You should think that you have neither stopped doing an action, nor are you doing it. It is happening. It has stopped happening or it has started happening. He is craving something very delicate. He is removing all those unnecessary portions, and giving the final touch.


                ๐ŸŒฟChapter - 30๐ŸŒฟ
    ~ Your Nature Is Gratefulness ~

                  ๐ŸŒฑ Day - 172 ๐ŸŒฑ


Ignorance is as important as knowledge. It is ignorance that makes knowledge exist. It is ignorance that glorifies knowledge. Both knowledge and ignorance are equal for that one in the Brhama consciousness, in the highest consciousness of Unity. For a beginner, knowledge is acceptable, while ignorance is to be rejected. Knowledge is what one craves for and ignorance is what one pushes out. When you play a game, for example, knowledge of the result of the game reduced the charm in the game. If you know you are going to lose, you will not play a fair game. If you know you are going to win, you will not play a fair game, either. Isn't it? If you already know you are going to win, will you be justified playing the game? And it is the same, if you know are going to lose. So, it is best not to know the result of the game while playing it. This makes the game very joyful. In a game there is neither acceptance nor rejection. This is very subtle.

Acceptance or rejection - both create duality in a very fine manner; in the subtlest manner. So Ashtavakra says, 'Neither do I accept, not do I reject. I am abiding in my Self'. This is because when you say you are accepting something, it implies that you had rejected it and then accepted. 'I am accepting it', means it was not acceptable! You had made an effort to accept it. That which was not previously accepted, could be rejected in the future too! Do you see the subtlety of this phenomenon? When you say you have rejected or renounced something, it means you had accepted that same thing, some time before. You can only reject what you already have! Can you reject something which you have not accepted? It is not possible. This is just a game that the mind is playing - accepting and rejecting, rejecting and accepting; acquiring and renouncing. Accepting and doing an action is as ignorant as rejecting an action.

One may feel that he is the doer. And when he is not the doer and things happen, why should he do anything? Saying that you will not do something is also ignorance, because you are neither doing it nor not doing it. A non-doing also becomes a doing. Ashtavakra is touching the very refined points of consciousness here. These are the final traces in the mind. The mind may feel that it is doing an action. Or it may feel that it has stopped doing it. You should think that you have neither stopped doing an action, nor are you doing it. It is happening. It has stopped happening or it has started happening. He is craving something very delicate. He is removing all those unnecessary portions, and giving the final touch.


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