The definite knowledge that you are not the body, that you are the Self, that you are the space, that you are imperishable, untouched and untamed by the prakriti and the world around you, that the body is all hollow and empty
~ Eliminating The Cause Of Pain ~
🌀DAY - 76🌀
" तस्य हेतुरविध्या "
" Tasya heturavidyaa "
If you think these vrtittis are yours, it is ignorance. And what is the way to come out of the ignorance - a definite understanding and knowledge in the mind that the body is undergoing changes all the time; that the world is undergoing changes all the time; that the entire universe, in the form of fluids, is in a state of fluidity - it is all full of changes and is going on, on its own, according to its nature.
The definite knowledge that you are not the body, that you are the Self, that you are the space, that you are imperishable, untouched and untamed by the prakriti and the world around you, that the body is all hollow and empty, and every particle in this body is ever changing, and that the mind is ever changing is the way to get out of this cycle.