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Showing posts from July 26, 2022

As you sow, so shall you reap. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

You sow some seeds. Some seeds will sprout in 2 days. If you put peanuts, they would sprout in 4-5 days, and if you want to grow a coconut, it would take several months. If you plant lettuce, it would give fruit in 5 months or even 2-2 ½ months. If you plant a mango, it would give fruit in 10 years and if you plant a jackfruit, the next generation would enjoy the fruit! Different seeds have different timing. Similarly, different karmas will give fruit at different times. Many a times, people ask, "We are so good. Why do bad things happen to good people?" Bad things never happen to good people. Even if it seems to be happening, they were bad at some time. Now they will be good but they have done something bad and so bad is happening. Those seeds, they had sown neem (margosa) seeds long ago and now they have to reap the bitter fruit of the neem tree. Now, they may be sowing mango. They will reap that fruit later. As you sow, so shall you reap. ~Sri Sri

The Grace of Divine | Katopanishad A commentary by H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Katopanishad (A commentary by H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) –  ✨ "The Grace of Divine"✨ 1) So when Nachiketa was offered all these temptations, “You can be the lord of the world, the king of kings, you can have beautiful girls, singing and dancing around you”, he said with a smile, “No. But what I want from you us the secret of death?” When the boy was adamant. “I only want the highest; I don’t want any of these other appeasements that you are giving me,” the lord of death was pleased. This is a real good student, a really good seeker; He was pleased by his patience, his perseverance. Then he praised Nachiketa.  2) You have chosen liberation when pleasure was offered to you. They both have got different users. The one who goes for liberation the pleasure also comes to him. The one who goes only for pleasure, only misery comes to him. Not only does he get misery, he is deprived of the Highest. You have chosen this path of liberation, so you will get all other pleasur...

Beyond Death | Katopanishad A commentary by H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Katopanishad (A commentary by H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) –  ✨"Beyond Death"✨  1) When a pure heart, a sincere heart moves in any action, even death bows to them. A seeker with wisdom is supreme. Death bows in front of them. The first boon Nachiketa asked was, “Let my father’s temper get cooled down. Let him receive me with love when I return back home.  “Lord Yama said, “OK, that’s done.” That shows innocence - how in spite of father’s anger, the son didn't get angry at the father. He wished good for his father. He wanted his father to enjoy merits of the yagya he was doing. So he requested, “Let my father receive me with love.” 2) The natural desire of every life is to have comfort, to get into a place where there is no misery, no sorrow. The goal of human life is to move towards heaven. Heaven means a place where there is no death, no destruction, no old age, where there is no suffering. Where is this place? Is it somewhere up in the heaven? How to get ther...

At the Door of Death | Katopanishad A commentary by Gurudev Ravi Shankarji

Katopanishad (A commentary by H. H. Sri Sri Ravishankar) –  "At the Door of Death" 1) Katha Upanishad – “tha” means the final. What is the final thing about life? What is the end? What is the ultimate? 2) Every Upanishad begins with Shanti Mantra and ends with Shanti Mantra. “Shanti” means “Peace”. ॐ सह नाववतु । - Let us be together सह नौ भुनक्तु । - Enjoy this life together सह वीर्यं करवावहै । - Let us grow in strength together तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै । - Let us glow together ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ - Shanti, Shanti, Shanti 3) You can go deep into knowledge in a peaceful environment, but you can’t do so if the environment is disturbed. If your mind is disturbed, you have to do pranayama, yoga, meditation and kriya, to calm it and only then you can talk about higher knowledge. The minute you sit close to the Master, the vibration is already getting transferred and by the vibration; the mind is already becoming calm. 4) Long long ago, there lived a v...

Chrysothemis pulchella Gesneriaceae Location Madgao, Goa India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Portulaca grandiflora Location Madgao , Goa India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Begonia spp. widely cultivated in Darjeeling hills! Location Belgavi, Karnataka India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Saintaulia ionantha. African violet Location Madgao, Goa India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

May Flower Location Sindhudurg Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Euphorbia hypercifolia Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Green milkweed creeper- Cosmostigma racemosum It's a host plant of dark blue tiger Location Thane, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Desmodium triflorum - हंसपदी , त्रिपदी Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Torenia sp Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Canscora diffusa (Gentianaceae) Location Thane ,Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Cardiospermum halicacabum ,कपाळफोडी Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Argemone mexicana Location Sindhudurg ,Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Solanum nigrum Location Ratnagiri , Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Oldenlandia corymbosa Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Boerhavia diffusa (punarnava) Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Oxalis triangularis Location Madgao, Goa India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Mollugo sp. Location Thane, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Geissaspis cristata Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Murdannia versicolour Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Clerodendrum chinense Location Sindhudurg, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Dentella repens Location Ratnagiri , Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Oxalis triangularis Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Bridelia retusa flowers ( असणाची फुले) Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Drosera indica Family - Droseraceae (Sundew family) Common name - Flycatcher, Sundew, Dew plant, Indian Sundew Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Murdannia nimmoniana var. nimmoniana ( Panicled Dewflower), नीलिमा Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Alternanthera sessilis (Amaranthaceae) बेचकुसळ Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

हिरवी दांडेअमरी Botanical name: Dendrobium ovatum Family: Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Location Thane, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Lindernia a tiny flowers Location Ratnagiri,Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

जांभळी दशमी Desmodium heterocarpon (Fabaceae) Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Helicterous isora, madorfali Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Plumeria pudica Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Cleome viscosa Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Flueggea leucopyrus (Phyllanthaceae) पांढरफळी Location Thane, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Burmannia pusilla Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Evolvulus alsinoides (Convolvulaceae)Dwarf Morning Glory / विष्णुक्रांता Location Ratnagiri, Maharashtra India

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Drosera indica

Photo @ Mangal Rane

Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze Family : Menyanthaceae Common name : Floating hearts, Kumudini Habit : Herb

Nymphoides indica (L.) Kuntze Family : Menyanthaceae Common name : Floating hearts, Kumudini Habit : Herb Habitat : Mud and shallow water Medicinal uses : ✔ It is used to cure anaemia, jaundice and asthmatic conditions. ✔ Potential against bleeding disorders, dysentery, wound healing.  Sweta Mishra Biodiversity and Conservation Lab. Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Bhubaneswar, Odisha India 

The worst act of reason is war.

The worst act of reason is war. Every war has a reason, and the reason justifies the war. But reason is limited. Man has to transcend reason, and only then he can realize Divinity. And the mere taste of the Divine can deter him from engaging in war.

तर्क से किया गया सबसे बुरा कार्य युद्ध है।

तर्क से किया गया सबसे बुरा कार्य युद्ध है। हर युद्ध का एक कारण होता है, और वह कारण युद्ध को सही ठहराता है। लेकिन तर्क सीमित है। मनुष्य को तर्क से परे जाना है, और तभी वह दिव्यता का अनुभव कर सकता है। और दिव्यता का मात्र स्वाद उसे युद्ध में शामिल होने से रोक सकता है।

How to deal with anxiety?

How to deal with anxiety? Singing, dancing, yoga, mediation, and breathing are all helpful in getting rid of anxiety. Moreover, have faith and surrender to the divine. Know that there is a supreme power that loves you and accepts you totally! - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

चिंता से कैसे निपटें?

चिंता से कैसे निपटें? गायन, नृत्य, योग, ध्यान और प्राणायाम चिंता को दूर करने में सहायक होते हैं। इसके अलावा, ईश्वर के प्रति आस्था रखें और समर्पण करें। जान लें कि एक सर्वोच्च शक्ति है जो आपसे प्यार करती है और आपको पूरी तरह से स्वीकार करती है!

Moringa oleifera Lam. Family : Moringaceae Common name : Drumstick tree, Sajana ( Odia)

Moringa oleifera Lam. Family : Moringaceae Common name : Drumstick tree, Sajana ( Odia) Location : Kalahandi, Odisha India Among myriad of natural plants, Moringa oleifera is called miracle vegetable because it is medicinal as well as functional food. The flowers, fruits as well as leaves have culinary uses. Medicinal uses: ✨Moringais used for malnourished children and forimprovement of the immune system, againstAIDS and HIV linked illnesses.  ✨Flowers are potential against Throat infection, common cold, anthelmintic, anti-tumor, rheumatism, tonic, abortion. ✨Moringa leaf powder encourages neuro-protection.   ✨Having anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-hyperlipidemic, hypotensive, anti-diabetic, antiasthmatic, anthelmintic, anti-fertility etc. activities. ✨Bark is used in Toothache, Common cold, External Sores/Ulcer, Anti-Tumor, Snakebite, Scorpion bite, Headache etc. ✨Roots are used against Fever, Asthma, Diuretic, Diarrhea etc. Sweta Mishra Bi...

एक क्षण के लिए भी सारे इरादे छोड़ देने से तुम अपनी आत्मा के संपर्क में आ जाते हो और उसी क्षण ध्यान घटित होता है।

एक क्षण के लिए भी सारे इरादे छोड़ देने से तुम अपनी आत्मा के संपर्क में आ जाते हो और उसी क्षण ध्यान घटित होता है।

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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