When, in complete surrender, you dance or sing, forgetting yourself, endless happiness, joy and bliss can be felt, and compared with this joy, all other pleasures seem small and tasteless.

Chapter 9 - Liberation From Lust 

Day 50

Krishna was named Mohan. What does his name Manamohana Giridhadhari mean? "Manamohana" means the one who attracts the mind and can bind it completely. This is needed for a married person.

Keep on increasing your attachment and move ahead. Let attachment happen toward your unbounded self, consciousness. Be attached to greater happiness, and do not be satisfied with small things. 

This is contradictory. Sometimes we say to be satisfied and at other times we say not to be satisfied. This is very subtle. "Mohana" means the energy that attracts things to itself. 

This divine energy, the energy of knowledge, the energy of the Guru is known as "mohana". This attraction is so powerful that in comparison every other happiness seems small.

The happiness you feel in satsang, the joy of devotion, once you experience this spirit of devotion, you will not find joy in anything else. 

When, in complete surrender, you dance or sing, forgetting yourself, endless happiness, joy and bliss can be felt, and compared with this joy, all other pleasures seem small and tasteless.

When this happens, you will be natural. Naturalness will arise in you on its own. It means you do not have to put in any effort. You can do any work as easily as drinking from a glass of water. 

When this happens, your mental faculties grow stronger, and any work you do at that time will be successful. Good results will come naturally and quickly.

Some people spend five to ten years learning how to fix a television. Those with Sahaja vidyajayah, though they may not know anything but they push a few buttons here and there and the television starts working. 

It is similar with car repair. Many people get a mechanical engineering degree, and then to repair a car they simply go through a manual, and with a few screw drivers some time are able to fix a car by doing one thing or another. 

What do some drivers do? Although they may not know anything about a vehicle, if the car stops, they pull some wires here and there, and the car is fixed. 

A mechanic knows about a vehicle very well and can do the work easily. Similarly, those with Sahaja vidyajayah can easily achieve success in all their work, and life becomes smooth. 

They are able to face any difficulty with a smile, peacefully, and move ahead. The waking state is like our left hand. This means the waking state is like our left hand. It is as easily and readily available as water. 

We think that the waking state is something great, but it is not like that. The waking state is the only state available. At this moment, you are sitting here awake, or perhaps you are half awake and half-asleep or you may be dreaming, thinking about something else. 

However much you are awake now, is this life? Is life not more than this? At night, you will leave and sleep. Life is present even there. When you are dreaming, it may be a different life.

In this way, life has different compartments, but there is no contact between compartments. There are no windows, doors or any other connections. 

Somehow, you still move from one compartment to the other, though you cannot see from one to another or experience the others.


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