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You have done all that you had to do. Or that, you are doing all you had to do; that you can do. And that, you will do all that you need to do. It's all being done in one stroke. Wanting to do something is what pulls you out of your peace, your being. You may be resting very quietly, peacefully and joyfully. Then a thought hits you that you have to do something.


                🌿Chapter - 33🌿
           ~ Living In The Centre ~

                  🌱 Day - 193 🌱


न ते बन्धोऽस्ति मोक्षो वा कृतकृत्यः सुखं चर ॥

This word, कृतकृत्यः is so precious. There is no exact way to translate it. It doesn't mean that you don't act. When you say you have no bondage and no liberation, that does not mean that you don't do anything. When you say you are not going to change the world or the the world is not going to change, it does not mean that you do not do anything in the world - service, sharing of joy or love that you experience in your life. It does not mean that you should not do this! It does not mean you should not make people aware and teach them and help them. Otherwise, why would Ashtavakra say this? He did not have to say anything. He could have been silent. This is a golden line; a middle-line. The middle-line is always thin. The center is always a dot, an infinitely small dot. An inch this way or that and you are no longer in the center. Center is center. It is very delicate and very fine. So he tosses you from this side to that, till you can get into that very central point of the being. That is why Truth is always contradictory. Truth contains the opposite. Truth is never something that is very straightforward. It is always circular. It is complete; it is whole. कृतकृत्यः सुखं चर ॥ You act and then in, every action, be fulfilled in it. Every action is complete in itself. When an action is complete in itself, it does not drag on to the next moment. You don't keep thinking about it. You sell a papaya today, and that's it. The matter is finished! The money is in your hand. It's not that you invested it, and keep thinking about the profits. It's not something that lingers on, but something that is instantaneous. The moment you do an action, you have done it. You are happy and satisfied. You are fulfilled in that very moment. It's not that in the future this action is going to give you something. Right now at the very moment that you sow, you get the results as well. कृतकृत्यः सुखं चर ॥ One with trust will move in that way. Now! Now! Now! कृतकृत्यः सुखं चर ॥ Every moment being fulfilled and acting, being grateful. Every moment being really grateful, from the depth of your heart. Acting from there, and being satisfied and fulfilled with every action, move in this world.

कृतकृत्यः ॥ It can be explained in various ways. It's also used to Imply that you have done all that you had to do. Or that, you are doing all you had to do; that you can do. And that, you will do all that you need to do. It's all being done in one stroke. Wanting to do something is what pulls you out of your peace, your being. You may be resting very quietly, peacefully and joyfully. Then a thought hits you that you have to do something. Inertia pulls you in the other direction making you feel that you do not want to do something. It makes you feel duller. What you have to do pulls you into the future, and what you do not want to do pulls you back into the darkness of inertia.


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