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Showing posts from July 30, 2022

Strobilanthes integrifolius Endemic to Western Ghats Acanthaceae Kolhapur,Maharashtra India

Strobilanthes integrifolius  Endemic to Western Ghats Acanthaceae Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Kalanchoe olivacea Endemic to Western Ghats Crassulaceae Kolhapur,Maharashtra India

Kalanchoe olivacea Endemic to Western Ghats Crassulaceae Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Arileted seed in Ravenala madagascariensis Sterliziaceae Kolhapur,Maharashtra India

Arileted seed in Ravenala madagascariensis 💙 Sterliziaceae Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Hibiscus hirtus Malvaceae Kolhapur,Maharashtra India

Arileted seed in Ravenala madagascariensis 💙 Sterliziaceae Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Gymnema sylvestre Apocynaceae बेडकीचा पाला Kolhapur,Maharashtra India

Gymnema sylvestre Apocynaceae  बेडकीचा पाला Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Tritaxis glabella var. lawiana जोडपाकळी Endemic Euphorbiaceae Kolhapur Maharashtra India

Tritaxis glabella var. lawiana  जोडपाकळी Endemic Euphorbiaceae Kolhapur Maharashtra India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Dr.Kripa Thomas | "Role of Triyopasthambha in preventing Female Infertility" at "Saaphalya 2022"

Dr.Kripa Thomas, a 2nd year PG Scholar, Department of PG studies in Panchakarma, Sri Sri college of Ayurvedic Science and Research,  Bangalore was selected as the best paper presentation on "Role of Triyopasthambha in preventing Female Infertility" at "Saaphalya 2022"- A state level seminar on Infertility conducted on 27th July 2022 at DGM Ayurvedic Medical college and hospital, Gadag.

Strobilanthes heyneana Acanthaceae अकरा Kolhapur,Maharashtra India

Strobilanthes heyneana Acanthaceae अकरा Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Distimake rhyncorhiza Endangered species from Western Ghats नव्हाळी Convolvulaceae Kolhapur Maharashtra India

Distimake rhyncorhiza 💛 Endangered species from Western Ghats नव्हाळी Convolvulaceae Kolhapur Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Barleria involucrata var. elata Endemic to Western Ghats Acanthaceae Sindhudurg, Maharashtra India

Barleria involucrata var. elata 💜 Endemic to Western Ghats Acanthaceae Sindhudurg, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Burmannia pusilla निलमणी Burmanniaceae Kolhapur,Maharashtra India

Burmannia pusilla 💜 निलमणी Burmanniaceae Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Forest Ghost Flower Aeginetia indica गुलाबदानी Orobanchaceae Sindhudurg, Maharashtra India

Forest Ghost Flower 💝 Aeginetia indica  गुलाबदानी Orobanchaceae Sindhudurg, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Impatiens acaulis Balsaminaceae Kolhapur.Maharashtra India

Impatiens acaulis  Balsaminaceae  Kolhapur. Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Dipcadi ursulae Endemic Asparagaceae Kolhapur,Maharashtra India.

Dipcadi ursulae Endemic  Asparagaceae  Kolhapur, Maharashtra. India From @ Akshay Prakash Jangam

Ceropegia bulbosa Kolhapur,Maharashtra,India.

Ceropegia bulbosa Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India. From @ Akshay Prakash jangam

Once you know the nature of your being - total bliss and total pleasure | Patanjali Yog Sutras

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 2🌀      ~ Honouring The Practice ~                   🌀DAY - 11🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 " तत्परं पुरूषख्यातेगुॅणवैतृष्ण्यम् "            Once you know the nature of your being - total bliss and total pleasure - even the fear about the gunas and the fear about the world will disappear. It is like diabetic patients being afraid of sweets. The sight of sweets frightens them because they are forbidden. But the one who has sweetness in him doesn't mind if there are sweets near them.            This is parama vairagya - supreme dispassion, ie., not being scared or running away from the world but being in it; completely centered.            People have very peculiar ideas about enlightenment. Every culture and religion has got its own ideas about it. In...

Happiness is a mere idea in your mind. You think if you have something, you will be happy Patanjali Yoga Sutras

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 2🌀      ~ Honouring The Practice ~                  🌀DAY - 10🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 वितृष्णस्य वशीकार - the craving for any of the sense objects or celestial heavenly places that the mind gallops towards is an obstruction. Any expectation in meditation is an obstruction. You may have heard that someone had seen a light or somebody coming from heaven and taking them by hand. So, you sit with your eyes closed and wait for an angel to come or to have a light shine on you and then to burst into million stars. All these ideas and thoughts become an obstruction.            If you have dispassion, you will feel that you are not giving up anything for nay of these pleasures. Your desire for pleasure or happiness will make you unhappy. If you examine yourself whenever you are miserable or unhappy, you will find ...

Vairagya is retrieving your senses from the craving or from the thirst for something back to its source for a few moments | Patanjali Yoga Sutras

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 2🌀      ~ Honouring The Practice ~                   🌀DAY - 9🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 "दृष्टानुश्रविकविषयवितृष्णस्य वशीकारसंज्ञा वैराग्यम्"            दृष्टा अनुश्रविक विषय - the mind gallops towards the world of five senses. If you just be quiet, close your eyes, or open ur eyes, or do anything, where does your mind go? It goes towards the sensne of sight. It is the same for the sense the smell, taste, sound, touch. And this craving for any of these experiences in the mind can prevent you from being in the present moment.            Vairagya is retrieving your senses from the craving or from the thirst for something back to its source for a few moments. Then, you will feel that however beautiful a scene is you are not interested in looking at it. However great the food,you f...

What is honour and honouring? Have you ever thought about it?

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 2🌀      ~ Honouring The Practice ~                     🌀DAY - 8🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 Therefore, स तु दीघॅकाल - a long time without a gap. सत्कारासेवितो - this is another important point - with honour and respect. Sometimes, we grumble when we do something. It is no use of doing something unenthusiastically. That is not abhyasa. Abhyasa is something done with gratitude, gratefulness, honour and with respect. This is something we lack in our life. We should do everything in life with honour and respect. Even if you do something with honour and respect, it lasts a very short period. And, if you have to do something over a period of time, you tend to lose that honour and respect. If you have to arrange a stage and, if you're doing it for the first time, you will do it with all honour and respect. You will put in so much attention,...

The mind can never go where you are | Patanjali Yoga Sutras

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 2🌀      ~ Honouring The Practice ~                    🌀DAY - 7🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 Never mind. The mind can never go where you are. A wave can never go to the depth of the ocean. By the time the waves go to the depth, it ceases to be a wave. So the mind can never come to you. The mind can never be you. That is why never mind! You are never the mind. It's superficial. The moment that mind starts coming towards you, it is not a mind. That's why it's said, "Never Mind." You are accepted there;never the mind. Your mind can never go there.            You know you have had this experience often. The mind keeps on asking questions, "Why,why,why,why?" You feel that something is bothering you is your mind's stuff! At that moment there is alertness, and an awareness dawns. And then there is a relief in the...

How will you get over the empowering nature of these vrittis? | Patanjali Yoga Sutras

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 1🌀         ~ Discipline Of Yoga ~                   🌀DAY - 6🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 " अभ्यासवैराग्याभ्यां तन्निरोधः "            How will you get over the empowering nature of these vrittis?            It is through abhyasa and vairagya - practice and detachment. " तत्र स्थितौ यत्नौऽभ्यासः "            That which you do to 'be' is called abhyasa or practice. Abiding in the seer is abhyasa. That which you do to be there, now, here or in this moment is abhyasa. An effort is needed for you to relieve yourself from five modulations and just be here - now,now,now; to bring the mind to the present and not dwell on past memories. This effort is called abhyasa.            You can start by being determined that you are...

The third vritti is Vikalpa | PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 1🌀         ~ Discipline Of Yoga ~                   🌀DAY - 5🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷           The third vritti is Vikalpa.             Vikalpa is a sort of hallucination. There may be some thought. But, it is not true. However, something hovers in the mind. This is called Vikalpa. People become paranoid. All such unfolded and baseless fears do not mean anything. Such thoughts and ideas are called Vikalpas - fantasies. The mind either gets stuck in proof or in wrong knowledge, misconception or fantasies. Fantasies are Vikalpas. You may be already forty, fifty or sixty years old, and you fantasize what it would be like if you were sixteen again. Then, you go on and think that you would go somewhere and get a big haul of gold and that, then, you would become rich. Then, yo...

Activity of mind is called Viparyaya | PATANJALI YOG SUTRAS

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 1🌀         ~ Discipline Of Yoga ~                      🌀DAY - 4🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 " विपयॅयो मिथ्याज्ञानमतद्रूपप्रतिष्ठम् "         Pramaana is the knowledge that the mind is constantly engaged in arguments, in proofs, in knowledge, in analysing, or in wrong knowledge, wrong understanding, etc. You could be arguing and being logical. You could be looking for proof, or you will have wrong understanding. You will think that things are the way that they are not. Most of the time you impose your own views, ideas, and feelings on others. You think that this is how the things are. This activity of mind is called Viparyaya. You may have an inferiority complex and, thereby, consider someone's behavior very arrogant. Actually, they are not arrogant, and you are not being ill-treated by them. But, you fee...

You assume the form in the mind. What are the activities in the mind? | PatanjaliYoga Sutras

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 1🌀         ~ Discipline Of Yoga ~                    🌀DAY - 3🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 " वृत्ति स्वरूप्य मितरत्र "             You assume the form in the mind. What are the activities in the mind?            Vrittayah panchatayyaha            The modulations of the mind are of five forms - klishta and aklishta.            Some are problematic, and some are non-problematic. There are certain vrittis of the mind which are problematic and which cause troubles and difficulties, and certain others which are not problematic - unpleasant and pleasant vrtittis.            Pramaana, viparyaya, vikalpa, nidraa and smritayaha.            Five modes of con...

The whole purpose of Yoga is to be unto one Self bring integrity in you and to make you whole | PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS

🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 1🌀         ~ Discipline Of Yoga ~                    🌀DAY - 2🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 " तदा द्रष्टुः स्वरूपेऽवस्थानम् " It puts you on to your Self.  " Tadaa drishta swaroopae avasthaanam "           Otherwise, what has been happening? " वृत्ति स्वरूप्य मितरत्र " Your mind has been engaged and caught up in the outside world all the time. Your eyes have been open and you have been caught up in all that you have been seeing. Similarly, you have been caught up in all that you smell, hear, touch, taste, etc. And when you are awake, you are constantly engaged in the activities of the senses. Otherwise, you go back to sleep and dream. Then, you are completely shut off.            During sleep and dream, the same memories come but you are never calm and quiet. When you uni...


🌹PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS🌹             🌀CHAPTER - 1🌀         ~ Discipline Of Yoga ~                    🌀DAY - 1🌀 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 " अथ योगानुशासनम् "            Shaasana are the rules that society or somebody else imposes on you. अनुशासन are the rules that you impose on yourself. Now, why is Yoga called a discipline? Where is the need for a discipline? When does the need for discipline arise?            When you are thirsty, you want to drink water. You don't feel that it is a rule to drink water when you are thirsty. And when you are hungry, you eat. You do feel that you have the discipline of eating when you are hungry;that you have a discipline of enjoying the nature. No discipline is necessary for enjoyment. When is discipline relevant? Not when something is enjoyable at the very first step. A child neve...

Why in the Vedic books there is mantra for success in gambling

Question - Gurudev, I’m confused as to why in the Vedic books there is mantra for success in gambling when Lord Krishna forbids gambling in the Bhagavad Gita? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - The ancient thought was that a king should know everything, even how to steal. So a prince, before he becomes a king, he was trained how to become a thief and steal, so that tomorrow when he becomes a king he understands a thief also. So all this good, bad, all types of knowledge is present in the Vedas. It is so that people understand everything and everybody. To understand criminals you have to know their psychology and that is what they have said about. It’s not that you should do it or practise it. @GurudevSriSri_Official

What does surrender truly mean

Why are problems a part of our life ?

Gurudev, are you an Avataar of Lord Shiva or Lord Krishna?

Question - Gurudev, are you an Avataar of Lord Shiva or Lord Krishna? I have been asking myself this question for a long time, so please remove my confusion. Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - Have you read the Bhagavad Gita? I would say that first you read the Gita. It is not enough to read it once. You must read it again and again. Lord Krishna says, 'Wherever you see any divinity, that is a part of Me and Me alone'. He says that I am present everywhere, in the plants, in trees. I am the strength of the strong, I am the magnificence and glory of the radiant ones. There is nothing beyond Me in this creation'. @GurudevSriSri_Official

Gurudev, why should we not cheat others? Gurudev Sri Sri

Antarmukhi sada sukhi

Let us dive within today and feel the bliss , energy and the wealth within as Gurudev says antarmukhi sada sukhi

What can I do for you Gurudev ?

When you feel totally helpless just pray

When you feel totally helpless just pray. Just know that there is this unseen force which is always guiding you to the right direction. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

How can we correct other peoples mistakes?

Question - Gurudev, how can we correct other peoples mistakes? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar ji - Mistakes happen all the time. Often you get irritated by mistakes and you want to correct them, but how many can you correct? You correct others’ mistakes for two reasons. The first is when someone’s mistake bothers you, and the second is when you correct someone for their own sake so they can grow, not because it bothers you. Correcting mistakes for the first reason – when the mistake bothers you – does not work. To correct mistakes you need both authority and love. Authority and love seem to be contradictory but in reality they are not. Authority without love is stifling and does not work. Love without authority is shallow. You need both but they need to be in the right combination so you can be successful in correcting others’ mistakes. This can happen if you are totally dispassionate and centered. When you allow room for mistakes, you can be both authoritative and swe...

Is it better for couples to come to the @ArtofLiving course together or each for him or herself?

Question - Gurudev, is it better for couples to come to the @ArtofLiving course together or each for him or herself? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - Sometimes you come together, sometimes you come separately. Even if you come here together, sit in different corners and do your own meditation. Don’t watch each other and see what the other is doing. They are sitting and meditating and you are thinking, 'Is my wife/husband here?' It depends on you. Sometimes if both of you want to have your own space, that is your decision. And if you want to come together and enjoy it together, again your decision. Both are okay. @GurudevSriSri_Official

Life is like that, friends become enemies and enemies become friends.

Life is like that, friends become enemies and enemies become friends. You haven’t done anything good to a person and they have started doing good to you; friends or enemies, it does not matter.            Your life runs by different laws of karma. That is why, put all your friends and enemies in one basket, because a ten-year friendship can turn into enmity and an enemy can become a great friend to you at any time. It all depends on you and your karma. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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