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meditation is a powerful energy giving meditation. It is used to cure mental stress. illness, improve habits, to earn purity, positive thinking , for be hopeful. the way is mostly same as other meditation is done. 
Benefits :- It gives courage, strength, ability, increase the positive activities, power of imagination, control the anger, increase the blood circulation, the whole qualities you want to develop. It protests from the bad evils 
The white light provides all qualities those are present in the universe. You can feel only when you meditate and gain it directly. These all qualities are present in your brave mind, You have only enlightened it. You can see the clear light coming towards you. It will seen the progress slowly with the concentration on it
It works like a window towards divine powers. It is a spiritual meditation as well as for fulfill the desires of self if you heartiest wants. Energy self helps to concentrate with the practice. When you see the light. it will find you in a large size. It will come and go but you should not afraid of it and do the meditation again and again, you will find the mission.
meditation goes to directly unconscious mind.It heals energy Actually it is as a gate before you, only you have enter in it with confident. You will found powerful self improvement and relaxation in many ways in your mind.
From the ancient time meditation remains a main part of life of human being.Our rishi-minis were expert in this field and come to know the benefits of meditation for life. The whole of the universe is in our body but we don't know this reality. Meditation is the only way to know about ourselves and about the world.
The new technology and experiments in the field of meditation are showing the physical,mental and spiritual benefits to us. Our brain comes in balance.
Benefits :- 1. Out brain comes in balance.
2. We feel peace of mind.
3. It control the blood pressure.
4. good sleep.
5. For removal of stress,meditation is necessary.
6. Meditation also controls the views so we can concentrate properly.
7. It increases the capacity of the body against diseases and became strong.
8. It improves the digestion power and feeling of hurt.
9. We started to except the challenges of the running life.
10. Meditation strengthened the soil and will power.
11. Meditation is a strange study that meet us with the All mighty God. It is the real aim of human life which should be achieved.
12. It became more close to life.

- Sri Eswaran


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