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Showing posts from June 6, 2022

Leaves of the drumstick tree have nutrition equal to 10 bananas and 20 oranges.

Do you know, drumsticks are so rich in vitamins and minerals.         It is said that the leaves of the drumstick tree have nutrition equal to 10 bananas and 20 oranges.          Our body should get balanced and nutritious food. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Destroying the environment, cutting down trees, dumping toxic waste, using non-recyclable materials is a crime against the environment

Just observe nature; the five elements of nature are opposed to each other. Water destroys fire, fire destroys air.          Then there are so many species in nature - the birds, reptiles, mammals; all these different species are hostile towards each other and yet nature balances them out.           We need to learn how nature digests waste material and produces something more beautiful.         Destroying the environment, cutting down trees, dumping toxic waste, using non-recyclable materials is a crime against the environment. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

To the one who abides in himself, neither desires give him great joy nor the lack gives him great sorrow

Nature of the Mind  🌸 It takes skill to remove a delicate piece of silk cloth from the thorny bush. Same is the case with our mind. Mind either likes something or dislikes something. It cannot exist without the swing. 🌸 A golden point that lifts the mind out of blame’s and dislikes is wonder (where there is no concepts) . Very easily, the mind slips from wonder to concepts. 🌸for a more conscious person, his own mind becomes a problem. Even the smallest faults in him start bothering him.  🌸 *Points to wonder about * - *Sex, mindless, desires and fear * 🌸Sex is the oldest basic impression in the body. When sex is mature and down with emotions and at mental level, it is not focused on genital organs. That is the union of the soul. Unconscious mind results in lowest form of sex (focused on body only). 🌸 Ashtavakra says - how can an enlightened person have a feeling of mind? How can a personal feeling bother the feeling of universalness?  🌸many sadhaks do it...

MATSYASANA | FISH POSE | Relieves tension in the neck & shoulders & tones the parathyroid, pituitary & pineal glands.

The word 'matsya' in Sanskrit means 'fish'. Did you know that Matsyasana, when done in water, allows the body to float easily, like a fish? Hence the name! This asana stretches the chest & back, relieves tension in the neck & shoulders & tones the parathyroid, pituitary & pineal glands.  Learn more at

Anti-cancer benefits of Neem | Anti-bacterial benefits of Neem | Benefits of neem for yogic sadhana

 Anti-cancer benefits of Neem  Neem has many incredible medicinal benefits, but one of the most important things is, it kills cancerous cells . Everyone has cancerous cells in their body, but normally, they are disorganized. However, if you create certain situations in the body, they will get organized. As long as these cells are loafing around by themselves, it is not an issue. If they all gather in one place and hit it off, it becomes a problem. This is like a shift from petty crime to organized crime. It is a serious problem. If you consume neem every day, it keeps the number of cancerous cells in the body within a certain limit, so that they will not gang up against your system. #2 Anti-bacterial benefits of Neem The world is full of bacteria. So is the body. There are more microorganisms living in you than you can imagine. Most of these bacteria are helpful. Without them, you would not be able to digest anything. In fact, you cannot exist without them. But some bacteria c...

Marjariasana is extremely beneficial for the spine, helping in powering up your brain, improving focus, coordination & stability.

Marjariasana, or the 'cat pose' is a posture inspired by... well, a stretching cat! It is extremely beneficial for the spine, helping in powering up your brain, improving focus, coordination & stability. Learn more asanas and their benefits at 

GARUDASANA | EAGLE POSE | Garudasana is a standing balance pose that cultivates focus, strength and calmness.

"Garuda” comes from the Sanskrit word that means 'eagle' and is also used to signify the 'king of birds'. Garudasana is a standing balance pose that cultivates focus, strength and calmness. Learn more at 

When we see happiness in the happiness of others, that's when we will be truly happy." - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

"When we see happiness in the happiness of others, that's when we will be truly happy." - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

Curiosity is the mother of science and wonder is the mother of spirituality

 Fear is like salt Fear is the cause of's like keeps oneself alert in present moment. What is unpleasant about is that it tears the body apart...creates lots of toxins. ...loose our body that is the Fear, which brings us into present moment...associated with body. It develops in child as ego starts developing....if there is no fear, you will hurt your's necessary protection for our body but little more like spoils food. Who insults others ? is happy pr the other is unhappy....insensitive person may hurt someone...gods have quality of aabhayaaa....balance that Fear...both these qualities are within you...Fear about body...what people will can categorize....even after enlightenment or knowing yourself, if you Fear...don't negate enlightenment....whether it is lost, Fear etc but they are like passing clouds....don't be deluded...they are fleeting moments...same is for desire. Present is not enough....

We have to make the discipline free and the freedom disciplined

*Balance and discipline* People who are free, regret that they don't have discipline. They keep promising that they will become disciplined. People who are disciplined look for the end. (Discipline is not an end in itself, it is a means.) Look at the people who have no discipline; they are miserable. Freedom without discipline is absolute misery. Discipline without freedom is suffocating. Orderliness is monotonous and chaos is stressful. We have to make the discipline free and the freedom disciplined. People who are in company all the time, they look for the comforts of solitude. People who are in solitude, feel so lonely and want to be in company. People who are in a cold place want to be in a warm place. People who are in a warm place love something cool. This is the dilemma of life: Everyone is looking for perfect balance. Perfect balance is like a razor's edge. It can only be found in the self. There is no road to this town and there are no steps to this house. ...

Knowledge should bring bliss, makes you light, frees you. Keep moving forward, not stuck in past, taking life in totality,

02.06.2022 - Session 2 - Letting Go of Desire (Part 2) - Notes If we can detach your sense of peace/happiness from desire, you remain unwavered when desire come and fall. Nothing can disturb the state of happiness. It is not impossible to achieve this with help of meditation/pranayama. Witness your desires, stop labelling them as good or bad. it all depends on the state of mind at that moment. See every wish as pure energy, and your happiness shouldn't be identified with fulfillment of desires. That is the strength. The power of knowledge Desire is the first power .Second power is knowledge. Knowledge is not just information. Information is just tiny part of knowledge. Information is there in computer/book , do they have the power of awareness? it is awakening which we call knowledge In sanskrit there are two words 1. shiksha - learning the skills - involves information/experience 2. diksha - that which removes ignorance/that which frees you from impurity There are 3 l...

जब आपके पास खुश करने के लिए कोई होता है, तो यह आपको व्यस्त रखता है और आप ज्यादा खुश रहते हैं

जब आपके पास खुश करने के लिए कोई होता है, तो यह आपको व्यस्त रखता है और आप ज्यादा खुश रहते हैं । लेकिन अगर आपका पूरा उद्देश्य सिर्फ खुद को खुश करने के लिए है, तो निश्चित रूप से निराशा का आना तय है। 

When you have someone to please, it keeps you on your toes and you are happier

When you have someone to please, it keeps you on your toes and you are happier . But if your whole aim is just to please yourself, depression is sure to follow. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

There are two types of power: The power that comes from within and that which society gives you. The power that comes from knowledge is permanent

There are two types of power: The power that comes from within and that which society gives you. The power that comes from knowledge is permanent . The power that comes from society is transient and often you try to hold on to it. One who is aware of inner power will not seek outer power. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

जो आंतरिक शक्ति से अवगत है, वह बाहरी शक्ति की तलाश नहीं करेगा।

शक्ति दो प्रकार की होती है: वह शक्ति जो भीतर से आती है और वह जो समाज आपको देता है। ज्ञान से जो शक्ति आती है वह स्थायी है। समाज से जो शक्ति आती है वह क्षणिक होती है और अक्सर आप उसे पकड़े रखने की कोशिश करते हैं। जो आंतरिक शक्ति से अवगत है, वह बाहरी शक्ति की तलाश नहीं करेगा। 

When you praise someone,you take on their good Karma.When you blame someone,you take on their bad Karma

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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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