There will be no 'I' - no ego and no desires. Along with being hollow and empty, along with this very experience, your ego will disappear. यत्त्वं पश्यसि तत्रैकस्त्वमेव प्रतिभाससे । Then, whatever and wherever you look, you look only in terms of your Self. "This is me. This is me. This is me". You will feel that all the names, forms and nodes of creation are all your own power and your own Self.
🌿Chapter - 27🌿
~ I Am In All These Forms ~
🌱 Day - 152 🌱
एकस्मिन्नव्यये शान्ते चिदाकाशेऽमले त्वयि ।
कुतो जन्म कुतः कुतोऽहंकार एव च ॥
यत्त्वं पश्यसि तत्रैकस्त्वमेव प्रतिभाससे ।
किं पृथक् भासते स्वर्णात् कटकांगदनूपुरम् ॥
अयं सोऽहमयं नाहं विभागमिति सन्त्यज ।
सर्वमात्मेति निश्चित्य निःसंकल्पः सुखी भव ॥
You come alone and you will go alone from here. You have come alone and you will depart from here all alone. And what you do in the meanwhile is your karma. You may get together with people or break away from them, but your mind is what goes with you along with all its strains, anguish,desires and problems. Your mind is indestructible; it stays with you always. It takes in all the stars, garbage and the smell. That's why it's called vasana. Vasana means the smell. You do not see the substance but you can smell it. A flower maybe far away or even hidden. You do not see it but you are aware of its fragrance. There are very tiny particles that form a deposit in the atmosphere.
In the same way, there are always tiny particles in the mind. That is what we call mind. But when you have seen this very mind, as hollow and empty, beyond all cravings and aversions,then there is no birth for you. When you have seen yourself as being everywhere and getting into that experience of 'I am this, I am this, I am this....I am in a these forms', there is no craving or aversion.
So Ashtavakra says that there is no janma; that there's no rebirth for you. There's no birth for you. And if you are born again, you are born by the Cosmic Will. There is no individual. You are born by your own will, not by your karma. This means that you will adopt the body not to undergo this roller-coaster and suffering of life, but to help everyone. If you know you are hollow and empty, you may still coma back. But you will come back not to suffer but to remove the suffering and; not to just enjoy, but to give enjoyment; not to learn and know, but to spread the light and love. Then there will be no 'I' - no ego and no desires. Along with being hollow and empty, along with this very experience, your ego will disappear. यत्त्वं पश्यसि तत्रैकस्त्वमेव प्रतिभाससे । Then, whatever and wherever you look, you look only in terms of your Self. "This is me. This is me. This is me". You will feel that all the names, forms and nodes of creation are all your own power and your own Self.