Seva is an attitude coming from the Self, of being available, of being here for everybody and everything, in all situations and circumstances.
๐ฟChapter - 28๐ฟ
~ Seva And The Art Of Enthusiasm ~
๐ฑ Day - 160 ๐ฑ
A beggar bothers you. So you throw five rupees at him and tell him to get lost. You think you have done some charity! It's not charity. You have lost five rupees and also have gained that garbage of anger and frustration in your mind; in your consciousness.
There was an instance in the life of one of Buddha's disciples. This lady started meditating at the age of ten. She got married and had a household which she managed skillfully. One day a beggar came along when her father-in-law was having his food. The dharma of a householder is that when they are having food and someone comes along, they have to share it with them. That is the dharma. But the father-in-law said he would not share his food with the beggar. He was very selfish and was against contributing anything or giving alms. When this beggar came to take food, the lady told him to please move away to the next house as the father-in-law only ate stale food. Hearing this, the man got very angry and asked how could she tell the beggar that he only ate stale food. She replied that whatever he was enjoying in the current life were the merits of the actions of his past lives. That he had not done anything meritorious in the current lifetime.
Your seva is your inner attitude and not the action that you do. There is no action which is flawless. Every action is flawed, but the actor can be flawless, the intention could be flawless and the being flawless. Seva is an attitude coming from the Self, of being available, of being here for everybody and everything, in all situations and circumstances.