Cleome speciosa Hindi-Suryakanta,Kannada-Kanchuwaala,Bengali-Vonmukut,Popular-Showy Spider Flower/Whiskered Spider Flower/Volantines Preciosos Cleomaceae.Syn-C.speciosisima,Gynandropsis speciosa
Cleome speciosa (Hindi-Suryakanta,Kannada-Kanchuwaala,Bengali-Vonmukut,Popular-Showy Spider Flower/Whiskered Spider Flower/Volantines Preciosos)Cleomaceae.Syn-C.speciosisima,Gynandropsis speciosa.It is a herbaceous plant with larger showy flowers..It was introduced as an ornamental plant and can be seen growing wild.It is an annual herb growing upto 1.5 m with hairless stems and leaves.Leaves are alternately arranged,elliptic leaflets are 2-16 cm long.It can flower anytime.Flowers are many,borne with an erect showy raceme at the end of the stem.It is native to Tropical America.It is sometimes harvested from the wild for its edible leaves.Leaves are cooked and eaten as a spinach.
– Mukherjee Bk