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Showing posts from August 21, 2022

Ashwa that doesnt have a past and future. The one who is established in the present moment. Where time becomes stand still.

*2nd Jan'21- Srimad Bhagwad Gita* The Veda that emerges from Aswara is Samaveda. Devotion, Peace & Enthusiasm all 3 get kindled. Krishna said I am the Samveda among all the Vedas. Everyone who dies become Pitru. Beyond that is devlok. One who has done really good deeds. Preth Yoni are the one who does wrong deeds. They are stuck in between. As long as you are in the 5 elements your called human being.PitruYoni you go in pinda form. One who dies with a lot of desires go in pret yoni. To take them into different dimension after 10 days they go from Pret Yoni to Pitru Lok. Those who don't reach Pitru Lok they keep wandering in Preth Yoni. Even after dying one keeps troubling the loved ones. Those who are alive just think about the good things they have done. Chant Gita so the vibrations will reach them. When your mind is in knowledge it reaches them also. Your soul can never be destroyed neither by fire or water. You are eternal indestructible. After Pitru Yoni com...

Shakti, or energy, rises from muladhara chakra to svadhihthana chakra where it expresses itself either as lust or creativity.

*Chapter 2 - Energy Centres*  *Day 14* Shakti, or energy, rises from muladhara chakra to svadhihthana chakra where it expresses itself either as lust or creativity.  When it climbs up higher to manipura chakra, the region around the navel, it is expressed as jealousy, generosity, joy or greed.  Usually, a rich man's stomach is depicted to be large and round, and often it is like that. Generosity, happiness and greed all happen in this one place.  The same energy rises to the heart, anahata chakra, where it expresses itself in three ways love, hatred and fear.  When you are frightened, you place your hand on your heart, and also when you express love or respect, you touch your heart.  Feelings of hatred are also connected to the heart. Then the same energy rises to the throat region, or visuddha chakra, where it expresses itself as gratitude or misery.  When you feel grief or express gratitude, the throat begins to choke. This energy then tr...

Gold and precious things are put on the statue or idol including flowers. This is done to captivate all your senses

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 15🌿            ~ Dissolving The Doer ~                    🌱 Day - 80 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 In ancient days and even today in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, they decorate the deities with gems and stones. Gold and precious things are put on the statue or idol including flowers. This is done to captivate all your senses. Go to a temple and look at the deity; each one is very beautifully done. So many arms are give to it. It takes you some time to look at all the arms. You can't take for granted that it is just another statue. Someone with keenness and interest will look and see that there are so many jewels and ornaments. Womenfolk go to see the decorations and the precious stones, and not to pray! They see how the precious gems and stones are kept...

You cannot exist without dissolving. You dissolve everyday in your sleep. If you don't dissolve into your nature, the infinity, the next day you become unfit to do anything.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 15🌿            ~ Dissolving The Doer ~                    🌱 Day - 79 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 अष्टावक्र उवाच न ते सङ्गोऽस्ति केनापि किं शुद्धस्त्यक्तुमिच्छसि । संघातविलयं कुर्वन्नेवमेव लयं व्रज ॥ उदेति भवतो विश्वं वारिधेरिव बुद्बुदः । इति ज्ञात्वैकमात्मानमेवमेव लयं व्रज ॥ प्रत्यक्षमप्यवस्तुत्वाद्विश्वं नास्त्यमले त्वयि । रज्जुसर्प इव व्यक्तमेवमेव लयं व्रज ॥ समदुःखसुखः पूर्ण आशानैराश्ययोः समः । समजीवितमृत्युः सन्नेवमेव लयं व्रज ॥ He says, "Dissolve". You cannot exist without dissolving. You dissolve everyday in your sleep. If you don't dissolve into your nature, the infinity, the next day you become unfit to do anything. You dissolve anyway. Consciously dissolve, even while being in activity. What is happening when you listen to music? You becom...

Moderate food, moderate activity and moderate rest - these three things will bring peace and union with existence. That is meditation

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 15🌿            ~ Dissolving The Doer ~                    🌱 Day - 78 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 That is our ego. You do not matter in this existence at all. How do you matter? The effect of whatever you do, will only stay for a certain number of days, months, years at the most. It will disappear. I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything and just sit tight. That is not possible for you either. It's not possible for anyone to just sit. You have to do something. It is in your nature. If you want to be absolutely quiet, before that you have to do enough things to be quiet. If you are not having good meditation, the reason is you have not been putting enough physical effort into doing your work. Some physical activity is needed in order to balance you...

What are you? Who are you? You think you are someone? How long have you been here? Forty, fifty, or sixty years?

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 15🌿            ~ Dissolving The Doer ~                    🌱 Day - 77 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 At first it is hard to believe that we are nobody, because for years, for ages, we have believed that we are somebody; that we are separate. This is exactly what Janaka also said. 'Aho! How come I was duped for all these years, I thought I was somebody!' What are you? Who are you? You think you are someone? How long have you been here? Forty, fifty, or sixty years? How much longer will you be here for, another forty, fifty, or sixty years? Then what happens? Existence has been there from time immemorial. Millions of years, two hundred million years now, and it will continue for another two hundred million years. In these millions, billions of years, wh...

The whole range of creation is accounted for from the Infinite Consciousness (Brhama), the vast infinite intelligence to the inertia of a stone; from a rock that does not exhibit any consciousness to the ever-changing, ever-lively consciousness - the basis of all life in this entire universe

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 14🌿               ~ Drop All Conflict ~                    🌱 Day - 76 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 आब्रह्मस्तम्बपर्यन्ते भूतग्रामे चतुर्विधे । विज्ञस्यैव हि सामर्थ्यमिच्छानिच्छाविवर्जने ॥ The whole range of creation is accounted for from the Infinite Consciousness (Brhama), the vast infinite intelligence to the inertia of a stone; from a rock that does not exhibit any consciousness to the ever-changing, ever-lively consciousness - the basis of all life in this entire universe. Just sit and think how many types of lives there are. Harmful bacteria and useful bacteria, mosquitoes, houseflies, centipedes, butterfly, cockroaches, spiders, tadpoles, frogs, fish - so many, you can't even name them! One has to study for several years to know how many...

Then you won't say that you are too bad, or that something should not happen, or that you got angry...Observe and see all this come and go.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 14🌿               ~ Drop All Conflict ~                    🌱 Day - 75 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 यत्पदं प्रेप्सवो दीनाः शक्राध्याः सर्वदेवताः । अहो तत्र स्थितो योगी न हर्षमपुगच्छति ॥ Even the gods love this sort of state; they hanker for it! They crave for it. शक्राध्याः । All the gods have become meek with this craving for a self-realized state. But for the yogi who is established in such a state, even being so is nothing big for him. It is nothing very great. There is nothing that he gets excited about. It doesn't excite him. He just smiles through it. All gods come to worship the one who is established in that state of the Being. It's said when Buddha got enlightened Brhama was the first who came to him and asked for knowledge; the Creato...

Shiva sutra 3.2 | The power that you give is also the same, the desire to do things is the same, not the desire to do it is the same power… In the same way, by becoming a witness, and by developing a rhythm, consciousness is developed

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_3.2)_ उद्यमो भैरवः। आपके द्वारा करानेवाली शक्ति भी वही है, करने की इच्छा आयी वह भी वही है, ना करने ईच्छा भी उसी शक्ति की है...इसी तरह से साक्षी बनकर के और लय हो कर के चैतन्य का विकास होता है। साक्षी और लय दोनों में विकास है। और साक्षी और लय के बीच मे उद्यम है, उसमे भी विकास है....यह जीवन की तीन धाराएं है....साक्षी, लय और उद्यम। उद्यम करो और जो कुछ भी करते हो उसमे 100 प्रतिशत लगाओ और सिद्धान्तों के उलझनों से पार हो जाओ। जिसके साथ तुम्हें लय होना हो तो उसके साथ विस्मय की, तड़प की जरूरत पड़ती है। इसमें मन रुकावट डालता है। मन रोज रोज नया चाहता है पर दिल की दौड़ पुराने की तरफ होती है। जो मन मे जीते है उन्हें नयी नयी चीजें लगती है। कभी किसी ने नए संबंधों पर गर्व प्रकट नही किया। दिल की दौड़ पुराने की ओर रहती है। जहाँ प्रेम जग गया वहाँ विस्मय रहता ही है। प्रेम का अंग है विस्मय। उदाहरण के तौर पर जिस घर मे नया बच्चा पैदा होता है वहाँ घर के बुजुर्ग उसके हर चाल चलन पर, हर हाव भाव पर विस्मय होता है। प्रेम मे विस्मय है ही है, पर मन मे विस्मय हो तो मन भर जाता है, मन शांत हो जाता...

Who can drop it? One who is brave; one who knows what he is doing, and is aware that he is dropping something so that his hands will be free to hold something much bigger.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 14🌿               ~ Drop All Conflict ~                    🌱 Day - 74 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 हन्तात्मज्ञस्य धीरस्य खेलतो भोगलीलया ।  'Ho!' Now it's Ashtavakra's turn to say, 'Aho!' He recognized Janaka's 'yes'! It was almost impossible to believe that Janaka got the knowledge just like that and so quickly. He did not ask a question. As Ashtavakra was talking, Janaka simply went on exclaiming, 'Oh, Aho, ho, Aho!' He started understanding that it was very hard to get a student of Janaka's nature. Ashtavakra was one of the greatest and luckiest men ever to get someone like Janaka who understood immediately what was said. Ashtavakra said something, leaving out one paragraph one sentence to see whether Janaka was just repeating it all or...

The difference between enlightenment and un-enlightenment is like the difference between a game and a war

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 14🌿               ~ Drop All Conflict ~                    🌱 Day - 73 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 जनक उवाच हन्तात्मज्ञस्य धीरस्य खेलतो भोगलीलया । न हि संसारवाहीकैर्मूढैः सह समानता ॥ यत्पदं प्रेप्सवो दीनाः शक्राध्याः सर्वदेवताः । अहो तत्र स्थितो योगी न हर्षमपुगच्छति ॥ तज् ज्ञस्य पुण्यपापाभ्यां स्पर्शो ह्यन्तर्न जायते । न ह्याकाशस्य धूमेन दृश्यमानापि सङ्गतिः ॥ आत्मैवेदं जगत्सर्वं ज्ञातं येन महात्मना । यदृच्छया वर्तमानं तं निषेद्धुं क्षमेत कः ॥ आब्रह्मस्तम्बपर्यन्ते भूतग्रामे चतुर्विधे । विज्ञस्यैव हि सामर्थ्यमिच्छानिच्छाविवर्जने ॥ आत्मानमद्वयं कश्चिज्जानाति जगदीश्वरम् । यद्वेत्ति तत् कुरूते न भयं तस्य कुत्रचित् ॥ The difference between enlightenment and un-enlightenment is like the difference between a game and a war. A game and a fight ...

When you are hollow and empty, and they are hollow and empty, where's the question to hate somebody? There's nothing to hate

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 14🌿               ~ Drop All Conflict ~                    🌱 Day - 72 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 अन्तस्त्यक्तकषायस्य निर्द्वन्द्वस्य निराशिषः । It is very easy to let go of outside things. You can drop them. You can get away from people and your surroundings, but becoming hollow, empty, and free from inside, निर्द्वन्द्वस्य , having no conflict inside is difficult. Your mind undergoes conflict at every step. The mind tried to keep its identity, respect, prestige, and it wants to dive into love. There is a conflict between love and respect, intimacy and fight, renunciation, wanting and not wanting, ideas, concepts, good, bad, right and wrong. All these arise in you opposing each other, and creating a conflict inside you. Becoming hollow and e...

And by my own nature, I know that everything is hollow and empty....that they are nothing!

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 14🌿               ~ Drop All Conflict ~                    🌱 Day - 71 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 स्वभावादेव जानानो दृश्यमेतन्न किंचन । इदं ग्राह्यमिदं त्याज्यं स किं पश्यति धीरधीः ॥ अन्तस्त्यक्तकषायस्य निर्द्वन्द्वस्य निराशिषः । यदृच्छयागतो भोगो न दुःखाय न तुष्टये ॥ There are two types of knowing. One is when you have known with your mind or your intellect - something is good, something is not good, you should have this, you should not have that. These are all concepts, just words. They don't have any depth. Krishna calls it 'shabd jal'. But this is not the way to know. Inside each word something unknown and unseen is encapsulated. Like a seed, there's something unseen in the word. When you take the word inside you and make it sprout within...

Gurudev, I have been very regular with my sadhana, seva and satsang for many years now. Despite this, I have been going through financial difficulties for the past 3 years and am very disturbed. Please advise

Question - Gurudev, I have been very regular with my sadhana, seva and satsang for many years now. Despite this, I have been going through financial difficulties for the past 3 years and I am very disturbed. Please advise. Gurudev Sri Sri - Everything will be alright in time. There may be some delay but it will surely happen. These difficulties will not last for long. See, the entire country is going through financial trouble. Our industrialists have been facing various financial difficulties for many years now. Our growth rate has fallen from 12% to -2.5%. What else can you expect when this happens? There will be financial troubles everywhere, people will suffer losses in business, these things will happen. But all this is going to change very soon. Have faith and patience.

SHIVA SUTRAS 3.5 | I am satisfied, my nature is content… Knowing this is enlightenment, this is yoga, this is samadhi. I am satisfied,

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_3.5)_ इच्छाशक्ति कभी भी अपना अंत को अपने लक्ष्य पर पहुँची ही नहीं। यही श्रेय है, नहीं तो वह शक्ति नहीं बनी रह सकती। गंगोत्री से निकलकर गंगा सागर को मिलने के बाद भी निरंतर बहती रहती है.…इसका मतलब है कि मिलन पूरा नही हुवा है। इच्छा कभी भी शिवतत्त्व से मिल नहीं सकती। आत्मतत्व मे जो पहुँच गया, आनंद मे जो पहुँच गया उसमें इच्छा नहीं रहती...औऱ इच्छा हो तो आनंद नहीं है। शिव तत्व आनंद है। तो लोग कहते है....इच्छा छोड़ दो। तो इच्छा छोड़ना नहीं है...इच्छा के साथ लड़ोगे तो आनंद नहीं पाओगे औऱ इच्छा में ही रहोगे तो उसे कभी प्राप्त नहीं कर पाओगे। तो उस इच्छाशक्ति को सम्मान करो...इससे जो जरूरत है वह मिल जाता है और जो जरूरत नहीं है वह छूट जाता है। शिव जी कई दूर नहीं है...पास मे ही है। इच्छापूर्ति मे औऱ इच्छा अभी पूरा नही, पूरा होने जैसा है...इसमें बहोत बड़ा फर्क है। किसी भी कामना पूरा होने के बाद आप उसी जगह पहुँच जाते हो, आप कामना उठने से पहले थे। एक इच्छा पूरी हुई, तो दूसरी, तीसरी उठती है...पूरा ही नही होती है....इसलिए कहते है... इच्छा शक्तिरुमा कुमारी। तुम्हारे भीतर इ...

SHIVA SUTRAS 3.6 | The goal of every desire is to be peace. Kailas means bliss, where only bliss is bliss.

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_3.6)_ इच्छा शक्तिरुमा कुमारी...तृप्ति देने की, तृप्ति से मिलने की आशा देती है, मगर कभी तृप्ति देती नहीं है। इसलिए इच्छाशक्ति हमेशा कुमारी ही रहेगी, शिवजी से उसका कभी मिलन नही होगा, मगर वह शिव जी का ही जाप करती रहती है। हर इच्छा आनंद का ही जाप है। हर इच्छा का लक्ष्य मस्त होना ही है। कैलास का अर्थ है आनंद, जहाँ केवल आनंद ही आनंद है। वैकुंठ का भी अर्थ है जहाँ किसी चीज की कुंठता नहीं है। मानस सरोवर मतलब... मन सरोवर जैसा विशाल हो तो आनंद है। तो इच्छाओं को उखाड़के फेकना नहीं है, उसे सन्मान करके साक्षी होकर के देखो। वैराग्य की इच्छा, मुमुक्षत्व ....मोक्ष पाने की इच्छा होना, सबका कल्याण की कामना होना ....ये भी तो इच्छा है और वह कामना शिव की ही ओर मुँह करके खड़ी है, शिव के ही ध्यान में खड़ी है। इच्छा शक्तिरुमा कुमारी। शिव ओम शिव नमोशिवायः।  Shiv Sutra_3.6_ Ichchha Shaktiruma Kumari ... gives hope for fulfillment, but never gives fulfillment. Therefore, wish will always remain a virgin, she will never meet Shivji, but she keeps reciting Shiva. Every wish...

SHIVA SUTRAS 3.4 | Every desire is to get complete happiness, but as soon as that wish is fulfilled, that happiness is not attained

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_3.4)_ अगला सूत्र है...इच्छाशक्ति उमाकुमारी। पार्वती और शिव के बारे मे कन्याकुमारी के यहॉं की कहानी। इसका एक आध्यात्मिक अर्थ भी है। इच्छाशक्ति हमें पूर्ण सुख या आनंद देने की लालसा देती है कभी पूर्ण सुख देती नहीं है। हर इच्छा पूर्ण सुख पाने की होती है, मगर जैसे वो इच्छा पूरा हो गया तो वो सुख नहीं मिला। इच्छाशक्ति कभी भी अपना अंत को अपने लक्ष्य पर पहुँची ही नहीं। यही श्रेय है, नहीं तो वह शक्ति नहीं बनी रह सकती।  Shiv Sutra_3.4_ The next sutra is Ichchhaashakti Umakumari. Story of Kanyakumari about Parvati and Shiva. It also has a spiritual meaning. Wish gives us the desire to give complete happiness or pleasure, never gives complete happiness. Every desire is to get complete happiness, but as soon as that wish is fulfilled, that happiness is not attained. Willpower never reached its goal to its end. This is the credit, otherwise it cannot remain a power. 

We constantly worry about what others think about us, but everyone's ideas and opinions are short-lived They are momentary.

*Chapter 3 - Bubbles On The Water* *Day 20* We constantly worry about what others think about us, but everyone's ideas and opinions are short-lived They are momentary.  Suppose someone thinks that you are a good person. How long will it take him to change his mind about you? It will take just a matter of seconds.  They may label you as bad; many people may think you are bad. How much time will it take to change their opinions also? The opinions of others are like bubbles on the water.  If we depend on them, we cannot live at all. Can such a life be steady? There is a saying : "Building castles in the air." It is maya, foolishness, to lead life dependent on other’s opinions.  We see the world every day, but without learning anything new. There is no discrimination. Many people have been born and have also left this world.  Many are dying, and we will also die one day. We intentionally remain ignorant of this fact. This is maya, it is absence of discri...

The dream state is where the thoughts are present and we have no awareness of outside world. Dream means vikalpa.

*Chapter 3 - Bubbles On The Water* *Day 19* The dream state is where the thoughts are present and we have no awareness of outside world. Dream means vikalpa.  At night, you can see the stars, but once the sun comes up you cannot see the stars. They are still there, but you cannot see them because the sun is shining.  We are dreaming while we are awake, but we do not see it as a dream. While we are sleeping we feel it is a dream because we are not aware of the outside world.  Even without the awareness of outside things, dreams continue inside, just like the stars seen in the sky at night.  While dreaming, things that we experienced before automatically appear. When we say "vikalpa," what does it mean?  When the mind keeps on thinking about objects it does not want to think about, we call it vikalpa. In the mind, there is only one sankalpa and all other thoughts are vikalpa.  "Sankalpa" means the mind's decision to do something after careful exam...

When we let go and be in the present moment, HE takes care of everything” It was absolute Guru Grace and a beautiful opportunity to experience knowledge

Guru Stories.. I was in dire need to do an Advance course but something or the other would keep coming up. I was praying to Gurudev for it and then Blessings came to me in many forms. I happened to get the opportunity, this Gurupoornima, in the form of Kamalashile Gurupoornima Special Advance course. Kamalashile is a tranquil, beautiful village with dense forests and amazing waterfalls located in Mangalore. Our course venue was Sri Brahmi Durga Parmeshwari temple on the banks of a beautiful river in Kamalashile. Eight days spent in those surroundings were the most blessed and serene days of my life as they were soaked silence, meditation, knowledge, seva, satsang, homas, poojas, tears of gratitude tasty food made with lots of love by the volunteers, amazing people, sound of the flowing rivers and rain that never stopped, Chaya Aana (our course teacher) and Gurudev (whose presence could be felt every second). As every drop of rain fell and mother earth received love, I went ...


Guru Stories... I had a deadly incident recently.On 29th October, 2012 I had gone for Vikram Bhaiya’s satsang to Belapur. On the way back home, the bus was travelling at a very high speed, which ofcourse was enjoyable. But suddenly, a gentleman on his motorcycle came in front of this bus. To avoid the accident, obviously the bus driver instantly pressed the brakes due to which the bus skid forcefully & this force was so enormous that I have gone flying from my seat, onto the staircase of the bus. I did bang my hand & I hurt my leg.But I am thankful to Guruji because if the skid would have been more powerful, I would not land on the staircase, but would have gone straight into the glass of the bus. MIRACLE POSSIBLE ONLY BY BIG BOSS. This is not all, theres one more incident – There is a saying in hindi, “DENE VALA JAB BHI DETA, DETA CHAPAD PHAAD KE”(When the Giver gives,He gives in abundance). But I say, DADIWALA JAB BHI DETA, DETA CHAPAD PHAAD KE, that is because o...

Gurudev, please elaborate upon the contradictory nature of truth?

Question - Gurudev, please elaborate upon the contradictory nature of truth? Gurudev Sri Sri - If you go to any temple in India, not only will you see idols of Gods and Goddesses, but you will also see the idols of many demons (representing negativity and delusion). Gods and Goddesses acquired their position because they were able to overcome these demons. If there were no demons, then how will they acquire their position? So whatever you find contradictory in nature are actually complimentary to each other. Take milk for example, is milk good or bad? If you drink only as much milk as is needed, then it is good for you. But if you drink too much, then the same milk can cause indigestion also. So when taken in excess, the same milk can harm you. In the same way, is poison good or bad? All medicines and life saving drugs have a warning label written on them that says, if taken in excess they are poisonous. So poison can help in saving life, and it can also take one's life...

Gurudev, is it destiny or our actions that decides our future?

Question - Gurudev, is it destiny or our actions that decides our future?  I have heard many times that whatever is going to happen is already pre-decided. Is it true? If that is so, then we should not be made responsible for our good and bad actions. I have been confused about all this for a very long time. Please help me understand this. Gurudev Sri Sri - This is a very deep subject. If everything was already predestined, then what is the need to do anything? Then doing sadhana, chanting mantras or offering worship to God would all be useless activities. See, when it comes to animals and other living creatures, then everything is indeed pre-decided (by nature). But in the case of human beings, some things are predestined by destiny, but there is some freedom of choice too. You are gifted with Viveka (discretion) to distinguish between right and wrong. See, birds and animals do not acquire the fruits (merits or sins) of their actions, since all their actions and activi...

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji meeting with the Kings of a region of Ghana 🇬🇭

What is your message for Janmashtami?

Question - Gurudev, what is your message for Janmashtami?  Gurudev Sri Sri - Janmashtami is the day when we celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna signifies bliss, pure happiness. We express any happiness by celebration. So Janmashtami is celebrating the birth of bliss. It is the day when that (divine) joy became manifest. Actually, it is not right to use the word ‘birth’ here. Lord Krishna was never born. That divine joy was always present, but it is on this day that it became manifest and evident (in the form of Lord Krishna). So where should you look for Lord Krishna? Everywhere. Lord Krishna says - ‘One who sees me everywhere, in everyone, and sees everyone in me is truly intelligent’. Now, no one wants to be foolish in this world. Everyone wants to be intelligent. So, one who recognises the Parmatma (Supreme soul or all-pervading one Consciousness) as that anand tattva (the element of bliss) that is manifest throughout creation is truly intelligent. Ever...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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