Ashtavakra says that the grateful are the fortunate ones. When you feel so grateful, who are you grateful to? We can't take everything for granted. If you start taking things for granted, gratefulness wil die in us. To be grateful. That is our very nature.
🌿Chapter - 30🌿
~ Your Nature Is Gratefulness ~
🌱 Day - 176 🌱
Millions of people are born in this world. They live and die. And what do they do all along? Everyone has come into the world crying and crying. All along they cry for this or that. They will live feeling that something is right and something is not right; that something is good and something is not good. They will want something and not want something else. They live in the limited spheres of likes and dislikes, love and hate. Only a few brave ones can know that they are beyond all these small things. That they are much deeper in their very nature - like an ocean. In the ocean, there are so many things. Oil is there,pearls are there,fish is there, sand is there... and what not? Everything is present there. In the same way, all is present in life and in time. It's up to you to take what you can extract. You can be happy with handful of sand in your hand or you can hold pearls. It is up to you to pick up from life and time what it gives you.
Don't hold anyone else responsible. This is very sneaky. We think somebody else is responsible for our misery, our problems and all our joys and sorrows. No one other than you is responsible. This is the very first step to take. And feel grateful. Ashtavakra says that the grateful are the fortunate ones. When you feel so grateful, who are you grateful to? This is secondary. Ashtavakra says that the grateful are the fortunate ones. When you feel so grateful, who are you grateful to?. If you are grateful to your tailor for stitching your clothes, especially in India. If you get it on time and it fits, you should be really grateful! Sometimes they lose the concept of age and go beyond time. They may stitch a size smaller. It would have fitted you when you were a teenager! Some people have had this experience here. They had a shirt stitched, and it was stitched so that it would only fit a fifteen-year-old boy.
Be grateful for everything. Gratitude has to come up in us. If you hire a rickshaw (taxi) in the city,you will know. You will be so grateful to reach home! We take things for granted in our lives. But here in India, you are reminded of them often. If the electricity is there all day, you must be grateful! This teaches you a big lesson of gratefulness. If the trains move on time, you will be grateful. If it rains, everyone should be grateful. People wait and pray for rain. I don't think we do it anywhere else. In the middle of October, people decorate their vehicles with flowers. The drivers will hardly be able to see the road through the flowers on the windshield (they rarely see it otherwise anyway!). People will prostrate and bow down in front of their lorries, trucks, and other vehicles. This is a day for showing gratitude to the vehicles. It is a lot of fun to go out in the streets on that day in the middle of October. Even little bicycles will be decorated with garlands and sandal paste. All machinery will be worshipped e.g. knives, cutters, grinding machines and washing machines.
We can't take everything for granted. If you start taking things for granted, gratefulness wil die in us. To be grateful. That is our very nature.