Hydrolea zeylanica (Linn.) Vahl Common name - Ballubalua Family - Hydroleaceae Found mostly in open forests, streamsides, swampy areas, pond margins.
Hydrolea zeylanica (Linn.) Vahl
Common name - Ballubalua
Family - Hydroleaceae
Found mostly in open forests, streamsides, swampy areas, pond margins.
Uses -
Young shoots are eaten as a vegetable.
Young leaves are eaten with rice in Java.
Paste of the whole plant with coconut oil is applied in minor cuts, wounds, and boils as antiseptic for quick healing.
Antioxidant activity
Antiulcer properties
In the Hazaribag district of Jharkhand, India leaves considered antiseptic. The decoction of leaves used for healing ulcers.
Liver disorders
In Southern Assam, India, leaves & twigs used for diabetes.
In Bangladesh, the pulp of plant applied as a poultice on neglected & callous ulcers, also used for pain.
Sugimani Marndi
Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.
Ambika Prasad Research Foundation
Cuttack, Odisha India