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Showing posts from June 2, 2022

The glow of life becomes brighter & bigger & the life energy stronger with meditation

The meaning of Bhakti, Gyaan and Karma in layman terms.

Question - Gurudev, please explain the meaning of Bhakti, Gyaan and Karma in layman terms. Gurudev Sri Sri - Liking a Gulab jamun (sweet dish) is Bhakti, knowing how to make it is Gyaan and eating it is Karma.. It's so simple. 

Who are the two angels who nurture life?” “Heart and tongue”, was the reply

Who are the two angels who nurture life?” “Heart and tongue ”, was the reply A student asked his teacher: “ Who are the two angels who nurture life?” “Heart and tongue ”, was the reply . The next question was: “Who are the two demons who destroy life?” “Heart and tongue”, was the reply again.      The cruelty and tenderness of heart makes a person mean or great respectively. Non-control over tongue leads to loss of health and friendship. Sweet and amiable speech, on the other hand, begets ample love and affection of the multitudes. ...... From Pragya Puran 

Give your 100% to Everything you do & Sleep Peacefully..!

Give your 100% to Everything you do & Sleep Peacefully..! ✔  A Boy and a Girl were Playing Together.  The Boy had a Collection of Marbles and The Girl had some Sweets with Her ! The Boy told the Girl that; "he will give her all His Marbles in Exchange for Her Sweets.." The Girl Agreed; The Boy kept the biggest and the most Beautiful Marble Aside; and gave the Rest to the Girl ! But The Girl gave Him all Her Sweets as She had Promised. That Night, the Girl Slept Peacefully, but the Boy couldn't Sleep as He kept Wondering if the Girl had Hidden some Sweets from Him the Way He had Hidden His best Marble. Moral of the Story: If you don't give your 100% in a Relationship, you'll always keep Doubting; if the Other Person has Given His/Her 100% !! This is Applicable for any Relationship; Give your 100% to Everything you do & Sleep Peacefully..! ✔  ..Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

When we examine our life , there are 3 different powers 1. Desire 2. Knowledge/wisdom/information 3. Power to act/instinct to act

01.06.2022 - Session 1- Understanding Desire - Notes when we examine our life , there are 3 different powers 1. Desire  2. Knowledge/wisdom/information 3. Power to act/instinct to act What is a Desire - Entire universe is made out of desire. Lord Buddha said, desire is the cause of misery, no doubt it is cause of misery only when we identify ourselves with desire. When we see desire as power, it rises to another level, and there we see desire is nothing but joy. The state of mind we are in before the desire arises is the same state whEn the desire is fulfilled which means desire takes you in full circle. when one desire is fulfilled, one more comes in, its a chain. the more u get fulfillment, more keep coming . What you do? you gallop on one after another desire . We seldom stay put and enjoy the moment because there is no time.  When life moves like this , then we are on a constant run, we seldom look in what is the source of joy?  When two people come togeth...

You see that person, whomsoever you want to forgive, not as a culprit but as a victim of situations, a victim of ignorance,

Forgiving is not only difficult, it is almost impossible as long as you think that someone is a culprit. But if you see that person, whomsoever you want to forgive, not as a culprit but as a victim of situations, a victim of ignorance, or just a postman to deliver what was due to you, you don’t need to forgive them. They just simply disappear from your domain. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 


Nadi Pariksha in Dehradun by the aol international Doctor.  For any query please contact on 9997467283.


🌼 Nadi Pariksha (Pulse Diagnosis) at Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma, Dwarka, New Delhi. 🌼 Nadi Pariksha is an effective and non-invasive method of Diagnosis.  😊 Book your slot now: 011-40158116 / 7678445199 👍🏽 Kindly note: Nadi Pariksha is done on an empty stomach or 3 hours after consuming food. You may have water during this period.  Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma I Bringing balance to Life 


Nadi Parikshan with Dr Sourabh. P. An ancient Ayurvedic method of pulse diagnosis  Every Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday : 9 AM to 1:30 PM  Every Saturday : 3:30 PM to 7:30 PM To book your slot, call now*: 033-35625493 / +91 7059580264 Note: It is a must to be 3 hours empty stomach prior to Nadi Pariksha consultation.


🌼 Nadi Pariksha ( Pulse Diagnosis) at Sri Sri Gujarat Ashram Vasad 🌼  Nadi Pariksha is an effective and non invasive Method of Diagnosis 😊 Book your slot now: +91 9327417584 👍🏽 Kindly note: Nadi Pariksha is done on an empty stomach or 3 hours after consuming food. You may have water during this period


🌼 Nadi Pariksha ( Pulse Diagnosis ) is an effective and non invasive method of Diagnosis 😊 Book your slot now: +91 7706090946 👍🏽 Kindly note: Nadi Pariksha is done on an empty stomach or 3 hours after consuming food. You may have water during this period  Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma I Bringing balance to Life 


🌼 Nadi Pariksha ( Pulse Diagnosis) at the Art of Living - Triveni Ashram, Pune 🌼 Nadi Pariksha is an effective and non invasive method of diagnosis 😊 Book your slot now: +91 7499914542 👍🏽 Kindly note: Nadi Pariksha is done on an empty stomach or 3 hours after consuming food. You may have water during this period  Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma | Bringing balance to Life

Nadi Pariksha - Pulse Diagnosis Gorakhpur India

2 जून गुरुवार को अग्रवाल भवन अलीनगर, गोरखपुर में *आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग*द्वारा श्री श्री नाड़ी परीक्षण, निरोगी बनें आयुर्वेद अपनाएं*  *बीमारियों के कारण का जड़ से उपचार और निदान* *अंतरराष्ट्रीय ख्याति प्राप्त आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग के सीनियर नाड़ी वैद्य डॉ राजेश मिश्राजीके साथ* *श्री श्री नाड़ी परिक्षण शिविर*  दिनांक : *2 जून गुरुवार* समय:दोपहर 1 बजे से शाम 7 बजे तक         स्थान:अग्रवाल भवन *अलीनगर* गोरखपुर कृपया *एडवांस में अपॉइंटमेंट अवश्य ले लें।* *गोरखपुर से बाहर रहने वाले ऑनलाइन वीडियो कंसल्टेशन कर सकते हैं*।  Contact  9415266018 / 8416913913

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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