That One Word which envelopes everything is Aum. ॐ इति ऐतत्
🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷
Chapter 3
The grace of the divine
🌻 Day 24 🌻
सर्वे वेदा यत्पदमामनन्ति
तपाँसि सर्वाणि च यद्वदन्ति ।
यदिच्छन्तो ब्रह्मचर्यँ चरन्ति
तत्ते पदँ सङ्गहेण ब्रवीम्योमित्येतत् ॥
Here, the Lord of Death gives the Word that all scripture glorify, which all spiritual disciplines express to attain, for which aspirants lead a life to self-restraint.
Why do people practise charity? Why do people practise self-restrain, why do people take monkhood, stay in monastery? Why do people become nuns and fathers or swamis? Why do they all do this? What is the purpose?
They want to attain something higher but they get lost in their way. They simply become recluses, become monks, but they don’t get it. The purpose of them doing all this is to see that which is beyond death.
The Lord of Death told Nachiketa, “This is why they all are doing it and I am going to give it to you right away because you are a capable student. You don’t become a monk but you are even more than a monk.” You don’t have to leave everything and run away from this world. You can be in the world, yet your mind can be completely
unblemished by possessions. Don’t think those people who have renounced everything are greater than you. They might have greater craving than you. They are so hell bent on getting something which they don’t know. It is so simple, so innocent, so pure and it is within you. All the Vedas are talking about it. All actions that people do are to attain this. All prayers are to attain this. All the recluses and the celibates are searching for this. That One Word which envelopes everything is Aum.
ॐ इति ऐतत्
It is said that, when you finally meet God after all your struggle, then you say, “Oh! He was my neighbour, I knew him all the time. Oh! You are God, I knew you all through.” After all the gymnastics, after all the beating around the bush, you say, “Oh! You are God, I have known you for so long.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji