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Showing posts from April 18, 2022

Meditation for beginners 8 Tips

EIGHT TIPS FOR MEDITATION TO BEGINNERS. How to Get Started with Meditation? Do you want to know, how to meditate?  Are you looking for meditation for beginners? Yes, It is natural to seek profound experiences in meditation, especially when you have just begun meditating. Did you know that just by ensuring a few simple things before you start meditating, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation?  The usual beginner questions are ‘how to meditate’ and ‘how to meditate at home’ and the answer lies in following the 8 simple pre-meditation techniques. Follow these 8 tips  for Good  Meditation. 1. Choose a convenient time Mediation time Meditation is essentially relaxation, so it should be done entirely at your convenience. Choose a time when you know you are not likely to be disturbed and have the freedom to relax and enjoy. The hours of sunrise and sunset are also ideal for meditation. These hours are the time when there is a serene calm at hom...

What is healthy living

Question - Gurudev, what is healthy living? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji - Health is not merely an absence of disease. Health is being established in the Self. It is the dynamic expression of life. One can be said to be in a perfect state of health when one is physically fit, mentally calm and emotionally steady. So how does one achieve this state of all-round health in today’s fast-paced life? Here are a few steps we can take to help improve our health and the quality of our lives. Know About Your “Self” We need to know a little bit about the different layers of our existence — body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, ego and the self. When we understand that the body and mind are connected through the breath, we are in a better position to manage our thoughts and emotions. The awareness that everything changes — the body undergoes changes and so does the mind — brings a sense of equanimity within us. The mind is the sense of perception in your consciousness and the thoug...

Love is The highest healer in The Planet

Health can be regained by attending to the source of the mind, the consciousness because pure consciousness is pure love. And love is the highest healer on the planet, it is the highest power. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Balance Diet

Balanced Diet "Not that we do not have food. We do not have the sense of what to eat and what not to eat.  Roti, rice, and potato they are all carbohydrates.  We do not have the sense of what is amino acids, protein, and carbohydrates. The traditional food system was the best.  My grandmother used to be very particular what food should be served.  They would have rice, ghee, and dal.  Also there should be one item with yogurt, greens must be there, one bitter item like bitter gourd. Leaves of the neem should be had once every 12 days.  To chase away malnutrition you do not have to invest a lot of money, just education is required. In India we always had jaggery which has iron, zinc, magnesium. Instead of this we have switched to white sugar.  Cane juice is very nutritious, it can solve many illnesses.  At 95, my grandmother was so healthy, my mother was not.  Because they followed the traditional food system. The leaves of drumsti...

Living Happy Life 5 Tips

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji explains 5 tips for living a happy life. 1) Ensure that you have good food, especially organic food – It is important that you have the right type and the right amount of food. 2) Pay attention to your health – A little bit of exercise, yoga and some meditation will help maintain good health. 3) Relationships – This is something that disturbs everybody, and there are many questions about it. I have three pieces of advice, one for men, one for women and one for both. First, for women – never step on the ego of a man. A man should not be pressurized to prove himself at home. Second secret is for men – don’t step on the emotions of women.  Third, advice for both – do not question the other’s love for you. Don’t keep asking, “Do you really love me” or say, “You don’t love me!” This sort of complaining, demanding for love is not good. Demand destroys love, in you and in the other person too. I want each one of you to be magnanimous; come from ...

Happy world heritage day

Q: How relevant is culture today, considering life is so different from before ? *Guruji Sri Sri : * You can never generalize these things. There are all types of situations, all types of people, all types of cultures in the world.            People cannot live without culture. Culture may change but you cannot live in a society without a culture. If some society claims 'We are a society without culture', I tell you, that is a culture in itself.           And it is our duty to protect all the different cultures in the world because they are the world's heritage. _Happy World Heritage day ! _

Sri Yantra

Yantras are like diagrams. If you open a transistor or a chip, you will see a circuit diagram on the chip. Yantras are circuit diagrams for cosmic energy, they are used for storing cosmic energy.            It takes a long time to study these in depth.There are very few qualified pundits or spiritual people who are really qualified and have the correct knowledge of using the Yantras.         You can of course purchase a Sri Yantra and install it at your home. There is no problem in that. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

Turmeric is a Kapha pacifier, it's good for the liver. Black pepper helps

Turmeric is a Kapha pacifier, it's good for the liver. Black pepper helps the body absorb more curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric that's known for its health benefits. Take care of your liver before it's too late!

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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