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Showing posts from August 5, 2022

Syzygium nervosum A.Cunn. ex DC. Family : Myrtaceae Common name : jamun

🌿 Syzygium nervosum A.Cunn. ex DC. Family : Myrtaceae Common name : jamun Habit : Tree Habitat : Near perennial stream Fl. & Fr. : Jun - Aug 🍁 The decoction of S. nervosum leaves and flower buds has been consumed to cure digestive problems.  Sweta Mishra Biodiversity and Conservation Lab. Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Cuttack, Odisha India

Shiv Sutra 1.5

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_1.5)_ एक नवजात शिशु में जो चैतन्य है वह पढ़े लिखे आदमी में नजर नही आता है। बच्चे में का चैतन्य धीरे धीरे क्यों कम हो जाता है। हम एक सूचना का एक यंत्र बन गए है। एक शिशु दिन में 400 बार मुस्कुराता है। चेतना का लक्षण है...उत्साह, प्रेम, आनंद, सृजनात्मकता। चेतना के विकास में बाधा है... ज्ञानं बन्धः। जीवन हर समय ताजा है, ज्ञान तुम्हे भूतकाल से बांध देता है। पंचयन्द्री से जो ज्ञान मिलता है वह सीमित ज्ञान होता है। दो तरह के ज्ञान है...स्वरूपगत ज्ञान। कण कण में जानने की शक्ति है। जीवन का लक्षण भी जानने की शक्ति है। The enlightenment in a newborn child is not seen in an educated man. Why does the child's consciousness gradually decrease. We have become a tool of information. An infant smiles 400 times a day. The symptom of consciousness is… enthusiasm, love, joy, creativity. There is an obstacle in the development of consciousness ... Knowledge is bound. Life is fresh all the time, knowledge binds you to the past. The knowledge gained from Panchayandri i...

Shiv Sutra 1.4

Shiv Sutra_1.4__ जाग्रतस्वप्नसुषुप्तभेदेतुर्याभोगसंभवा। तीन अवस्था होती है...जागृत, नींद और स्वप्न और इन तीनों अवस्था के बीच मे कुछ ऐसे क्षण मिलते है जहाँ आप ना जागृत है, ना सो रहे है ना स्वप्न देख रहे हो.. इसे तुरीय अवस्था कहते है, शिव अवस्था कहते है औऱ आप समाधि में जाने लगते हो, आपकी चिंताएं मिटने लगती है, एक बालपन पनपने लगता है। शिवतत्व को खोजने के लिए कैलास जाने की जरूरत नही है...आप शिव को जागृत और स्वप्नावस्था के बीच मे पा सकते हो। There are three stages ... Awakening, sleep and dream and between these three stages there are some moments where you are neither awake nor sleeping or dreaming .. It is called Turiya state, Shiva state And you start going to samadhi, your worries start disappearing, a childhood starts to flourish. There is no need to go to Kailas to find Shivatattva ... You can find Shiva between awakening and self-state.🙌

Shiv Sutra 1.3

Shiv Sutra_1.3 _ उद्यमो भैरव:। शरीर और मन अलग अलग नियमो पर चलते है। व्यायाम से शरीर पुष्ट होता है और विश्राम से मन तीक्ष्ण होता है। पुरुषार्थ से सबकुछ साध्य होता है...इसलिए उद्यम करो। उद्योगी को भाग्य प्राप्त होता है। संसार और अध्यात्म में प्रयत्न जारी रखना पड़ेगा। सेवा, साधना और सत्संग की जरूरत है। रजोगुण बढ़ता है तो ध्यान नही लगता । रजोगुण को काम पे नही लगाओगे तो वह चिंता में परिवर्तित होने लगता है। उद्यम करने से रजोगुण शांत होने लगता है। जो करने का है वह करके और जो नही करने का है उसे छोड़के शांत हो जाओ। रजोगुण इस तरीके से सत्वगुण में बदल जाता है और आप अपने स्वरूप में जो ज्ञानमय, आनंदमय और प्रकाशमय है लौट आते हो। जो उद्यमी है वो जब बैठते है उनको समाधि लगने लगती है,... शिवतत्त्व मे प्रविष्ठ होने लगते है। Body and mind follow different rules. Exercise strengthens the body and by relaxing the mind it gets sharp. Everything makes sense with effort ... so do work. The who works gets a fortune. Efforts will have to continue in the world and spirituality. Service, Sadhana and satsa...

Shiv Sutra 1.2

Shiv Sutra_1.2 _ ज्ञानाधिष्टानं मातृका_ज्ञान को भाषा से समझा जा सकता है। शब्द वाक्य बन जाता है, और वाक्य के माध्यम से हमें ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है। ज्ञान का मूल शब्द है। कोई भी चिंता वाक्य के बिना नहीं हो सकती। बंधन से कैसे छुटकारा पाएं। हम मंत्र के माध्यम से बंधन से छुटकारा पा सकते हैं। शरीर में शक्ति केंद्र पर ध्यान केंद्रित करके, व्यक्ति ध्यान में जा सकता है। Knowledge can be understood by language. Word become sentence, and through sentence we get knowledge. Basic of knowledge is word. Any worry can't be without a sentence. How to get rid of Bandhan. We can get rid of Bandhan through Mantra. By focusing on Shakti Kendra in body, one can go into meditation. 🙌

Shiv Sutra 1.1

Shiv Sutra_1.1 _चैतन्यआत्मा_ हर किसी के जीवन में कुछ अच्छा होता है। लेकिन मन नकारात्मक बातों पर अड़ा रहता है। अच्छी चीज धारण करने के साथ जीवन पर आगे बढ़ें। चेतना में स्वयं को जानने की क्षमता है। संपूर्ण ब्रह्मांड में हर एक परमाणु चेतना से भरा है। पूजा, होमा जैसी हर चीज चेतना को ऊँचा उठाने के लिए है। Shiv Sutra_1.1_ Chaitnya Aatma_ In everybody's life something good is happened. But mind keep on clinging on negative things. Move on the life with holding Good thing. Consciousness has ability to know Self. In entire universe evey atom has filled with Consciousness. Every thing like Puja, homa is to elevate consciousness. 

When people criticize you, there is a fire which flares up in your system | PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹                          🌀CHAPTER - 7🌀                ~ Kriya Yoga ~                 🌀DAY - 55🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 Then, there is Badabaagni - the fire of criticism. When people criticize you, there is a fire which flares up in your system. When you speak before a big crowd, you are uncomfortable and nervous because you fear their opinions and criticism. Badabaagni is the fire of social criticism. It is said that man is a social animal and lives in a society. He has to follow certain rules and cannot love as he pleases. He cannot feel that, since he is free, he can do whatever that he wishes. When you drive, you have to follow the rules. You have to drive on the correct side. When you walk, you have to do so in the proper place. You have to stop where you should stop. You have to follow certain rule...

Naturopathy and Ayurveda deal with this principle - to keep alive the Bhootaagni. | PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹                          🌀CHAPTER - 7🌀                ~ Kriya Yoga ~                 🌀DAY - 54🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 Next is the fire of knowledge or love - Premaagni or Jnaanaagni.            When life will move through all these fires, it will emerge as gold. Unfortunately, you have not understood this principle. You do not even allow the fire to come up in you. When you have fever, you take paracetamol and suppress it. You just get rid of the symptoms of the problem. You do not attend to the root cause. It is not that you should not take medicines. You should take it the natural way. You should attend to the root cause of the problem and eliminate the bacteria, rather than just eliminate the symptoms or the fire in the system.            N...

One of the important principles in Ayurveda - Jataraagni. If the fire of digestion is less or more, it affects your health and your balance | PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹                          🌀CHAPTER - 7🌀                ~ Kriya Yoga ~                 🌀DAY - 53🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 The third type of fire is called Jataraagni - the fire of hunger and digestion. This is one of the important principles in Ayurveda - Jataraagni. If the fire of digestion is less or more, it affects your health and your balance. When there is fever, we just treat the symptoms. We do not understand the principles involved. When a foreign body enters your body, it turns up the heat and there is fever. During a fever, your body is operating its defence mechanism. It is burning up all the foreign bacteria and viruses that have entered it. As soon as they are destroyed, the fever comes down. It purifies the system by getting rid of the foreign matter. Jataraagni - fire of digestion.   ...

There is one hundred percent totality of alertness and awareness. | PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 7🌀                ~ Kriya Yoga ~                 🌀DAY - 52🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷              Three Types Of Tapas Fire sustains life. There are five types of fire. One is Bhootaagni. Bhootaagni is the fire with which you heat your homes and keep yourself warm. This physical fire sustains life. It may not be so obvious in tropical countries. They don't give much importance to fire. But, it is very important in cold countries. Without physical fire, life extinguished. And this physical fire is present in the body to some extent.            And then, there is the second type is fire which is called Kaamaagni. This is the fire of desire, lust or passion. This fire will engulf you. Life continues on this planet because of this fire. The fire of passion ...

That reduce the suffering and misery in life | PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹                          🌀CHAPTER - 7🌀                ~ Kriya Yoga ~                 🌀DAY - 51🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 Kriya Yoga, the Yoga of action has three parts. The first is tapaha. Tapas is endurance and acceptance. You may be taking a long flight. You may be sitting in your seat and your legs would be getting numb. You may be feeling tired and heavy but you keep sitting. You cannot say that you will not sit anymore and that you will get out of the plane. If the plane is delayed or held up in the air, you just have to continue to be on it. There is no choice for you. Now, if you had a choice, you would not sit in one place for eight hours the way you sit on a long flight. But in a plane you accept the inevitable and sit - willingly and without grumbling. This is tapaha. Tapaha is experiencing the...

Knowledge can only blossom when there is peace | Katho Upanishad

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                Chapter 3        The grace of the divine       🌻 Day 14 🌻 In the Shanti Mantra, why would the Master say, “Lets us not hate each other”? He should have said, “You should not hate anybody.” मा विद्विषावहै – Let us not hate each other. Why does he say that? Does the Master have any hatred? No. Then why does he say that? The teacher understands how the mind works. The mind always projects what it has within. A student has imperfection within and he sees imperfection everywhere around him. When someone says, “Only you are perfect”, he is not ready to listen. He says, “No, I am not perfect, everything else is.” The Master has to get to a compromise, “Ok, let us not do this discussion.” It is amazing how the ancient Rishis were masters of psychology. They knew how the mind works. What is outside is only our own projection. Some devotee, in one of the satsangs, asked me...

One is out of frustration and another is with a smile, ‘I don’t mind, I don’t care.’ | Katho Upanishad

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷              Chapter 3              The grace of the divine       🌻 Day 15 🌻 There are four types of cravings, eshanas.         Putreshana – “My son, my daughter, my children.” Vitteshana – “Money, money, money...” Money reigns, there is nothing else. Lokeshana – Repuation, “Oh! What will people think about me? Everybody thinks I am bad” or “Everyone thinks that I am the greatest person and I have to maintain that.” This craving for attention from people, for reputation, for fame, for recognition, is called Lokeshana. Jeeveshana – I should live forever. These four eshanas are like a wall between you and yourself, your true being. The Lord of Death tempted Nachiketa by saying, “I will give you lot of money and fame; you can be a king forever,” to see whether this boy was able to cross these eshanas and really wanted to know the secret of death...

Is communication possible with someone after their death? | Katho Upanishad

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷               Chapter 2                Beyond death       🌻 Day 13 🌻 Question: Is communication possible with someone after their death? Sri Sri: In death, only the physical body gets separated from the subtle body and casual body. Subtle body is where all impressions are. Definitely there is communication form the other side. Communication in the sense, there is a witness from there. Like you are on the hot air balloon and you can see everything happening down. You can’t do anything about the traffic. You can see there is a traffic jam, but you are in the hot balloon and you keep moving. Question: Is there any way that we can help people in coma? Sri Sri: Coma is a state where you lose three senses, but mentally there is alertness. You still hold on to the sense of sight and sound. And you have not left the body; you stay in that state of limbo for a long ...

What happens just before death – sense of touch, taste and smell, these three things go away | Katho Upanishad

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷                Chapter 2          Beyond death       🌻 Day 12 🌻 यस्मिन्निदं विचिकित्सन्ति मृत्यो  यत्साम्पराये महति ब्रूहि नस्तत् । योऽयं वरो गूढमनुप्रविष्टो नान्यं तस्मान्नचिकेता वृणीते ॥ Nachiketa said, “I won’t go for anything less than this. It is a rare opportunity that I have come face to face with you. Now, please teach me.” What happens just before death – sense of touch, taste and smell, these three things go away. The mind has shrunk already. It carries along with it two senses which are still active – sound and sight. When people are in coma, they are still listening, but they can’t act. Sense of action is completely frozen. Body is frozen, but you can hear what people are saying. They want to respond, but they can’t respond. Have you had the experience when you are in deep sleep and someone is asking something or calling you, and you are saying, “Aah, ooh”...

“My life has changed. My whole perception has changed.” | Katho Upanishad

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷        Chapter 2        Beyond death        🌻 Day 11 🌻 देवैरत्रापि विचिकित्सितं पुरा  न हि सुविग्येयमणुरेष धर्मः । अन्यं वरं नचिकेतो वृणीष्व  मा मोपरोत्सीरति मा सृजैनम् ॥ Yama said, “Don’t ask me this. Please release me from this promise. This doubt has haunted so many people. They haven’t known it. Please ask for anything else. I will give you any other boon, but don’t ask me the secret of death.” There are five great secrets. The secret of death and the secret of birth are among them. The Lord of Death said, “Ask anything else. Ask for pleasure, ask for lovely women. Whatever is your desire – you want a kingdom, I will grant it to you. Leave me with this. Since I have promised, I have to fulfill my promise. But please don’t ask me the secret of death.” श्वोभावा मर्त्यस्य यदन्तकैतत्  सर्वेन्द्रियाणां जरयन्ति तेजः । अपि सर्वं जीवितमल्पमेव तवैव वाहास्तव नृत्यगीते ॥ न वित्तेन तर्...

You are just the pure consciousness - untouched and unstained by any event or any happening; pure like the space | ASHTAVAKRA GITA

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                       🌿Chapter - 3🌿        ~ The Secret Of Elements ~                    🌱 Day - 15 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 Ether element - you walk into a place of meditation and there is akasha, there is a space. Immediately you feel spaced out. What happened? The ether element - space is dawning or dominant. We get carried away by all these elements when we identify ourselves with them. You shouted angrily, and then you regretted it. You identified with it. 'Oh, I feel so heavy. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I have to get rid of it'. You have identified yourself both with the state of the body and the mind. These things are the features in the silence programme. The more you go into the silence programme, several times, the more will you be able to appreciate this. In sile...

The five senses have five dimensions in the universe | ASHTAVAKRA GITA

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                       🌿Chapter - 3🌿         ~ The Secret Of Elements ~                    🌱 Day - 14 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 Ashtavakra continues, न पृथवी न जलं नाग्निर्न वीयुर्द्यौर्न वा भवान् ।  एषां साक्षिणमात्मानं चिद्रूपं विद्धि मुक्तये ॥ The five senses have five dimensions in the universe. We can classify the entire universe into five elements with their corresponding functions: -Smell and the earth element. -Taste(tongue) and the water element. -Touch and the air element. -Sound and the ether element. -Shapes and forms and the fire element (light or fire- it's all the same). Is there any sixth beyond this in the world? No, there are only the five elements, the five senses, the five dimensions. Each of these five elements is present in one another in a very small and ...

You don't have to make an effort, just wake up! | ASHTAVAKRA GITA

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                       🌿Chapter - 3🌿        ~ The Secret Of Elements ~                    🌱 Day - 13 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 When we talk about truth, we normally take it as a phenomenon, an instance, happening or a perception. If someone asks what you ate, you reply that you ate four chapati or three bananas. You might have eaten four bananas and three chapati ! What we think of as truth are only events, phenomenon and happenings - the apparent reality. But that is not what truth is. The synonym for truth is existence. What exists is Truth. The five important points are: forgiveness, sincerity, compassion, contentment and truth. Did these five principles come up during the day? Did you forgive yourself or someone else for what happened? Were you sincere in what you were doing. S...

The essence or ambrosia of your life is contentment, truth,compassion, sincerity, and forgiveness.| ASHTAVAKRA GITA

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                        🌿Chapter - 2🌿              ~ The Five Principles ~                      🌱 Day - 12 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 These five principles exist in your life : क्षमा (forgiveness). Do you have to practise forgiveness? When are you going to forgive, after five years of practicing for ten minutes each day ? When is forgiveness to be started ? Tomorrow, the day after, the next lifetime, or will it take four lifetimes in order to forgive? Forgiveness, right now! अर्जव (compassion). When will you be compassionate; after some time? People become very compassionate after a person dies, and give posthumous awards. Our compassion is not always in the present; it is a posthumous. तोष (contentment). When are you going to be contended? We think that we'll be ...

Wake up and see that everything is changing. This is Truth | ASHTAVAKRA GITA

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                        🌿Chapter - 2🌿            ~ The Five Principles ~                      🌱 Day - 11 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 If you only had ten days to live in the planet, what would you want to do? Sit and think what your priorities are. Are you worried about your relationship? In ten days you are going to go away; kick the bucket! Are you worried about your property? Are you worried about your friends and foes? Are you worried about what you are going to eat, your eating preferences? What are your preferences? Ten days to live of your life, and what are you going to do? We keep living as though we will live forever. We hang onto things as though they will be there forever. We forget the sense of time and life - the flow of life. Isn't that our only problem? Y...

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