Justicia betonica L Family - Acanthaceae - It is a unique source of the leaves yield bluish purple dye. - The pollen & nectar glands were attracted by the bees, and the genus serves as host to many butterfly species, such as Anartia fatima.
Justicia betonica L
Family - Acanthaceae
- It is a unique source of the leaves yield bluish purple dye.
- The pollen & nectar glands were attracted by the bees, and the genus serves as host to many butterfly species, such as Anartia fatima.
Medicinal uses -
1. Antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, & antimalarial activity.
2. The inflorescence extract of this plant is given orally to treat vomiting & constipation.
3. Leaves crushed & applied as poultice on abscesses to relieve pain and swelling.
4. Leaf & flower ash internally for the treatment of cough, diarrhea & orchitis.
5. Leaves of Justicia betonica are used against HIV/AIDS.
6. Decoction of Justicia betonica leaves was used by Kipsigis people in kericho country of Kenya to cure vomiting & headache due to plasmodial infection & malarial symptoms.
7. Root infusion is taken to treat hernia, snake bite in human & cattles.
8. Root is pounded in water & taken orally to cure worm infection.
Sugimani Marndi
Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.
Ambika Prasad Research Foundation
Cuttack, Odisha