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When you are alive, you are pure. When you do Kriya, you might have experienced a feeling of cleansing; a feeling of purity. This is because every cell in your body has become so alive! So, you feel very pure.


                🌿Chapter - 19🌿
    ~ Without You Where Will I Be? ~

                  🌱 Day - 107 🌱


त्वमेकश्चेतनः शुद्धो जडं विश्वमसत्तथा ।
अविद्यापि न किञ्चित सा का बुभुत्सा तथापि ते ॥
राज्यं सुताः कलत्राणि शरीराणि सुखानि च ।
संसक्तस्यापि नष्टानि तव जन्मनि जन्मनि ॥
अलमर्थेन कामेन सुकृतेनापि कर्मणा ।
एभ्यः संसारकान्तारे न विश्रान्तमभून्मनः ॥
कृतं न कति जन्मानि कायेन मनसा गिरा ।
दुःखमायासदं कर्म तदद्याप्युपरम्यताम् ॥

Here, Ashtavakra talks about the nature of purity and impurity. He says the life is purity, and inertia is impurity and impermanence. Whatever is inert, is impure. And whatever is dynamic or active, is pure. When you are dull, you are impure. When you are alive, you are pure. When you do Kriya, you might have experienced a feeling of cleansing; a feeling of purity. This is because every cell in your body has become so alive! So, you feel very pure. A feeling of impurity arises because of inertia and sleepiness. After doing Kriya, every cell becomes alive. Even after meditation, every cell is alive. In pranayama, too, every cell becomes alive. Then along with this, there is a feeling of being purified. Consciousness is pure.

Ashtavakra says that there is nothing in all your hankering and concerns. Your concerns are nothing, because everything is changing! How can you hold anything if everything is changing? Everything is like a river. All the events are ever flowing. People come and go. The world changes. Everything in the entire world is moving except you! What is it you are trying to hold on to?

Ashtavakra told Janaka enough was enough! He needed to realize that he had come to this planet in so many lives; and how many times he had been a king; how many people he had made love to; how many wives, lovers and children he had had. How many times he had gone through all these experiences.

Ashtavakra asked Janaka to wake up and realize! Janaka had done the same things over and over again in so many lifetimes, and had gone through the same experiences.

You may like ice cream. You may have eaten it. Just remember how many times you have eaten ice cream. Remember and recollect your experiences of eating it. How you felt before, during and after eating it. Similarly, recollect all your experiences and how you felt. How you felt before a desire was fulfilled - feverishness; while you had the desire - discomfort; if it had been fulfilled - whatever joy you felt. After the desire was gone, there is inertia.


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