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You cry and start laughing. You laugh and then start crying. They're two sides of the same thing, of the same phenomenon.


                🌿Chapter - 15🌿
           ~ Dissolving The Doer ~

                   🌱 Day - 83 🌱


समदुःखसुखः पूर्ण आशानैराश्ययोः समः ।
समजीवितमृत्युः सन्नेवमेव लयं व्रज ॥

And he says, 'what are your joys, sorrows, desires, dejections... They are just sensations. You cry and start laughing. You laugh and then start crying. They're two sides of the same thing, of the same phenomenon. Whenever you get in touch with the very fragile nature inside you, you start crying either out of sorrow, or out of love or out of joy. So whatever the case, just observe what is happening to you. You have come in touch with your very fragile aspect, deep inside you.  

Krishna said that four types of people take refuge in him.

First are sad and unhappy people. They come to take refuge in him because they find no light anywhere. They find everything is blocked. They see only darkness and a wall whichever direction they turn. Such people, completely desperate, disappointed in life, frustrated, with heavy hearted sorrow, come and take refuge in him.

Then there are people who want to gain something in life. They want more joy, more fun, more party, or more enjoyment. They know it is all available around Divinity. Divinity is not the cause. People go to temple or churches not only to worship God, but to get more marks in their examinations, a better profession, a good life partner, to earn more wealth, to get something more or to find a meaning. This is the second type of people who take refuge in him.

People who want to know about life, who want to know more about themselves, who have gone through life with all its ups and downs, and haven't found any meaning there, who are amazed by the phenomenon that is life, and who want to know more about existence, and Divinity. People seeking knowledge take refuge in him.

The fourth type of people, are those who are already knowledgeable and wise men. People who have established themselves in Him also take refuge in Him. ज्ञानी, one who knows himself. Krishna said all are wonderful. But, He said there was no difference between the enlightened and Him because the enlightened are not away from Him, even for a moment, and He was not away from them. There was no two. Everyone was dear to Him, but the knowledgeable one was Him only. The enlightened was Him not separate.


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