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Showing posts from July 15, 2022

The moment you agree to be with a conflict, it no longer appears as a conflict to you.

People who love peace do not want to fight and those who fight do not have peace.         What is needed is to be peaceful within and then fight.Just trying to end a conflict only prolongs it.          God has been putting up with all conflicts throughout the ages and if God can, you can too. The moment you agree to be with a conflict, it no longer appears as a conflict to you.  - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Guru Principle is that which removes darkness, it is that which removes all suffering.

In our body, the throat chakra is for gratefulness. Above the throat chakra is the ajna chakra, the seat of the Guru. So gratefulness is the way to reach the Guru Tattva.          And then where does the Guru lead you to? Bliss (pointing to the top of the head), i.e, the Sahasrara Chakra. So, Guru is sandwiched between gratefulness and bliss.           This Guru Principle is that which removes darkness, it is that which removes all suffering.            We chant, 'Bhishaje bhava roginam', which means, it is like the medicine for those who are stuck in small little worldly things; the disease of small mindedness. It is called a disease because the mind wants to get out of the suffering.          Guru Tattva brings that absolute comfort. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

You should simply keep moving forward.

We want to see everything perfect in others but we forget to look at ourselves. We do not reflect on ourselves.         Reflect on yourself but  then don't get too entangled into the analysis.          Do not overdo it. You have some good qualities and some not so good qualities, it is okay. Just keep moving ahead.         Some things are fine, some are not and it does not matter. You should simply keep moving forward. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

See everybody as nothing but frequencies. Then nothing will touch you. Enjoy the variety, enjoy the diversity and don’t lose your smile.

If someone is getting annoyed, just say, ‘Hey! Wave function! The frequency has changed.’        If someone is happy, they have a different frequency. If there is jealousy, ‘Oh, they have changed to third frequency.’ If someone is upset or depressed, ‘frequency has changed again.’         Would anyone be upset about the changing frequencies ? No. So see everybody as nothing but frequencies. Then nothing will touch you. Enjoy the variety, enjoy the diversity and don’t lose your smile.  - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Whatever we do throughout our lives is what we actually remember in the last moments of our life

Lord Krishna (further) says, “It is alright to go about your life as you like, but in the last moments of life, you should remember me and establish your mind and intellect totally in me.           There is no doubt that when you remember me with devotion, you will surely unite with me”.            But the truth is that whatever we do throughout our lives is what we actually remember in the last moments of our life as well. In those dying moments too, the same things disturb the mind.         That is why Lord Krishna, after having given so much knowledge, also says, “In your final moments, remember me”. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji  [Gita ch.8 commentary]

They are bliss, they want nothing for themselves and are here to spread happiness around them.

The names of many sanyasis end with “ananda”. Their very name reminds them that they are bliss, they want nothing for themselves and are here to spread happiness around them.            No man is an island entire of itself. If one person in a family is unhappy, it affects every other member. We are all interdependent on, and interconnected with, one another. Though happiness is an individual attitude, it is also linked to our environment. No one can claim to be happy when there are riots in the next street.         That’s why we need to take the responsibility of spreading wisdom and care for the happiness of others. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Cultivate ability to redirect the mind at will and not get stuck on anything.

The challenge is to stay happy without abandoning your pursuits. It is a skill that is learnt.          There is no better teacher than little children for this. They have aspirations, yet they stay happy in the moment.           They do what is needed to get their desires fulfilled, but are not hung up on them. Their minds can be easily diverted from one thing to another, from toys to toffees to something else.        We need to cultivate this ability to redirect the mind at will and not get stuck on anything. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Life itself is your syllabus. World is a book by itself.

That which is out of syllabus, simply doesn't exist. Life itself is your syllabus. World is a book by itself.          When you open your eyes to reality, it's not just the school you learn, it's the whole universe!           Students should have the greed for learning. When students are interested even teachers feel good to teach and impart all their experiences and knowledge. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Making the mind hollow and empty is meditation

It is said, “_Dhyanam nirvishaya manaha_” .            Making the mind hollow and empty is meditation. For a few minutes every day, we need to keep aside our thoughts and feelings and go deep within and just relax. This is meditation.         This helps to awaken the intuitive power within us. And our intuition is always correct. If it was not correct, then we would not call it intuition. Intuition can never go wrong. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

All birds emit the Ka and Ca sound Only two birds, i.e., parrot and mynah can use the sound Ma also

Even the animal kingdom is taken into consideration here.           All birds emit the Ka and Ca sound. Only two birds, i.e., parrot and mynah can use the sound Ma also . All other birds only use Ka and Ca.           Amphibians like frogs make sounds that sound like Ta, Tha or Tra. Mammals like cows, sheep, goats, horses, etc., use Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha, Ma, or the next set of consonants.          Lastly come all the other alphabets like Ya, Ra, La, Va, She, Sha. Therefore, the alphabets and sounds are arranged in the same order as the theory of evolution, i.e., birds, animals, mammals and humans.          Isn’t that interesting? It is absolutely fascinating. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

You just meditate and let god come behind you

Listen, god is not an object of sight ! You should never make god an object of senses. You can’t see him, you can’t smell him, you can’t touch him.         God is the seer. From the scenery when you withdraw your mind, the very center core of your existence is god.            And you will find that is what is there everywhere in the universe. So don’t worry about god, give him or her a little space !             You just meditate and let god come behind you. That’s what Kabir Das, a great poet in India says, I was searching for god, here and there, I was running, calling his name and I got so tired and I just kept quiet. I sat with myself and went into deep meditation.         Now god is after me, calling my name. So let god call your name, you relax. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

I stand up for peace

If a million of us have this intention of “I stand up for peace,” we can make magic .  When 1% of the population meditates, it elevates the collective consciousness. Similarly, if enough people say “I stand up for peace,” then we project that energy, that vision & it will happen ! - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Don’t judge others. You never know what they are going through, how they feel and how they are inside

Don’t judge others. You never know what they are going through, how they feel and how they are inside . - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

All these sounds move from the base of the throat outwards

If you observe the Sanskrit vowels, which are A, Aa, E, Eee, Oo, Oou;          Observe how the sound is generated. The sound A comes at the root of the throat, Aa comes more outward. E comes from the palate, and Ee is more outward. Oo comes to the lips and Ruu, the tongue rolls.           The rest of the letters are Ae, Ai, O, Au, Am, Aha. If you move to consonants, they start with Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha, Na and they start from the throat.          Then Ca, Cha, Ja, Jha, Nna, the sound move towards the mouth.         Then come Ta, Tha, Da, Dha, Na, these come with the help of the dental movement.            The last few come from the lips Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha, Ma. If you observe, all these sounds move from the base of the throat outwards.  - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

I would urge you to visit the Gurukul and also the Ayurveda hospital.

I would urge you to visit the Gurukul and also the Ayurveda hospital.          At the Ayurveda hospital, you will find an amazing blend of modern scientific techniques along with the timeless ancient wisdom of our ancestors. It is a unique combination of the ancient and modern knowledge.          Why do people take to Ayurveda ? For many diseases which doctors around the world are not able to treat in other countries, we offer treatments and many people find such great relief after just three to four days of therapy at our hospital.         You will also find that our Ayurveda Hospital offers many non-invasive treatments and cures for physical ailments, which is an amazing thing. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Ida, pingala, sushumna and then kurma, dhananjaya, krukala (etc.,) All these nadis are in our body

See, there are ten nadis in our body : Ida, pingala, sushumna and then kurma, dhananjaya, krukala (etc.,) All these nadis are there.          And they are all connected to different parts of the body. Yawning is connected to a certain nadi. Like that, twitching of the eyes is connected to krukala .And then burping is also connected to a nadi.            Now, (after death) the causal body leaves, the subtle body is still there. The nadis are functioning a little bit. Gross body, of course, there could be some warmth. And it takes some time for the body to become cold.              The dhananjaya nadi runs through both the toes. So (in last rite rituals) they tie the toes together so that the dhananjaya nadi is balanced, so the vayu tattva escapes through the feet.           Otherwise what would happen is, dhananjay nadi imbalance can bloat the stomach. And they ...

What treatment animals are subject to in slaughterhouses

There is plenty of disturbing footage available on what treatment animals are subject to in slaughterhouses , like the documentary ‘Meet your Meat’.           They are injected with hormones so that they grow faster and add more bulk.         All these chemicals then end up in the bodies of people who eat this meat. But their system cannot take these chemicals and t hey eventually turn into cancers and other immune system disorders . - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

What you resist will always persist"? It is the nature of the mind

Question - Gurudev, What is the meaning of the statement you always say, "What you resist will always persist"? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar ji - Let me tell you a story. There was a farmer who went to a saint and said, “Give me something so that my life becomes wonderful. Give me a mantra, a japa and then I will do something great.” The saint agreed and gave him a mantra to chant. The farmer was very happy. He was about to leave when the saint said, “Just a minute, I forgot to tell you something. Whenever you want to chant the mantra or when you sit for meditation, take care not to think of a monkey. If you do, the mantra will become useless and impotent. It won’t be of any use to you.” The farmer said, ‘Oh, this is so easy! I have never thought about monkeys in my life. There is no reason why I should think about them now. And I have just a wheat and paddy field. Monkeys don’t come there at all.’ So he went home and sat to meditate. The first thing that came to h...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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