Oxalis latifolia Hindi-Khatmitthi, Manipuri-Yensil, Nepali-Chari Amilo, Popular-Wood Sorrel/Garden pink-sorrel/Mexican oxalis/Broadleaf woodsorrel Oxalidaceae
Oxalis latifolia (Hindi-Khatmitthi, Manipuri-Yensil, Nepali-Chari Amilo, Popular-Wood Sorrel/Garden pink-sorrel/Mexican oxalis/Broadleaf woodsorrel)Oxalidaceae. It is a stemless herb found abundantly in agricultural fields, gardens, lawns, etc. It is found widely in Central and South America and South Asia. It is an edible herb and is reported to cure various diseases such as stomach disorders, paralysis, pains, inflammations, etc. It has antioxidant, antibacterial, anti inflammatory, anthelmintic, diuretic, stomachic, analgesic, astringent, styptic, antiscorbutic, antipyretic, antifungal, antidiabetic, insecticidal and anticancer activities. The phytoconstituents are carbohydrates, proteins, amino acis, alkaloids, saponins, phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, cardiac glycosides and phytosterols.
– Mukherjee Bk