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Showing posts from June 4, 2022

Amla Juice

Amla Juice is a powerhouse of Nutrition & helps in numerous ways : - Balances Tridosha - Excellent source of Vitamin C - Helps boost immunity & metabolism  - Helps prevent viral, cold and cough  - Promotes longevity & good digestion - Promotes blood purification - Beneficial to eyes and stimulates hair growth Sri Sri Tattva Amla Juice is made using high quality Amla fruit. Make it a part of your daily diet.

*What binds us?* A: Our 5 senses | Sight | Smell | Hear | Taste | Touch

🍁 *Chapter 2: THE FIVE PRINCIPLES (PART 2- BONDAGE, FREEDOM, 5 SENSES)* Astavakra Gita  Sage Ashtavakra said if king Janaka desired liberation and freedom that can only be achieved after certain degree of awakening. When one gets tired of their habits.   IT IS VERY FORTUNATE IF THIS DESIRE TO BE FREE HAS ARISEN WITHIN US. KNOW THAT *WE ARE ELGIBLE AND WE ARE THE CHOSEN ONE* .   Billions of lives on this planet do not have this blessing. They exist, die and dissolve.   Even if we are bored, we get bored about something very small and a little change in the situation can make us comfortable again.   🌸 E.g: If I am bored after staying at one place I will go onto vacation or if I am bored of eating home made food, I will order something from outside. But THERE ARE VERY FEW WHO ARE ACTUALLY BORED OF THEIR HABITS/PATTERNS. *BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO GETS BORED* .   🌷 *Activity:* List out the patterns which we are actually bored of? (e.g.: some of us ...

*निष्ठा तुम्हारी सम्पदा है* निष्ठा तुम्हें तुरन्त ही बल देती है। निष्ठा तुममें स्थिरता, केन्द्रितता, प्रशांति और प्रेम लाती है। निष्ठा तुम्हारे लिए आशीर्वाद है।

 *निष्ठा तुम्हारी सम्पदा है*  यदि तुम सोचते हो कि ईश्वर में तुम्हारी निष्ठा ईश्वर का कुछ हित कर रही है, तो यह तुम्हारी भूल है। ईश्वर या गुरु में तुम्हारी निष्ठा ईश्वर या गुरु का कुछ नहीं करती। निष्ठा तुम्हारी सम्पदा है। निष्ठा तुम्हें तुरन्त ही बल देती है। निष्ठा तुममें स्थिरता, केन्द्रितता, प्रशांति और प्रेम लाती है। निष्ठा तुम्हारे लिए आशीर्वाद है। यदि तुममें निष्ठा का अभाव है, तुम्हें निष्ठा के लिए प्रार्थना करनी होगी। परन्तु प्रार्थना के लिए निष्ठा की आवश्यकता है। यह विरोधाभासी है। (हँसी) लोग संसार में निष्ठा रखते हैं परन्तु यह पूरा संसार सिर्फ साबुन का बुलबुला है। लोगों को स्वयं में निष्ठा है परन्तु वे जानते नहीं कि वे स्वयं कौन हैं। लोग सोचते है कि ईश्वर में उनकी निष्ठा है परन्तु वे सचमुच नहीं जानते ईश्वर कौन हैं। निष्ठा तीन प्रकार की होती है: 1 स्वयं में निष्ठा : स्वयं में निष्ठा के बिना तुम सोचते हो- मैं यह नहीं कर सकता, यह मेरे लिए नहीं; मैं कभी इस जिंदगी में मुक्त नहीं हो पाऊँगा। 2 संसार में निष्ठा : संसार में तुम्हें निष्ठा रखनी ही होगी वरना तुम एक इन्च...

A yogi works 100 percent without desires or attachments. This is Karma Yoga.

Work doesn’t tire as much as desires and attachments. A yogi works 100 percent without desires or attachments. This is Karma Yoga. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Some great joy? What great joy can come to you? You are joy!

What is that you are looking for or holding on to? Some great joy? What great joy can come to you? You are joy!  ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

What are the qualities that the master wants to see in an ideal devotee?

Question - Gurudev, what are the qualities that the master wants to see in an ideal devotee? Gurudev Sri Sri - None. If I name a quality , you will all try to emulate that quality. Just be your natural self. Be honest . Even if you miss a meditation one day, don’t feel guilty about it. Time is carrying you. All the good qualities you aspire for, you have them anyway. You are here and you are doing the right thing.

Intimate Note to Sincere Seeker -Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

💖AN INTIMATE NOTE to the Sincere Seeker 💖 - One if the Best Books by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Get your copy from here -   📕📗 This book is an incredible collection of wisdom by Gurudev on all aspects of life – emotions, relationships, challenges, joys, success & failure, growth and many more 📗📕 Each page is an expression of profound love for anyone who wants to know life Available to purchase at a discounted price -

Reduce the quantity of grains and cereals in your meals

Reduce the quantity of grains and cereals in your meals. Food should get well digested. We eat so much and then it does not get digested well because of which you experience cramps and aches in the body. So once every few days, do not have any grains or cereals in your meals at all, just have raw or boiled vegetables. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

Give everything and take nothing Love is taking nothing and giving more

 Give everything and take nothing  Janaka has said how business man drowns in this less and giving more. Business means taking more and giving less. Love is taking nothing and giving more. Soul is doing business. Limited mind is wanting more and giving less. In any relation....I did everything but everyone must be loving....doing something to get recognition, privileges, love etc is business. In the name of devotion soul also wants material or some spiritual gain too. In this process, business man drowns himself. The limited individual becoming infinite in it's true nature....small desires etc dissolve in me.   Ashtavakra smiles on Janaka as a gardener sees it's garden bloom. As a king he recognized it.  Janaka is an emperor...has to govern entire country...crops,welfare...anyone not having welfare....if he isn't looking after look after everything....prosperity of everything...he had to be concerned...Ashtavakra smil...

Ushira Syrup | NATURAL COOLANT Find relief from Fatigue . Nausea . Burning . Thirst

NATURAL COOLANT Ushira Syrup | Find relief from Fatigue . Nausea . Burning . Thirst 

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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