There is nothing that is outside your big mind. And your big mind contains every other mind. It is your own big mind. Every thought that comes to you comes in the mind. And the thought is spontaneous, it happens.
Chapter 6 - The Nature Of God
Day 13
God is the junction of presence and present. Whenever every cell, every atom of the mind and body get totally immersed in the presence and present, you experience something ecstatic, something beyond this world.
An experience of eternity comes. This "Me, Me" dissolves. You say, "I am." This "I, I, I." You find there is nothing like "I'. "Is-ness" dawns. Is. There is something. And what is that something?
You don't know. Tat is presence. A presence where on v knower remains is God. Many people talk in terms of "God is speaking to me, I have a message from God." It is your own consciousness split into two.
One part of your own consciousness becomes God, another part becomes your mind. That is not God. God is the totality. Everything is in God. There is nothing that can be outside God.
Whether good or evil, both exist in God. Which thought is there which has not come from God? Every thought is in God. The thinker is God. You are not separate from God. You cannot be separate from God, this is for sure.
You can never be away from space, whatever you do. Even the worst sinner can never escape from God. God is omnipresent, and if He is omnipresent, He is present in the rich or in the wicked, as much as He is present in the wonderful.
The only difference is that one knows it, another one does not. Wherever you see the difference, there is duality, the two. In silence there is no duality. This is just a taste of being all by oneself. But you have to go deeper into the silence.
Just not talking is not enough. Your mind should also be in that same space. For example, when you fly in an aeroplane, you are flying thirty thousand feet in the sky above the ground. You have left this earth.
You are in space. Your little body is 30,000 feet in the air. Just imagine. From there you see this house as though it is like an ant, almost invisible. Your body is that high, but still your mind is stuck down here.
You are not totally flying with your mind. You are not keeping your mind at 30,000 feet. Your mind is deep down, stuck in the mud. Then silence simply cannot happen. Silence is expansion.
Expansion of awareness is presence. Whenever you have felt presence, you have felt it as somebody, some things, some objects. Then the consciousness is not expanded. In deep silence, the presence is enormous, limitless.
As, during this afternoon, in one of the exercises, you started observing. What was happening? You felt you were not there. Just the observation remained. Even only a glimpse of this is an experience of the very presence. That is God.
That is the pure source of your Being from which everything has come, from which you have come and in which you will dissolve after the body drops. You dissolve into the "is-ness." That which "is". Be aware of your mind.
Is your mind confused, pleasant or unpleasant, loaded with anger or love? Observe this moment. What is there? Expansion is already happening. This very moment, recognition of oneness comes up. Whatever the mind is chattering, let it chatter. So what.
It is a part of you, it is not the whole of you. Accept even this chattering mind, don't fight with it. Don't say, "Don't chatter, don't do this, don't do that." Then you start to struggle.
This very observation, the presence is always there. You can never meet God. When you meet God, you disappear, only God remains. Either there can be God or there can be you. In Hindi there is a couplet which says, "Prem ki gali ati sankri ja mein do na samaye."
"This path of love is so narrow that two cannot be there." You and God cannot be there. Either you are there or God is there. You can never love God. Can you measure water with a stick made of salt?
The moment it touches the water, it dissolves. You can never measure with it. So also you and God. In your true nature, you are God. Free of guilt, full of surrender, you are God. This is the ultimate goal of all life.
As every river goes into a big lake or into the ocean, so also, all life merges into the infinite life, the big life and the big mind. That is the goal, full flowering. Each one of you has a big mind and this big mind contains all your future and all your past, infinite future and infinite past.
The big mind contains all your hopes, your desires, all your possibilities, all that you can achieve in life, all that you can have. The big mind contains everything of you. It has all the answers for all your questions.
There is nothing that is outside your big mind. And your big mind contains every other mind. It is your own big mind. Every thought that comes to you comes in the mind. And the thought is spontaneous, it happens.
You have no control over it. All discoveries have come out of the big mind, your own big mind. See, in your body there are so many cells, right? Each cell has got its own life. Today your body does not have the same cells which it had ten years ago.
Cells have died, new cells have come up. So, a constant birth and death of cells is happening in your body. From the time you were born till today, new cells have come up, and old cells have gone. So these little cells, which have their own lives, don't know you as a whole.
So also with all the different bodies. There are so many bodies here, each having its own little life. We do not know a big life, which contains all these lives together. All our minds put together is a big mind, a big life. That life you may call God.
And you are the centre of God. You are so dear to God. So there is a big mind and a small mind. The small mind chatters, saying something at one time, some other thing at another time, liking something now and disliking the same thing a little while later.