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When you are amazed, then you are not trying to grab it. When you are not trying to grab it, there is no frustration. In the world you always had a habit of grabbing. You wanted money, you wanted fame, you tried to grab everything in the relative world

🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷
       Chapter 3

       The grace of the divine

      🌻 Day 17 🌻

श्रवणयापि बहुभिर्यो न लभ्यः
श्रृण्वन्तोऽपि बहवो यं न विद्युः ।
आश्र्चर्यो वक्ता कुशलोऽस्य
लब्धा आश्र्चर्यो ज्ञाता कुशलानुशिष्टः ॥

Just wake up and see there are millions of people even in this city. Among those millions, only a few get a chance to hear about this. A few walk on the spiritual path. Among the few who hear, only a few really grasp. It is a wonder how some people can speak about it with skill. It is such an abstract thing; some skill is needed to talk about it. And that’s wonder how some people are able to express it. It’s a skill and it is even a greater wonder – how some people are skilfully able to imbibe it!

Lord Krishna said in the Gita, “Among millions of people, only a few will walk on the spiritual path. Among those who walk, only a few will know me.”

Few are those who really reach the goal, who understand this and it is a wonder in itself. You are not going to get it just by listening to a lot of talks, reading books or doing practices. 

Now this can cause frustration. What do we do? “I listen, I read, I do all this. I don’t get it?” No way! The hurry to get it becomes an impediment in itself. Relax. It’s the ego that wants to capture, which wants to get it now. Neither the intellect nor the ego can capture it, nor your efforts. There is such amazement in it. The more you look into it, more you are stunned and that amazement is the basis. When amazement dawns in you, there is no frustration. When there is frustration there is no amazement. When you are amazed, then you are not trying to grab it. When you are not trying to grab it, there is no frustration. In the world you always had a habit of grabbing. You wanted money, you wanted fame, you tried to grab everything in the relative world. Even by grabbing, you hardly get anything. Everything disappears, it leaks out of your fingers. But here on this path, when you cannot do anything, you are in amazement, “Wow!” And in that “Wow”, there is no frustration.


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