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Prayer for Prosperity to Lord Ganesh (Shubh Laabh Mantra)

Prayer for Prosperity to Lord Ganesh (Shubh Laabh Mantra)

AUM shrim gam saubhaagya ganpataye
varvard sarvajanm me vaShamaanya namh
The prayer for prosperity is based on the word, gam, which is the beej (seed) mantra for Lord Ganesh. We ask for good fortune (sau-bhaagya) and many blessings and wishes (var-vard) for our current and future life-times (sarva-janam-me.n). We bow in homage (namH) to Lord Ganesh who protects us with long lives (avaShamaanya) of health and happiness. A concise form of this mantra, suitable for multiple rapid repetitions is simply – “Aum gam Ganpataye Namh” –
Ganesh Gayatri Mantras
The Ganesh Gayatris are prayers to Lord Ganesh that are composed in the 24-syllable meter of the original Gayatri Mantra. Several variations of the Gayatri can be composed by invoking the various descriptive names of Ganesh in the appropriate place(s) of the original mantra.

AUM tadapurushhaaya viddhamahe
vakratundaaya dhimahi
tanno danti prachodayaath
We pray to the supreme and perfect male (tadapurusḥāya) who is omnipresent (viddhamahe). We meditate upon and pray for greater intellect (dhīmahi) to the Lord with the curved, elephant-shaped trunk (vakratunḍāya). We bow before the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth (tanno danti) to illuminate our minds with wisdom (prachodayāt).

- Sri Eswaran


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