From the known we will be stepping into a more unknown field. The world of spirits. Is there only one spirit or are there many spirits? Is this Consciousness only one or are there many?
*Chapter 6 - Experiencing Infinity*
*Day 26*
In this world of death, one who sees in every living being, every creature, every element that which is the cause of it, who can recognise the cause is permeating.
That's why this famous saying, Hate the sin, not the sinner”. It is very commonly used everywhere. Hate the sin and love the sinner (laughter).
That saying is all Upanishads. If you see a Bible many phrases in the Bible are very close to the Upanishads. But because it came through so many hands, translated into so many languages.
I think somewhere somethings are misinterpreted, but you will find this thread of the Upanishads in the Bible too. I am not a theologian. In all the scriptures of the world, example in Buddha's teachings.
Buddha has not spoken anything that is not in the Upanishads. He said the same thing that are in the Upanishads. Upanishads say everything is full, and Buddha said everything is empty. That was the language needed in that time.
Bravery is here. Bravery is not going on an air balloon around the world. What for would you do that and cause anxiety for others? You Go on this adventure, getting caught up in the storm somewhere and all the helicopter and boats rushing to rescue you.
You know that people are watching you and that they are going to help you. Okay that's good, you can do it if you don't mind. But real bravery is not in that.
Bravery is when you are able to see through the differences, the undivided consciousness. To see the infinity in the finite, to see perfection even in the most imperfect, that is bravery.
Can you see that? Do you have that eye to watch and grow into it, to see the diverse universe as a play and display of the single consciousness, a single self?
I saw in one documentary here in the U.S, they say the whole earth behaves like one organism. I think the world is indebted to these scientists in America who have made those sorts of documentaries, giving a bigger picture about our universe.
You know it opens the mind and gets youngsters to a higher level of thinking and consciousness. That's why in the veda, Rishis said there have been Rishis in the past and will be in the future, Scientists are the Rishis of this age.
These people who have given this vision of the cosmos on documentaries and have given you a vision even from outside, who say this is all made up of one stuff, they are really brave ones.
*Chapter 6 - Experiencing Infinity*
*Day 27*
Moves from the world of death to the world of immortality. Here we finish the second chapter. The third is more mystical and very interesting.
So, from the known we will be stepping into a more unknown field. The world of spirits. Is there only one spirit or are there many spirits? Is this Consciousness only one or are there many?
Question - In sleep do we still hold on to our identity?
Sri Sri - On some level