When you are hollow and empty, and they are hollow and empty, where's the question to hate somebody? There's nothing to hate
🌿Chapter - 14🌿
~ Drop All Conflict ~
🌱 Day - 72 🌱
अन्तस्त्यक्तकषायस्य निर्द्वन्द्वस्य निराशिषः । It is very easy to let go of outside things. You can drop them. You can get away from people and your surroundings, but becoming hollow, empty, and free from inside, निर्द्वन्द्वस्य , having no conflict inside is difficult. Your mind undergoes conflict at every step. The mind tried to keep its identity, respect, prestige, and it wants to dive into love. There is a conflict between love and respect, intimacy and fight, renunciation, wanting and not wanting, ideas, concepts, good, bad, right and wrong. All these arise in you opposing each other, and creating a conflict inside you. Becoming hollow and empty, the mind becomes free and drops all conflicts, taking whatever comes with both arms. Pleasant things cause pain and unpleasant things also cause pain. Not only do the people whom you hate bother you, but even the people you love bother you! So botheration is there, anyway. Don't try to hate the person you love, or love the person whom you hate. All the philosophies and religions teach try to love the person you hate. I'm not saying that you should not to try to love the person. If hate is there, it's there. Detach it from the person. Observe it, and what is happening inside you. There's no reason to hate. When you are hollow and empty, and they are hollow and empty, where's the question to hate somebody? There's nothing to hate. यदृच्छयागतो भोगो न दुःखाय न तुष्टये । There are people who avoid enjoyment, and they think they are highly evolved. To them evolution means not enjoying, not having good food. So they are constantly afraid of those things that give enjoyment. This is all a disease of a mind! You'll become obsessed with such diseases. To one who has made himself hollow and empty, devoid of all conflicts, devoid of all hankerings, none of these worldly things will either please or bring sorrow. If something can bring you great pleasure, it can also bring you pain. He does not avoid pleasure but he'll derive great sorrow or pleasure from it. He takes things as they come, with a sense of gratitude, a sense of seeing Divinity in them all.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji