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When the left nostril is functioning, the right brain is active, the right brain is for music. When the right nostril is functioning, the left brain is active. So, the right nostril is connected to the left brain activity, logic, thinking, understanding

*Chapter 3 - Self Discovery* 

*Day 12*

It is the ear of the ear, it is the mind of the mind, it is the speech of the speech, and the prana, life energy, behind the life energy - the life of life.

It is the sight of the sight. Seeing power of the sight. The wise one transcended this world, this universe, and attained immortality.

There is something in us that does not die, that does not age.
Everybody has an idea about it. If you look around, you see that little children have grown up and things have changed, but you feel that you have never grown older. 

If you ask an old man or woman, they will say I have not aged. Only birthdays remind us, badly, that I am 50 or 60. We think, "Oh my God, I am getting older." 

But inside, you don't feel that you have aged. Inside you feel you have not changed. This is true because there is a part of you that doesn't change at all, that doesn't die at all. 

That's another world. This world of death is where everything changes. Death means change or decay. 

From this world of decay you move into a world of immortality - Non changing, eternal when you see that
Self, that is behind this mind.

Spirit is not something that you can see, but that you have to feel deep within. That is the prana of prana. Now check your prana, the breath. 

Is it moving more through the left or right nostril? For how many of you its left? How many of you are predominantly breathing from the right? 

How many of you from both? How many of you are not raising your hands at all? (Laughter) Are you breathing?

If you are not, you wont be able to answer this question.
When you breathe through your right nostril, that's when knowledge gets in and you understand what I am saying. 

When you are breathing from your left nostril, you just listen to it like music, like a concept. You don't need to understand the concept. 

One feels like, "Okay,something is going on and its enjoyable. Its okay." See how connected it is to out neurophysiology and neuroscience. 

When the left nostril is functioning, the right brain is active, the right brain is for music. When the right nostril is functioning, the left brain is active. 

So, the right nostril is connected to the left brain activity, logic, thinking, understanding. Just put your hand underneath your nostril and blow and you can see which side the air is blowing more, on your left side or your right side. 

Once you get used to it, you can feel it just in the nostril, and you don't have to put your finger there. When the breath is equally flowing through both nostrils that is when meditation happens, prayer happens. 

Or nothing happens. (Laughter). If you happen to meet someone who is very spiritual, suddenly both nostrils will flow. 

Just check your nostrils when you come to meet a Guru or if you pass a place of worship which is really vibrant or where there is some spiritual activity.

You will find suddenly both nostrils are equally functional, and the prana is moving in the sushumna nadi.


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