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Showing posts from June 22, 2022

Chikitsa in Ayurvada (8 branches of ayurvada) | Dr Sandeep Jadhav Aayushee Health Care Kalwa West Thane,Maharashtra India 400605

Chikitsa in Ayurvada (8 branches of ayurvada) :- When a patient approaches Ayurgruham, then we will be diagnosing the diseases by a detailed clinical examination and checking the symptoms. Once the diagnosis is made then we will enlist that in any one of the following eight branches. These eight branches are made for the accurate planning of the treatment for any disease classically. 1. Kayachikitsa  The word ‘Kaya’ represents ‘Agni’ – the digestive fire in the body. It is responsible for the metabolism in the body. The imbalance to this ‘Agni’ is the cause for many diseases. Kaya chikitsa deals with the treatment of general ailments, by regulating the digestive fire. As it is the general medicine it describes the treatment for the disease of Gastro intestinal system, Liver and spleen diseases, Cardio- Vascular diseases, Skin diseases, Skin diseases and diseases related with the urinary system.I am text block. Click edit button to change this text . 2. Baala chikitsa T...

Patra Pinda Sweda | Dr Sandeep Jadhav Aayushee Health Care Kalwa West Thane,Maharashtra India 400605

Patra panda sweda(ela kizhi) is a specialized therapy which is performed for the diseases related to Bones, muscles and nerves . Patra means leaves of medicinal plants. Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation. The swedana karma or sudation therapy which is given by using a bolus which is prepared by the different combination of medicinal leaves which is processed with medicinal oil along with the medicinal herbs is called as patra panda sweda or ela kizhi. This procedure is unique, which comprises both snehana (oleation) and swedana (sudation) (snehayukta swedana) Treatment procedure:-  The treatment procedure is divided in to three parts… Purva karma(pre procedure)  Pradhana Karma(main Procedure) Pashyat Karma(Post Procedure) Benefits of Patra Pinda Sweda: * It strengthens and rejuvenates the bones, muscles and nerves * Strengthens the tissues * Increases the circulation * Provides color and complexion of the skin * Helps to Reduce pain, inflammat...

Nasya benefits | Dr Sandeep Jadhav Aayushee Health Care Kalwa West Thane,Maharashtra India 400605

One of the Panchakarmas mentioned in Ayurveda, Nasya therapy is a process wherein the drug  (herbalized oils and liquid medicines) is administered through the nostrils. Since nose is the gateway of the head, the therapy is highly effective in curing a number of diseases pertaining to the head, if it is performed systematically. The therapy cleanses and opens the channels of the head, thereby improving the process of oxygenation (prana), which has a direct influence on the functioning of brain. The therapy is beneficial if done on a regular basis, because it keeps the eyes, nose and ear healthy. It also prevents the early graying of hair and bear.  Benefits Of Nasya  Nasya ensures the proper and healthy growth of hair. The therapy enhances the activity of sense organs and protects the person from diseases pertaining to head (urdhwanga) Early aging process is effectively prevented by the regular administration of Nasya karma Types Of Nasya  Pradhamana (vir...

Benefits of Kati Vasti | Dr Sandeep Jadhav Aayushee Health Care Kalwa West Thane,Maharashtra India 400605

Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain  The waist area of the body is called Kati. Vasti in Kativasti implies a container. Kativasti is an effective therapy of Ayurveda for Katisula, which is the term for lower backache or stiffness or pain felt down the back. In this treatment the patient is made to lie face down on the Droni and a rectangular reservoir made of black gram dough is built up on the lower back, around the lumbo-sacral area. And lukewarm medicinal oil, that alleviates pain and strengthens the bone tissues, is slowly poured into it. For severe conditions of Sciatica and osteo-arthritis of the hip, the latter condition characterized by severe pain radiating down the leg, a combination of palliative and eliminatory measures is necessary to prevent a relapse. Ayurveda is the oldest science of healing. It is a science and art of appropriate living which helps to achieve longevity. According to Ayurveda principle there are two different treatments, one is palli...


Foot massage is called "Padabhyanga" | Dr Sandeep Jadhav Aayushee Health Care Kalwa West Thane,Maharashtra India 400605

"Disease does not go near one who massages his feet before sleeping, just as snakes do not approach eagles." - a wonderful ancient Indian saying Foot massage is called "Padabhyanga" ,and it has a very special place within the Ayurvedic tradition. It is commonly practiced as a daily ritual, especially before retiring at night. Padabhyanga includes massage of the feet. Feet are very important part in our body, as many nerves from many organs terminate in the feet. So massage helps to strengthen these nerves and restores health to many parts of the body. The marma (vital) points are massaged which gives balance to your doshas and is very helpful for people with insomnia, fatigue and cramps. Benefits of Padabhyanga (Ayurvedic foot massage) include: * Helps to calm the agitated mind * Reduce stress,Anxiety * Activates our immune system * Helps maintain good eyesight and hearing * Promotes quality sleep * Improves peripheral circulation * Aids foot health (all...

Dr.Dipti Rahangdale | Care & Cure Polyclinic Panchakarma,Marma & Swarn prashan Thane West Maharashtra India

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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