The Nature Of God
Chapter 6 - The Nature Of God
Day 15
There is a story of two lizards. One lizard was up on the ceiling and another came up from the wall and told the first lizard, "Why don't you come for a walk? It is a nice sunny day outside.
All winter we have been inside. Why don't we go out in the sun?" The first lizard said, "Oh, no, no. What are you saying? If I move, the ceiling will fall down. How can I move out of here? Don't you have any sense?" This is what we also think.
You make no difference in the world whether you live or you don't live. Whatever is happening, happens. Even that is not under your control. Whatever has to happen for you is going to happen.
You have this big question, what is free will, what is destiny? When things happen according to the thought that came to you, you claim it to be your free will. When your thought was contrary to what happened, you call it destiny.
People write big volumes on free will and destiny. You can open two pages and you fall asleep. For insomniacs it is a good thing. When a perfect thought comes to the small mind, you call it "free will".
The small mind thinks, "Oh, how nice, it is my free will." Free will, what free will? If the small mind fights against the thought that is coming through it, it calls it destiny. I know I am the big mind. I know you are also the big mind.
And there is no difference between you and I am in you. I am everywhere as big mind. It Is all tust ditterent bodies, but one big mind, one ocean. And all this variety in creation is your own making, your own joy. In your life, you have chosen all events, pleasant and unpleasant.
Sometimes you have been happy, sometimes unhappy. So what. Why take life so seriously? There is nothing worth taking so seriously. It is all fun, it is all a game. There is a beautiful term in India. It is called "lila".
Lila means game. Life is a game. It is a play. The way it is, it is beautiful. All teachers come to tell you, "Don't take life seriously. It is a play." Awakening means, "Oh, come on, what is there, why are you bothered about that dream?
You had an unpleasant dream yesterday, so what. It is finished. Now wake up this moment". Dreams are just dreams. They have no meaning. What happens? Certain past impressions in the mind are all getting released.
In those moments, there may be some intuitions and thoughts from the future too. That gets mixed in. The dream is a mixture of so many things. If you start analyzing, it is a waste of time.
When you awak-en, your dream shatters. A dream is either in the past or taking you to the future. Either you are daydreaming or you are dreaming about the past. Past is past. Throw it out.
This moment you feel the presence. Don't miss this moment. It is valuable. That is what grounds you in this moment. The concept of the Old Testament God is that God is waiting there for you to make a mistake and then hit you with a stick.
The moment you do a mistake, He is on you. He takes revenge on you. He is angry at you He is going to punish you. It is a very primitive thinking. What sort of God is He? Couldn't He correct the person before he did the mistake?
Why wait for somebody to do a mistake and then correct him? What was He doing before? Sleeping? You are denying the omnipresence and the omnipotence of God by saying that. No, God is not waiting to punish you. He is so loving.
He is taking care of you every moment. God is compared to a mother, "Meenakshi. Meenakshi means that God has the eye of a fish. A fish never closes its eyes. And if it has young ones, it is always following and keeping watch on its young ones.
God is called "Meenakshi", a mother. A mother never loses track of her young ones wherever they are going. And she moves with them. See life as a game, as a play. You are God, you know it. I am God, I know it. So let us play.
And when you come from that level of consciousness, there is nothing to teach. Only being. Come and sit, be with me for a while. That is enough, for you and I are one. This is love, isn't it?
That is what God is telling you every day, "I am doing everything. You come and sit with me. Whatever needs to be done, I will get it done through you. You simply stop existing."
The very science of astrology is also that. See, it is all designed this way. What do you do? Relax. That is the only thing that you can do. Relax in surrender. You are in the big mind.