Ashtavakra says, 'You are Self. You are Atma. You are part of God. You are Divinity. Why are you going like a beggar here and there asking for blessings and grace, and this and that?' What do you want? A slap? Just sit and know. Close your eyes. See you are Divine. You are part of me and I am part of you, this is enough.'


                🌿Chapter - 27🌿
       ~ I Am In All These Forms ~

                  🌱 Day - 158 🌱


This is really confusing. This does not mean that you should be arrogant or disrespect people, and not to bow down. This means not to be swayed away from your center by anyone. That's why the Master or Guru says not to ever look for salvation anywhere else. Because the Master is building you up. He is building you up to that level of Being. He is you and you are Him. The Master will build you up to that level. But if you are searching here and there, for this and that saint you will get very confused. You will start comparing them. You will feel this Guru is better or that Master was better. You will feel that you are nothing compared to them. And wonder how you will ever become like them. Often Masters tell followers not to go anywhere else. This is not out of any ill-will or jealousy. It is not that they do not want them to be friendly or devoted to everybody. It is only because they see that your mind is trying to find an escape. It does not want to rise to the level to which the Master is trying to pull them up.

Ashtavakra says, 'You are Self. You are Atma. You are part of God. You are Divinity. Why are you going like a beggar here and there asking for blessings and grace, and this and that?' What do you want? A slap? Just sit and know. Close your eyes. See you are Divine. You are part of me and I am part of you, this is enough.' 

Arrest this tendency in the mind to go all over the place. Only then, can this supreme knowledge dawn in you. Then alone can that inseparable feeling with the Master, with the Divinity, with the Creation, dawn in you. This does not mean that you should be arrogant. Many people have misinterpreted and misunderstood this principle of the teaching. It does not mean that you should not be humble when you meet somebody. It does not mean that you should be arrogant.

It is not about one being less than the other. There is no question of being bigger than you, equal or less than you because 'I am you'. This is a big difference! Ego says 'I' am higher or lower or equal to you.

Once I was in San Francisco. A psychologist who wanted to do the course came and asked me if I would treat him as my equal. I said, that I would not treat him as an equal because he could not be. He was trained to always equalize. He was comparing. He was trying to be higher, lower or equal. It means the same thing. You are not being 'one'. You are not uniting yourself. Then you are in this constant grip of being equal, because you do not feel equal inside. You feel you are lower. It is not a matter of treating, but one of feeling. If you visit another saint, you should be humble and meet him with love. You should see him in terms of yourself. You should not ask for something or beg for favours. You have been given the highest blessing; the most precious knowledge on this planet. You are a Divine Self. You are part of the Self. Walk with that confidence. It's not arrogance. It is love. त्वत्तोऽन्यो नास्ति संसारी । If someone says that you are worldly and family people, and that he has no family, it is the highest stupidity. There are no worldly people other than you. That's why you are in the world. Maybe you have long hair or have shaved your head, but you're in the world. Whether you walk around in a loin cloth or wear a suit, you are in the world and that is enough for you to be worldly. You eat food and breath air, and that is enough for you to be worldly. You are a worldly person, and you are unworldly, too. You are part of the Divine. Drop these divisions from your mind. Drop these divisions from your mind.


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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.

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