginaceae Habit : Herb

Dopatrium junceum Family : Plantaginaceae Habit : Herb Habitat : Found in wetland area Flowering period : August - October  Date and place :- 29th August 2022, Bonai Forest Division (Aquatic plant) Note : ✔ It is an Indicator of salt lick and show low nutrients soil.  Sugimani Marndi Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.  Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Cuttack, Odisha

Drymaria cordata Family : Caryophyllaceae Habit : Herb

Drymaria cordata Family : Caryophyllaceae Habit : Herb Habitat : Common in moist shady places along streams Flowering / fruiting : August - November  (Aquatic plant) Date and place - 29th August 2022, Bonai Forest Division  Medicinal uses : ✔ An infusion of the leaves or whole plant is used as a treatment for jaundice and cold.  Sugimani Marndi Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.  Ambika Prasad Research Foundation  Cuttack, Odisha India

Creativity is an important part of management. All CEOs and Chairmen want to improve their enterprise but they sideline research and development - the most creative part of the enterprise.

*Chapter 1 - Introduction* *Day 1* Management begins in the mind. When the mind manages itself better, it can manage anything. Human life is a combination of the concrete and the abstract.  Our body is concrete and our mind is abstract. Both positive and negative thoughts emanate from the same brain. However, we know very little about ourselves.  So being aware of our own mind helps us to understand life better. Human life is structured like an atom. At the centre of an atom is the proton and a field of negative charges orbits it.  Similarly, we too have virtues at the centre of our being. But if we have not realised these virtues. we roam the outer orbits. So we need to take it for granted that we already have these virtues within us.  You will find good qualities everywhere in the world only need nourishment. You too possess these qualities. They always remember you are a citizen of the world and the whole world belongs to you.  There is some virtu...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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