Why is your prana moving? What makes your prana move? What makes your heart beat? What is the power behind all these involuntary functions that are happening within you?
*Chapter 2 - Opening Yourself To The Unknown*
*Day 8*
It is so beautiful! What is it that motivates our mind to go toward the senses and our senses to move towards the sense objects?
What is the motivating factor behind this involuntary function that is happening in us? Your breath is moving in and out day and night.
What is propelling it to do so? Why would your mind go to see nice things or hear melodious music or your nostril look for fragrance.?
Why are you motivated to move in these directions? Why do things appear beautiful or good to you sometimes and sometimes they don't?
You go to Hawaii and say, "Oh, Hawaii is so beautiful" But people who live in Hawaii, don't feel the same. What makes you appreciate things?
Why is your prana moving? What makes your prana move? What makes your heart beat? What is the power behind all these involuntary functions that are happening within you?
What makes you speak? And what makes people speak? It's interesting. Think about it. What makes you do all the things?
Sometimes you want to see and sometimes you don't want to see, you shut your eyes. Sometimes you want to hear. It's not just the ears, that they want to listen all the time.
Something is making you hear and something says, “No I don't want to listen now”. What is that something in you that is propelling all that?
What is this nature of the spirit? What is this spirit? Who is this spirit? So it all begins with "What"? I want to leave it at that. I want you to just say “What?”
The question "Why"? Comes to us when we are in misery, but "What" comes to us when we are inquisitive, when there is spirit of enquiry.
"Why me"? is when you are miserable, but," what is this? What ? Who ? when? How? This is propelling you towards knowledge. If someone asks, "Why am I miserable?"
And you try to give them an answer, and they are not ready to listen to the answer. In misery you don't understand anything.
Your head is shut off. Your mind is shut off. That is why the first thing is peace. The spirit of inquiry, creativity, knowledge, and understanding can all happen on the basis of peace.
It is not peace or acceptance that is so dull. It is not the tamsic acceptance. It is a very positive, alert, aware state of acceptance.
One type of acceptance is when you fall asleep, when you have accepted everything. Another type of acceptance is you are willingly there, fully accepting the pleasant and the unpleasant as a part of the whole phenomenon.
What is that divine power which is behind our eyes, behind our ears, behind our prana and the mind? Do not just listen to somebody if they say this is it.
This "what" has to rise from within you. You have to ask, "Who am I"? "What is this prana"? You don't have to study somebody else's prana, study your own prana.
Look into "What"? This questioning is very important. So when you walk or when you eat," what" "who" just this one word is good enough.
Just recollect, "What"? Recollect," What", "Who", "where" and "When"? No concept, drop all other concepts. All that you have studied, keep them all in one side.
Have a fresh mind today, as though you don't know anything. Got it?
Audience - What? ( laughter)
Gurudev - That's it. Did you get anything?
Audience - Who?
Gurudev - Did you? Who? Okay?
Audience - What? (Laughter)
Gurudev - Okay, that's it, a constant state of "what"? "What?" "What"? "Who"? What? It is so subtle.
Audience - What? (Laughter)
Gurudev - Isn't it?
Audience - What? (laughter)
Gurudev - Now you are simply repeating it. (laughter)