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Showing posts from July 13, 2022

Pericallis × hybrida Location Shimla Himachal Pradesh India

Cineraria, Florist's Cineraria, Common ragwort... Botanical name:- Pericallis x hybrida... Family:- Asteraceae..... Location-Shimla Himachal Pradesh India Prosopis cineraria extensively used in traditional medicine to cure many diseases such as ailments like  leprosy, dysentery, asthma, leucoderma, dyspepsia and earache 

Verbena Red velvet Location Shimla Himachal Pradesh India

Verbena Red velvet, Garden Verbena..... Botanical name:- Verbena hybrida.... Family:- Verbenaceae.... Location- Shimla..Himachal Pradesh India Verbena is used for  mild gum disease (gingivitis), swelling (inflammation) of the nasal cavity and sinuses (rhinosinusitis), heart conditions, depression, and other conditions , but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. 

Hairy Bergenia Location Shimla Himachal Pradesh India

Hairy Bergenia, Winter Bergenia, Fringed elephant's ears... Botanical name:- Bergenia ciliata... Family:- Saxifragaceae.... Location-Shimla Himachal Pradesh India In Ayurveda system of medicine it is commonly used as  tonic, astringent, antiscorbutic, laxative, spleen enlargement, dysuria and ulcers  . Local people of West Bengal use rhizome juice as an anti-tussive for cough and cold 

Sri Sri Tattva Medicine Campaign at Meher Distributors Pvt Ltd Mumbai Maharashtra India

Sri Sri Tattva Medicine Campaign at Meher Distributors Pvt Ltd Mumbai Maharashtra India

Sri Sri Tattva Stall on Guru Purnima at Vashi Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India

Sri Sri Tattva Stall on Guru Purnima at Vashi Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India

Ojasvita Campaign at Prabhat Store Dadar Mumbai Maharashtra India

Ojasvita Campaign at Prabhat Store Dadar Mumbai Maharashtra India

Solanum trilobatum Location Surat Gujarat India

Solanum trilobatum Location Surat Gujarat India Solanum trilobatum is an herb that can be consumed by mildly frying it in oil or ghee and then grinding it. The plant is full of thorns, including the leaves. It is important to remove these thorns before cooking as the thorns are considered to be mildly toxic.  Scientific name :  Solanum procumbens Kingdom :  Plantae Family :  Solanaceae Order :  Solanales

Potentilla indica (Rosaceae) Location Nainital Kumaon Uttarakhand India

Potentilla indica (Rosaceae), commonly called mock - strawberry, Indian strawberry. An important wild edible fruit of Himalayan region. Nainital Uttarakhand India Potentilla indica known commonly as mock strawberry, Indian-strawberry, or false strawberry, often referred to as a backyard strawberry, mainly in North America, is a flowering plant in the family Rosaceae. It has foliage and an aggregate accessory fruit similar to that of a true strawberry. Scientific name :  Duchesnea indica Family :  Rosaceae

Mango inflorescence ( Mangifera indica ) Location Baranagar, Kolkata, West Bengal India

Mango inflorescence ( Mangifera indica ) in full bloom  Place : Baranagar, Kolkata, West Bengal India

Oxystelma esculentum Location Surat Gujarat India

Oxystelma esculentum Location Surat Gujarat India Oxystelma esculentum is a species of flowering plant native to China, South Asia, southeast Asia, northeastern Africa, and south-west Asia. The plant is used in traditional medicine and the fruit is eaten.  Genus :  Oxystelma Rank :  Species Kingdom :  Plantae Family :  Apocynaceae

गुरु व शिष्य

ॐ (गुरु व शिष्य)ॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ ज्या संगतीनेंच विराग झाला। मनोदरीचा जडभास गेला॥ साक्षात्परमात्मा मज भेटवीला ॥ विसरुं कसा मी गुरुपादुकांला॥१॥ सद्योगपंथे घरिं आणियेलें ।  अंगेच मातें परब्रह्म केलें ॥ प्रचंड तो बोधरवी उदेला ॥ विसरुं कसा मी गुरुपादुकांला॥२॥ चराचरीं व्यापकता जयाची।  अखंडभेटी मजला तयाची॥ परंपदी संगम पूर्ण झाला ॥ विसरुं कसा मी गुरुपादुकांला॥३॥ जो सर्वदा गुप्त जनांत वागे।  प्रसन्नभक्ता निजबोध सांगे ॥ सद्भक्तिभावा करितां भुकेला ॥  विसरुं कसा मी गुरुपादुकांला॥४॥ अनंत माझे अपराध कोटी। नाणी मनीं घालूनि सर्व पोटीं ॥ प्रबोधकरितां श्रम फ़ार झाला ॥  विसरुं कसा मी गुरुपादुकांला॥५॥ कांही मला सेवनही न झालें । तथापि तेणे मज उद्धरीलें ॥ आता तरी अर्पिन प्राण त्याला ॥  विसरुं कसा मी गुरुपादुकांला॥६॥ माझा अहंभाव वसे शरीरीं । तथापि तो सद्गुरु अंगिकारी॥ नाही मनी अल्प विकार ज्यालां ।  विसरुं कसा मी गुरुपादुकांला॥७॥​ आतां कसा मी उपकार फ़ेडूं ।  हा देह ओवाळून दूर सांडू ॥ म्यां एकभावें प्रणिपात केला ।  विसरुं कसा मी गुरुपादुकांला॥८॥ ज...

What is fear? What are the symptoms of fear?

*Chapter 6 - Coping With Fear* What is fear? What are the symptoms of fear? The symptoms are - an intense sensation in the body. It trembles and the breath is ragged and there is a feeling that the ground is loose under your feet.  There is a feeling of contraction. There is a tendency to hold on to something. There is a feeling of non-belongingness.  There is a sense of void. There are all these feelings and an intense sensation between the navel and the heart or the throat area. This is fear. When does this begin to develop? Very young kids do not have fear, but as they grow older, they develop it.  Fear is directly related to the ego. As the ego develops, the fear also develops. What is ego?  It is a boundary, a dissection from the universal existence. It is a feeling of being in an illusory compartment created by ourselves in the infinite or vast field of existence.  It is a feeling of being somebody. Fear is only possible in the waking or dreami...

If a person is stressed, how can he/she be happy? How can such a person be pleasant?

*Chapter 5 - Cry Your Heart Out* Many times, you put a carpet or a mat in your house and only when you lift it, do you realise that there is dust underneath. When you dust it, only then do you realise the amount of dust it has accumulated. Similarly, our mind has many feelings and emotions which we have suppressed. Certain things are such, that we can confide in somebody about them and we cannot confide in anybody about certain other things.  All such things and many other internal matters which we have suppressed inside us, lead to the diminishing of our personality day by day.  If a person is stressed, how can he/she be happy? How can such a person be pleasant?  Therefore, when you do all the practices and the Sudarshan Kriya, all the stress and dirt in the mind come out.  You should not suppress them. If you feel like crying, you should cry and not think about other’s opinions.  If you do care Sudarshan Kriya is therefore very significant and impo...

What is a gross mind?

*Chapter 4 - Contentment* What is a gross mind? A gross mind is one which assumes that everything in the world is happening mechanically. Such a mind assumes that the body emerges only due to many chemical reactions.  It is not aware of the consciousness or does not give importance to it. In countries where science is at its heights, importance has begun to be given to consciousness.  In our own country, where we should give importance to the consciousness, we have begun to confine ourselves to the gross mind. Understanding this mind is enough. This mind sees the whole world through the eyes. But there is an eye in a dead body. What is the difference between an alive human being and a dead body?  The difference is the consciousness. And awareness is understanding that the whole world is filled with consciousness. It is the knowledge of the self. Your understanding should be on this level instead of assuming that everything is limited to science. Such limited a...

What is the meaning of giving ablutions to the sun everyday?

*Chapter 4 - Contentment* What is the meaning of giving ablutions to the sun everyday? Sun is the source of our life. What gives contentment to the sun?  As soon as you get up, the first thing you say in the morning is - "I am contented today. I will make you contented too.  Whatever your intention is today, let that be fulfilled through me and through all my activities." With this feeling in the mind we have the tradition in this country to give ablutions to the sun. “My whole night went off contentedly, I slept well. Today's day will be good. Let the evening too progress well”. “I am contented. Let everything be contented and full" - is the attitude with which ablutions must be offered - to the sun.  What is our name? Contentment. If you are not contented take a deep breath and let go. Assume that you are contented.  As the God Vaishwaanara gets contented after you have your food, in the same way, there should be contentment in the mind of a human being...

Abelmoschus moschatus Muskmallow Location Surat Gujarat India

Abelmoschus moschatus Muskmallow Location Surat Gujarat India Medicinal uses  Ambrette is used for  stomach and intestinal disorders with cramps, loss of appetite, and stomach cancer . It is also used for headaches, muscle spasms, hysteria, gonorrhea, and lung problems. Some people use it as a stimulant. It has also been used to treat snakebites. Consult Doctor before use.

Manilkara zapota Location Bengaluru Karnataka India

Manilkara zapota (common name are: sapodilla, sapota, naseberry etc.) - Sapotaceae, native to Mexico, cultivated for its fruits- Sapota. Bangalore, Karnataka India Manilkara zapota, commonly known as sapodilla, sapote, naseberry, nispero or chicle, is a long-lived, evergreen tree native to southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. An example natural occurrence is in coastal Yucatán in the Petenes mangroves ecoregion, where it is a subdominant plant 

Sphagneticola trilobata Location Swaminarayan Chhapaiya Gonda District Uttar Pradesh India

* Botanical name: Sphagneticola trilobata *Family : Asteraceae *Location :Swaminarayan Chhapaiya Gonda District Uttar Pradesh India DESCRIPTION AND ETHNOBOTANY Growth Form Herbaceous creeping perennial shrub, up to 70cm height, forms dense mounded mats over ground. Foliage Leaves glossy green, paler green below, with simple coarse white hairs, serrated margins, sometimes with a pair of lateral lobes. Stems Rounded, rooting at nodes, stolons up to 2m in length or more. Flowers Borne on solitary or branched inflorescences, ray florets yellow (8-13 per head), central disc florets yellow and tubular, flowers freely produced throughout the year in warm tropics. Fruits 3-cornered nuts, very small (3 - 5mm), with corky covering and topped by short scales, mature from green to brown, dispersed by water. Plant seldom sets fertile seed under local conditions. Others - Plant Morphology Note: Avoid using prunings to make garden compost, as live and dead plant matter contain...

Portulaca umbraticola Location Babhnan Basti District Uttar Pradesh India

*Botanical name: Portulaca umbraticola *Family: Portulacaceae (Purslane family)  *Location : Babhnan Basti District Uttar Pradesh India Common name: Wingpod Purslane, Portulaca B Wingpod Purslane is often incorrectly sold under the name of Portulaca oleracea. Native to the United States, this portulaca is easily identifiable by the prominent margin on the fruit capsule. The popular cultivar Portulaca umbraticola, "Yubi Summer Joy', has large 2 inches flowers whose flat, smooth petals curve in slightly around the edges. It blooms from spring to fall. The flowers are open only part of the day and do not open fully on very cloudy days, like all portulacas. The name "Portulaca" is a derivative of "portare" (meaning, to carry) and lac (milk) which refers to the plant's milky sap. Seeds are formed in a tiny pod which opens when the seeds are ready. Young leaves and tender stem tips can be used as a potherb, but are usually eaten raw...

Dichrostachys cinerea Location Babhnan Basti District Uttar Pradesh India

* Botanical name: Dichrostachys cinerea *  Family: Mimosaceae (Touch-me-not family) * Location : Babhnan Basti District Uttar Pradesh India Common name: Sickle Bush ashy babool • Hindi: खेरी kheri, कुणाली kunali, शमी shami, वेलाटी velati, वीरतरु virataru • Marathi: दुरंगी बाभूळ durangi babhul, सिगम काटी sigam kati • Rajasthani: गोया खैर goya khair • Sanskrit: बहुवारक bahuvaraka, दीर्घमूल dirghamula, महाकपित्थ mahakapittha, वीरतरु virataru, वीरवृक्ष Botanical name: Dichrostachys cinerea Family: Mimosaceae (Touch-me-not family) Synonyms: Cailliea glomerata, Dichrostachys glomerata, Mimosa cinerea Sickle bush is a beautiful, small Mimosa-related tree, growing up to 8 m tall. It has bipinnate leaves, 4-8 cm long, 5 to 15 pairs of pinnae, each with 12 to 30 pairs of leaflets. It blooms with beautiful bottle-brush like flower heads which are half pink and half yellow. The rear pink part fades to white with time. The buds look like beautiful pink and yellow ...

Euphorbia heterophylla var. cyathophora Location Babhnan Basti District Uttar Pradesh India

* Botanical name: Euphorbia heterophylla var. cyathophora     * Family: Euphorbiaceae (Castor family)  *Location - Babhnan Basti district Uttar Pradesh India Common name: Painted Leaf Poinsettia, Summer poinsettia, Mexican Fire Plant, Painted-leaf spurge • Hindi: तितली फूल Titli phool Botanical name: Euphorbia heterophylla var. cyathophora Family: Euphorbiaceae (Castor family) Synonyms: Euphorbia cyathophora, Euphorbia pandurifolia, Poinsettia cyathophora Painted Leaf Poinsettia is an erect herb which is a close cousin of the popular garden plant Poinsettia. It has green stems and grows up to 1 m tall. Laternately arranged leaves are very variable. Leaf stalks are slender, 1-4 cm long. Leaf blades are mostly fiddle-shaped with 2 or 4 obtuse or cute lobes, those of basal leaves sometimes simply ovate, entire or obscurely distantly serrate, 4-7 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide. Uppermost leaves or bracts are blotched with red towards the base. Flo...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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