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Showing posts from April 27, 2022


EECP HUGE HOPE FOR HEART PATIENTS “EECP is the first allopathic treatment which does not involve invasive procedure or medication, but provides clinical improvement to cardiac patients in a natural way. Hence this natural treatment will work synergistically with our Ayurvedic therapies to enhance health without adverse side effects.” ............. .Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Deva Vati is a good cure for amebiasis and other diseases caused by change in food and water

Deva Vati is a good cure for amebiasis and other diseases caused by change in food and water.           It is harmless and every one must carry with them wherever they go.           It replaces antibiotics like Flagyl and others. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

Knowledge in the Art of Living is like an ocean

Knowledge in the Art of Living is like an ocean Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: If you go to the pharmacist and ask him: ‘Give me the best medicine’, what will he say? ‘I have the best medicine, but for what disease?’ Isn’t it? Similarly, this knowledge gives you everything that you need. You have a headache, you have the best medicine. You have a leg ache, you have the best medicine. You have an ear ache, a heart ache, the best medicine is available to you. When you are determined to be useful to people, useful in anyway, you don’t have to ask: just be useful. Do whatever is needed whenever, and you will be useful for that purpose. I would always say that this knowledge in the Art of Living is like an ocean. If someone wants to just walk by it, take fresh air, they are welcome. Someone wants to swim in the ocean, they are welcome. Some others will take salt out of the ocean, yes. Some others want to dig deep and take oil, you are most welcome. Someone goes for fishing; take a few fi...

Science has discovered that within a single human DNA strand there can also be found the DNA of every other species on the planet

Science has discovered that within a single human DNA strand there can also be found the DNA of every other species on the planet. Therefore, we also carry the quality of every animal in us, in fact this has been known since the ancient days. The principal qualities of the elephant are wisdom and effortlessness. Elephants don’t walk around obstacles, neither do they stop at them – they just remove them and keep walking straight on. For instance, if there are trees in their path, they will just uproot those trees and proceed. So, when we worship Lord Ganesha, these elephant qualities within us, are kindled and we take on those qualities. The reason being that whatever you keep your attention on, you take on those qualities. So if you meditate on Ganesha, who has the head of an elephant, you will get the qualities of an elephant. You will overcome all obstacles. The ancient rishis were so deeply intelligent that they chose to express Divinity in terms of symbols rather than w...

6 Golden Tips to deal with uncertainty in Life

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji suggests 6 Golden Tips to deal with uncertainty in Life 1. Learn from Past Experiences – Turn back and look at your own life. How many times have you felt like that? How much time have have you spent worrying? Even though you worried so much, things still happened in the right manner, isn’t it?  There was no need to worry! So look back at your own experience and you will realize that it is futile to worry. Looking back at your own moments and experiences gives you strength. This is where looking back helps. 2. Confidence – Second is, you should have confidence in your own ability, and in your own fortune. You should know that only the best thing will happen to you. 3. Valor or Courage – If the above two things don’t work, then there is a third option. Invoke the valour in you. Tell yourself “Come what may I will face it, I will handle it. I have the power to handle it”. Know that, You are never given a problem that you cannot handle. When...

Padmanabha - The Lotus Navel

Padmanabha - The Lotus Navel Different organs of our body are governed by different devas. The solar plexus is connected with the sun, that's why it is called "solar" plexus. When the first rays of the sun fall on the solar plexus, it is very good for your body. Doing Surya Namaskar ("sun salutation") yoga asana in the early morning is very good. The solar plexus has a profound impact on the central nervous system, optic nerves, stomach, and what we usually call "gut feeling." It is the second brain in your body. Usually the solar plexus is slightly bigger than an almond. Studies have shown that with the practice of yoga, meditation, and Sudarshan Kriya, the solar plexus can become as a large as the size of the palm. Then it performs better. It balances the body functions. When the solar plexus expands, the intuitive mind works better. The mind becomes clear and focused. When the solar plexus contracts, one feels horrible, sad, depressed, a...

The Yoga Way of Life

The Yoga Way of Life! Yoga Derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge. Though many think of yoga only as a physical exercise where people twist, turn, stretch, and breathe in the most complex ways, these are actually only the most superficial aspect of this profound science of unfolding the infinite potentials of the human mind and soul. The science of Yoga imbibe itself the complete essence of the Way of Life, including - Gyan Yoga or philosophy, Bhakti Yoga or path of devotional bliss, Karma Yoga or path of blissful action, and Raja Yoga or path of mind control. Raja Yoga is further divided into eight parts. At the heart of the Raja Yoga system, balancing and unifying these various approaches, is the practice of Yoga Asana. Art of Living Yoga The Art of Living Yoga is a holistic way of life that integrates all elements of ancient k...

What should one do to increase one's metabolism naturally?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang  (23rd October 2018) at The Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru: Q. Gurudev, what should one do to increase one's metabolism naturally? Sri Sri: See, we have several systems in our body, the nervous system, muscular system, circulatory system, and more. If you ask me if there is one thing that would affect all the systems then I would say that is Yoga! Yoga affects the respiratory system, it affects the nervous system, it affects the circulatory system, it affects our muscular system. So, yoga would be very good. And along with Yoga you can do some exercises, some muscle training, that's also good, little hard ones, but not too much, that is good. Then after exercise, it is necessary to rest, at least 15-20 minutes. Yognidra is very good, you know conscious sleep, yognidra, for 20-25 minutes. If you practice this it will help you a lot. That is one thing. Another thing is when you eat food, eat with focus. You know e...

With the right communication skills, we can turn any negative situation into a positive one

With the right communication skills, we can turn any negative situation into a positive one. Once, an astrologer went to visit a king.  The king showed great reverence to the astrologer, made him sit down, and honored him with gifts.  The king then showed his palm and the charts to astrologer.  The astrologer examined everything and then said to the king, O King! You will lose your entire family.  Everybody is going to die before you.  You will be the last to die.” The king got very upset upon hearing this and put the astrologer in the jail.  When someone hears some negative prediction, they don’t like it. They obviously want to hear something nice and positive instead. And so it was for the king as well.  This news shook the entire community of astrologers.  They thought, “We cannot tell the truth to the king.  If we do so, he will simply put us in jail.  What do we do?” The king then called for another astrologer to appear ...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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