Put your attention on your breath now. It is moving in which nostril? Where the breath is flowing and are you breathing in or breathing out, you know.
*Chapter 4 - The World Of Immortality*
*Day 16*
It is different from that which is known and it is also different from that which is not known. This is even more interesting. When you know this is empty, then you know that it is empty, correct?
If I say I dont know driving that means I know I dont know driving. So, what you know, you know and what you dont know that also you know. You know very well that you dont know.
It is different from that which you know and it is different from that which you dont know also. The ancient Gurus have explained to us like this, "We have heard from our ancient teachers from our tradition, it is different from that which you know, and it is different from that which you dont know also."
Now this is creating even more mystery. It is easy to believe someone who says I dont know, and easy to believe someone who says I know, but what takes you on a leap into the unknown is someone who says, "I don’t know".
Yet knows and says he knows and yet doesn't know. Its a very complex situation because when someone is saying "I dont know", you know that there is something they know.
Your inner voice your mind is saying, “No, they know something." There is something”. It doesn't latch you onto words, but it carries you on them because you are latching on to that something which is beyond words.
You have transcended. The mind is always wavering, but your connectivity has gone beyond mind. It has gone a step deeper and leapt on to an existential level.
From that connectivity you know ‘Yes, there is knowledge there’. Now one cannot say, "I dont know". You cannot say, " I dont know I am breathing". If you are on some level you are breathing, and at some level you dont know really or not.
Put your attention on your breath now. It is moving in which nostril? Where the breath is flowing and are you breathing in or breathing out, you know.
On another level your attention is not there. You are somewhere else. So you know and you dont know at the same time. You know you are alive. At the same time you have no attention on the life force energy that is in you.
This is just an example. In a similar way, a part of you deep inside there is something and you already know it. And that is what a teacher, a Master can bring it up.
So the ancient Rishis said - 'Sanskar' - there is a seed there. Already when there is a seed, you can put water, and it grows into a tree.
So, we have heard from our elders, the previous generations or from the masters and tradition that it can neither be described and at the same time it is beyond. When you say this cannot be described you are already categorizing it as indescribable.