Merremia umbellata (L.)Hallier f. This is a synonym of Camonea umbellata (L.) A.R.Simoes & Staples Family - Convolvulaceae -It is mostly found in river banks, grasslands, wasteland
๐Merremia umbellata (L.)Hallier f.
This is a synonym of Camonea umbellata (L.) A.R.Simoes & Staples
Family - Convolvulaceae
-It is mostly found in river banks, grasslands, wasteland
Medicinal uses -
๐ธ A decoction of plant is used in the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, auricular ulcers, abscesses.
๐ธ The dried powdered leaves are used epilepsy, emolient, ulcers, burns, sores & scalds.
๐ธ The seed is used as an aperient & alterative in the treatment of cutaneous diseases.
๐ธ The decoction of root is used as haematuria, poultice to swelling, purgative.
๐ธ Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity, antibacterial activity.
Sugimani Marndi
Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.
Ambika Prasad Research Foundation
Cuttack, Odisha