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Showing posts from July 25, 2022

Dropping all intention even for a moment brings you in touch with your Self and in that instant meditation happens.

Dropping all intention even for a moment brings you in touch with your Self and in that instant meditation happens. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

Confidence blended with humility is most appreciated by everybody

One of the rarest character combinations is the coexistence of confidence and humility. Often people who are confident are not humble and people with humility are not confident. Confidence blended with humility is most appreciated by everybody .- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

विनम्रता के साथ आत्मविश्वास सबसे अधिक सराहनीय है।

दुर्लभ चरित्र संयोजनों में से एक आत्मविश्वास और विनम्रता का सह-अस्तित्व है। अक्सर आत्मविश्वासी लोग विनम्र नहीं होते और विनम्र लोग आत्मविश्वासी नहीं होते। विनम्रता के साथ आत्मविश्वास सबसे अधिक सराहनीय है। 

When you have a desire but not the faith that you can achieve it, then you call it daydreaming.

When you have a desire but not the faith that you can achieve it, then you call it daydreaming.  When you do not know yourself, or your potential, you have no faith or confidence in your dreams. But once you have faith and confidence in your dreams, they are no longer daydreams! .- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

जब आपकी कोई इच्छा हो लेकिन यह विश्वास नहीं कि आप उसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, तो आप इसे दिवास्वप्न कहते हैं।

जब आपकी कोई इच्छा हो लेकिन यह विश्वास नहीं कि आप उसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, तो आप इसे दिवास्वप्न कहते हैं। जब आप खुद को या अपनी क्षमता को नहीं जानते हैं, तो आपको अपने सपनों में कोई श्रद्धा या विश्वास नहीं होता है। लेकिन एक बार जब आप अपने सपनों में श्रद्धा और विश्वास कर लेते हैं, तो वे दिवास्वप्न नहीं रह जाते हैं! 

Being forgetful of one's true nature is the root cause of all problems and suffering in life

Being forgetful of one's true nature is the root cause of all problems and suffering in life. But the very remembrance of one's nature, which is godliness, brings freedom. .- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

अपने वास्तविक स्वरूप को भूल जाना ही जीवन की सभी समस्याओं और दुखों का मूल कारण है

अपने वास्तविक स्वरूप को भूल जाना ही जीवन की सभी समस्याओं और दुखों का मूल कारण है। लेकिन अपने स्वभाव का स्मरण, जो कि ईश्वरत्व है, वह मुक्ति लाता है। 

What really perturbs you? Isn't it the foolishness that goes on around you?

What really perturbs you? Isn't it the foolishness that goes on around you? But it is foolish to be perturbed by foolishness, because when you know that truth is eternal and invincible, you accept foolishness as a joke and remain unmoved by it. .- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

वास्तव में आपको क्या परेशान करता है? यह मूर्खता ही है न जो आपके आसपास चलती रहती है।

वास्तव में आपको क्या परेशान करता है? यह मूर्खता ही है न जो आपके आसपास चलती रहती है।  लेकिन मूर्खता से परेशान होना मूर्खता है, क्योंकि जब आप जानते हैं कि सत्य शाश्वत और अजेय है, तो आप मूर्खता को मजाक के रूप में स्वीकार करते हैं और उससे अविचलित रहते हैं। 

True dispassion is oblivious to glory.

Glory and luxury without dispassion is nauseating pomp and show. Such glory is shallow and does not bring fulfilment for anyone. Alternatively, the dispassion that is afraid of glory is weak. True dispassion is oblivious to glory. .- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

Carrot and Ginger Soup | A Vata balancing recipe for women

This soup is great for: 🌿 Reducing menstrual cramps - ginger can lower the levels of pain-causing prostaglandins.  🌿 Carrots are also a source of undigestible fibres which help to detox excess estrogen from the body. 🌿 Boosting immunity - a great antioxidant, ginger is good for the immune system, also combats free radicals and slows down ageing. 🌿 Carrots are a rich source of pectin - a soluble fibre that feeds healthy bacteria in your gut.  🌿 Reducing vata and balancing all the three doshas.  Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma Centre 

Ginger contains Vitamin B6, which helps improve the response of the immune system against infections

This effortless seasonal hack has many health benefits:  ✔ Ginger contains Vitamin B6, which helps improve the response of the immune system against infections ✔ Ginger’s bioactive compounds have anti-inflammatory properties and aid in digestion ✔ Cumin contains cumin aldehyde in abundance. This compound exhibits medicinal properties to increase immunity, and fight diabetes ✔ Cumin also improves the production of bile from the liver and can help in increasing the activity of enzymes in the body, thus aiding digestion Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma Centre

Complete care and consultation program on Menopause

Menopause marks a milestone where women deserve to re-align their priorities, and put their health and wellbeing on top of the list! Join our complete care and consultation program on Menopause - Vrundha. Have all your doubts and health concerns solved through: - Pulse-diagnosis or Nadi Parksha to understand the body type - Counselling on the right diet and lifestyle tailor-made for the patient’s body type - Use of gentle but effective ayurvedic medicines to heal and balance the body from within - Home remedies for controlling menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and overall hygiene - Demonstration of yogasanas to balance hormones, and for physical and mental wellbeing - Depending on the patient’s health requirements - Panchakarma treatments for detoxification - Rasayana (rejuvenation therapy) to slow down ageing, increase vitality, memory, functioning of organs and improve skin quality. Duration: 5-10 days of comprehensive care for long-...

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Consultation on menstrual health and fertility

Help your child welcome change into her life, and understand the many meanings of menstruation. Have all your doubts and health concerns solved through our consultation and care program Anuja - under the guidance of ayurveda gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Yamini Agalya, which includes: 1. Pulse-diagnosis or Nadi Parksha to understand the body type 2. Healthcare consultation and counselling, on the right diet and lifestyle tailor-made for the patient’s body type 3. Use of gentle but effective ayurvedic medicines to heal and balance the body from within 4. Consultation on menstrual hygiene and home remedies for cramps 5. Demonstration of yogasanas to balance hormones, and for physical and mental wellbeing 6. Depending on the patient’s health requirements - Panchakarma treatments for detoxification Duration: 7-10 days of comprehensive care for long-term health benefits. 📞08068944565 to book your consultation today Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma Centre

The whole universe is a field of consciousness.

When the sun shines in your window, you can’t say, ‘Oh I have captured the sun!’. The same sun will be there in the neighbour’s window as well, and all over the world.          So the sun is here totally and there also totally. And you are just a vibration. As the body you can’t be everywhere, but as consciousness you can be in many places.          If you have touched a flower, your vibrations have gone into the flower. So the whole universe is a field of consciousness.  - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

How to act passionately after being trained to be dispassionate?

Question - Gurudev, how to act passionately after being trained to be dispassionate? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - You cannot create passion, when you love something it simply comes to you. You cannot ask me how do I love something, there is no way, no method. Sometimes repetition might create an attachment but I wouldn’t say it is love. I have seen people who are fighting and when one person is not there anymore or has gone far away then one feels some sort of vacuum suddenly. Every day you are fighting with someone and suddenly that person is not there, what to do now? This is a sort of attachment, but passion that is something which cannot be cultivated, it just comes to you. Dispassion can be cultivated to some extent but compassion and passion cannot be cultivated. 

The way out of sorrow

 *The way out of sorrow*  If your are unhappy you better check if one or all of these are lacking: Tapa (penance), Vairagya (dispassion), Sharanagati (surrender). Tapas is agreeing with the moment, total acceptance of pleasant or unpleasant situations. Vairagya means I want nothing and I am nothing. Sharanagati is "I am here for You, for Your joy." If you are grumbling then these are lacking, because when you accept the situation you cannot grumble; when you take it as Tapa you will not grumble; when you come from a state dispassion ("I don't want anything") you don't grumble; and if you are surrendered you will have no complaints. All these three (Tapas, Vairagya and surrender) purify your mind and uplift you in joy. If you don? do it willingly you will do it in desperation. First you say, "Nothing can be done." Then in anger and desperation you say, "I give up, I want nothing, I have no choice, to hell with it!" Gurudev Sri ...

Contentment can only be got through knowledge. That is why it is said that even if one or two people in a family meditate and practice samadhi.

*Chapter 4 - Contentment* In the earlier days, it would take many years to build a house. It would take many generations to build a temple. An example is the Brihadeeshwara temple in Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu.  It took nearly 3 generations to complete its construction around 300 years? It is so surprising that it took 300 years to build a temple. The task started by one has to be completed by somebody else. In the same way, if the father is an astrologer, the son continues as an astrologer.  If the father is a doctor, the son becomes a doctor too. The one, who continues the task started, is known as disciple, son or progeny. It is said that children should give ablutions to elders, it implies that the elders should be made contented first.  If the elders wanted to do a task and if it is incomplete, then completion of the task was giving them ablutions. Completion of the task itself is equivalent to giving them ablutions.  If you have to give ablutions to elder...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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