"This is not me and this is me". What does it mean? It means that all is only the Self; everything is the Being. You are everything and you are nothing. You say you are not this body, but is this body not you?
🌿Chapter - 27🌿
~ I Am In All These Forms ~
🌱 Day - 153 🌱
अयं सोऽहमयं नाहं विभागमिति सन्त्यज ।
सर्वमात्मेति निश्चित्य निःसंकल्पः सुखी भव ॥
When someone begins on the path, the process is to enunciate that he is not anything; that he is not the body; not the mind. That he is not anything. He is not even the sensation or the mind. Then what is he? Who is he? This is an inquiry, and this is how someone starts on the path.
But Janaka had already completed the path. Ashtavakra was putting an end to his running around and his journey. He says, "This is not me and this is me". What does it mean? It means that all is only the Self; everything is the Being. You are everything and you are nothing. You say you are not this body, but is this body not you? A totally opposite point of view. However, that makes the truth.
In one way you feel that you are not this body. It keeps changing but you are not changing. Then on the other hand, you also feel that you are the body; that you are also the world. That dog is also you and the frog, too. You should see everything in terms of the Self, i.e. all is you.
But Ashtavakra says that even this is not true. When you say, "This is me, this is me", then you will argue with someone who says, "This is not me", then you will disagree with him and say, "No, no. This is all me".
Ashtavakra does not allow you to get stuck at any point. He removed you even from there. So he leaves you in wonder and amazement.
What is the truth? First you say you are not this and then you say you are this. You go on and say that you are not even that. What are you then? This is the skill of the Master. He does not allow you to get stuck with any concept in the mind. He wipes out that concept. He applies soap in order to clean the dirt, but then he also washes off the soap. He doesn't say that he has paid so much money for the soap and detergent, and that they should stay on the cloth for some time. If it has to be washed off, why apply it at all? That is the sort of argument that he uses. This is his skill. He takes up something that is needed for you, but then he also takes up something else that is not needed.
The moment Ashtavakra says that something was needed for Janaka and he tried to take it, he just removes it.