Question - Gurudev, what is your message for Janmashtami?
Gurudev Sri Sri - Janmashtami is the day when we celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna signifies bliss, pure happiness. We express any happiness by celebration. So Janmashtami is celebrating the birth of bliss. It is the day when that (divine) joy became manifest. Actually, it is not right to use the word ‘birth’ here. Lord Krishna was never born. That divine joy was always present, but it is on this day that it became manifest and evident (in the form of Lord Krishna). So where should you look for Lord Krishna? Everywhere. Lord Krishna says - ‘One who sees me everywhere, in everyone, and sees everyone in me is truly intelligent’. Now, no one wants to be foolish in this world. Everyone wants to be intelligent. So, one who recognises the Parmatma (Supreme soul or all-pervading one Consciousness) as that anand tattva (the element of bliss) that is manifest throughout creation is truly intelligent. Everything has emerged from that anand tattva. This is the special message of Janmashtami. What does one need for this? You need to be innocent at heart, you should have that child-like innocence. It is said - ‘Bhole bhaav miley raghurai’ (One attains the Lord through the innocence and purity of feelings)