Cleome rutidosperma DC Family - Cleomaceae Common name - Fringed spider flower
Cleome rutidosperma DC
Family - Cleomaceae
Common name - Fringed spider flower
➡️ It is mainly found in humid areas, moist area, waste grounds.
➡️ It has trifoliate leaves, and small blue, violet with whitish patches flower, which turns pink as they age.
Medicinal uses -
ЁЯМ╕ Leaf sap is applied for earache, ear-inflammation.
ЁЯМ╕ In South Nigeria a leaf extract is used to treat irritated skin, prickly heat, convulsions.
ЁЯМ╕ In Zaire, Cleome rutidosperma is used for deafness.
ЁЯМ╕ The root were used as hypoglycemic effect and anthelmintic activity.
ЁЯМ╕ Anti-oxidant, anti-plasmodial, analgesic, locomotory, anti-microbial, diuretic, laxative, anthelmintic and anti-diabetic activity.
Sugimani Marndi
Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.
Ambika Prasad Research Foundation
Cuttack, Odisha