Gurudev, how to be humble yet authoritative at work?
Question - Gurudev, how to be humble yet authoritative at work?
Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar ji - That is a skill that you have to manage. You have to be humble and yet firm. It is easy to be strict and arrogant, and it is easy to be humble and weak. But humility with weakness is no good.
Strength with humility is the most appreciable quality. Arrogance with authority is very easy, but authority and humility together is something which is worth having. And that if you can manage to master, you have succeeded in life.
Similarly it’s easy to give up things in anger, and in frustration, but letting go with a fullness of contentment and happiness is a skill.
Also, did you know this, one of the rarest combinations in the human personality is the co-existence of confidence and humility. Often people who are confident are not humble and people with humility are not confident. Confidence blended with humility is most appreciated by everybody.
Question - Gurudev, How can confidence be developed in one who is humble, and humility in one who is confident?
Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar -
1. When you see your life from a bigger context of time and space, then you realize your life is nothing.
2. When you are humble, you need to see that you are unique and dear to the Divine, which brings confidence, and when you realize you are insignificant, that brings humility.
3. When you have a Guru, you cannot be arrogant. Your Guru gives you confidence and also brings humility in you. The weakness in humility, and the arrogance in confidence are removed. You are left with confidence and humility!