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Showing posts from May 20, 2022

Dr Ninad Bhopi New Panvel India

Dr Ninad Bhopi                     B.A.M.S Shri Vishwanirmal Ayurved Panchkarm & Accupunture Clinic Shop No. 10, Neel Harmony Building, Sector 9,  New Panvel, Landmark: Opp. D.A.V Public School.  Navi Mumbai Maharashtra India 410206 Contact no +91 8108108779    Dr Ninad Bhopi  Shri Vishwanirmal Ayurved Panchkarm & Accupunture  Clinic New Panvel India

What is the significance of Guru Puja? Is it worth learning this chant?

Gurudev, What is the significance of Guru Puja? Is it worth learning this chant? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar ji - Guru Puja is the mother of All mantras, the MAHA MANTRA. You can make your whole body in such a way where it becomes an Invitation to the divine. Guru Puja is an ancient sanskrit invocation, which invites the ascended and enlightened masters to enter your space. The way the mantra is stated, there is no choice but for these divine energies to answer the call of Guru Puja. As you give yourself to the process of this invocation, your energy aligns with the divine and as a result your vibration raises in wonderful ways. Practicing Guru Puja on a regular basis will bring a different quality to your life. It awakens your inner divinity, allowing you to access peaceful and blissful feelings throughout your day. It is a powerful tool used by many yoga practitioners and we would like to offer to you this opportunity to bring it into your daily life. A sanskrit chant wit...

Why the Wise go Veg with Yoga

Why the Wise go Veg with Yoga You are what you eat . That’s the principle yogic approach which takes a holistic view of human health, on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The ancient treatise of Patanjali Yoga Sutra speaks of the concept of 'Ahimsa' (non-violence), as one of the core values of yoga. The ethical discussion on non-vegetarianism, cruelty to animals, animal-to-man diseases, toxin secretion during slaughter, and lack of economics in meat production are undeniable truths. Apart from this the human body and its digestive system is naturally designed for a vegetarian diet. Today, the entire debate between vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is practically resting in favor of the former with research and statistics available in bookshops and on the internet. Simply stated, vegetarian food is easy to digest; contains antioxidants, fiber, an array of vitamins; low in calories, sugar, fat, and reduces your chances of getting diabetes, heart d...

The Three Energies

*The Three Energies* Their are three types of _shaktis_ or energies. *First is _ Ichcha Shakti_ or the Energy of Desire.* It is there inside all of us. We all want health and happiness in our lives. *Second is _ Kriya shakti_ or the Energy of Action* and that is all there inside all of us too. *Third is _ Gyan Shakti _ or Energy of Knowledge.* It is knowing what to act upon in order to ensure this health and happiness in our lives. In different parts of the world you will see that people have amazing dedication and commitment but they are running after the wrong things. Often people don’t realise now but as they reach later stages of their lives  they realise that they had been looking for happiness all these years of their life at the wrong place. You all have the _ Kriya Shakti _ and _ Gyan Shakti _ that is why you take pains to get up in the morning and come to the sadhna session. *But how much are you dedicated and committed to this path? You should check this with yourse...

How to make the intellect transparent?

Q : When the six layers of our existence become transparent, then we are able to perceive the seventh layer, the self. Could you please talk about how to make the intellect transparent? Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji  Let us understand what the intellect is. Consciousness functions largely in four different modes, similar to the different modes or functions in a cell phone. The four different modes in the consciousness are:  1. The Mind - The Mode of Perception: Now you are looking at me, I am looking at you. It is the mind through which the eyes perceive, and the mind through which the ears hear. It is the mind through which the nose smells, if there is a good fragrance around; but if your mind is elsewhere, you would not even notice the fragrance. So, this faculty through which we smell, taste, hear, see, touch, is the mind.  2. The Intellect – The Mode of Analysis: Once you perceive, then the mind goes on judging, whether this is good, not good. The understanding ...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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